Job 33:27-28

looketh, etc. or, shall look upon men, and say, I havesinned, etc.

Ge 16:13; 2Ch 16:9; Ps 11:4; 14:2; 139:1-4; Pr 5:21; 15:3; Jer 23:24


7:20; Nu 12:11; 2Sa 12:13; Pr 28:13; Jer 3:13; 31:18,19

Lu 15:18-22; 18:13; 1Jo 1:8-10


Ec 5:8


Ps 19:7,8; 119:128; Ro 7:12-14,16,22

it profited.

34:9; Jer 2:8; Mt 16:26; Ro 6:21

will deliver, etc. or, hath delivered my soul, etc. and mylife.

18,24; 17:16; Ps 55:23; 69:15; Isa 38:17,18; Re 20:1-3


20,22; 3:9,16,20; Ps 49:19; Isa 9:2; Joh 11:9

Psalms 102:19-20

For he.

14:2; 33:13,14; De 26:15; 1Ki 8:39,43; 2Ch 16:9

the height.

Job 22:12; Heb 8:1,2; 9:23,24

To hear.

79:11; 146:7; Ex 2:23-25; 3:7; 2Ki 13:4,22,23; Job 24:12; Isa 14:17

Isa 61:1-3; Jer 51:34,35; Zec 9:9-12

to loose.

2Ch 33:11-13; Jer 51:32-34; Ac 12:6-11

those that are appointed to. Heb. the children of.

Eph 2:2,3

Isaiah 57:15-18

the high.

6:1; Ps 83:18; 97:9; 138:6; Da 4:17,24,25,34

that inhabiteth.

40:28; Ge 21:33; De 33:27; Ps 90:2; 93:2; Pr 8:23; Jer 10:10

Mic 5:2; Ro 1:20; 1Ti 1:17; Heb 9:14


6:3; Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2; Job 6:10; Ps 99:3; 111:9; Lu 1:49; Ac 3:14

Re 3:7; 4:8; 15:4

I dwell.

66:1; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 68:4,5; 113:4-6; 115:3; 123:1; Zec 2:13; Mt 6:9

1Ti 6:16


66:1,2; 2Ch 33:12,13; 34:27; Ps 34:18; 51:17; 138:6; Eze 9:4; 16:63

Mt 5:3,4; Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5

to revive the spirit.

61:1-3; Ps 147:3; Mt 5:4; Lu 4:18; 15:20-24; 2Co 1:4; 2:7; 7:6

I will not.

Ps 78:38,39; 85:5; 103:9-16; Jer 10:24; Mic 7:18

the souls.

42:5; Nu 16:22; Job 34:14,15; Ec 12:7; Jer 38:16; Zec 12:1

Heb 12:9

the iniquity.

5:8,9; 56:11; Jer 6:13; 8:10; 22:17; Eze 33:31; Mic 2:2,3; Lu 12:15

Eph 5:3-5; Col 3:5; 1Ti 6:9; 2Pe 2:3,14

I hid.

8:17; 45:15

and he.

9:13; Jer 2:30; 5:3; Lu 15:14-16

frowardly. Heb. turning away. in the.

Ec 6:9


1:18; 43:24,25; 48:8-11; Jer 31:18-20; Eze 16:60-63; 36:22-38

Lu 15:20; Ro 5:20

will heal.

Jer 3:22; 31:3; 33:6; Ho 14:4-8

will lead.

49:10; Ps 23:2; Re 7:17


15; 12:1; 61:2,3; 66:10-13; Ps 51:12

to his.

Jer 13:17; Ec 9:4

Hosea 5:15


6; Ex 25:21,22; 1Ki 8:10-13; Ps 132:14; Isa 26:21; Eze 8:6; 10:4

Eze 11:23; Mic 1:3


14:1-3; Le 26:40-42; De 4:29-31; 30:1-3; 1Ki 8:47,48; 2Ch 6:36,37

2Ch 7:14; Ne 1:8,9; Job 33:27; Isa 64:5-9; Jer 3:13; 29:12-14

Jer 31:18-20; Eze 6:9; 20:43; 36:31; Da 9:4-12

acknowledge their offence. Heb. be guilty. in their.

Jud 4:3; 6:6,7; 10:10-16; 2Ch 33:12,13; Job 27:8-10; Ps 50:15; 78:34

Ps 83:16; Pr 1:27,28; 8:17; Isa 26:9,16; Jer 2:27; Zep 2:1-3

Lu 13:25

Hosea 6:1-2

1 Exhortations to repent and hope in God.

4 A lamentation over those who had sinned after conviction.

5 Reproofs of obstinate sinners, and threatenings against them.

and let.

5:15; 14:1; Isa 2:3; 55:7; Jer 3:22; 50:4; La 3:40,41; Zep 2:1

he hath torn.

5:12-14; 13:7-9; De 32:39; 1Sa 2:6; Job 5:18; 34:29; Ps 30:7

Isa 30:22; Jer 30:12; 33:5; La 3:32,33


13:14; 2Ki 20:5; Ps 30:4; Isa 26:19; Eze 37:11-13; 1Co 15:4


Ge 17:18; Ps 61:7; Joh 14:19; Ro 14:8

Luke 15:20


De 30:2-4; Job 33:27,28; Ps 86:5,15; 103:10-13; Isa 49:15; 55:6-9

Isa 57:18; Jer 31:20; Eze 16:6-8; Ho 11:8; Mic 7:18,19; Ac 2:39

Eph 2:13,17

and fell.

Ge 33:4; 45:14; 46:29; Ac 20:37
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