Job 39:5-7

the wild.

6:5; 11:12; 24:5; Ge 16:12; Ps 104:11; Isa 32:14; Jer 2:24; 14:6

Da 5:21; Ho 8:9

who hath loosed.

Ge 49:14

barren land. Heb. salt places.

De 29:23; Ps 107:34; Jer 17:6; Eze 47:11


18; 3:18; Isa 31:4

driver. Heb. exactor.

Ex 5:13-16,18; Isa 58:3

Jeremiah 2:24

A wild ass. or, O wild ass, etc.

14:6; Job 11:12; 39:5-8

used. Heb. taught. her pleasure. Heb. the desire of herheart. turn her away. or, reverse it. in her mouth.

27; Ho 5:15

Hosea 8:9


5:13; 7:11; 2Ki 15:19; Eze 23:5-9

a wild.

Job 39:5-8; Jer 2:24


2:5-7,10; 12:1; Isa 30:6; Eze 16:33,34

lovers. Heb. loves.
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