Job 4:7

who ever.

9:22,23; Ps 37:25; Ec 7:15; 9:1,2; Ac 28:4; 2Pe 2:9

Job 8:3-4


4:17; 9:2; 10:3; 19:7; 34:5,12,17-19; 40:8; Ge 18:25; De 32:4

2Ch 19:7; Eze 18:25; 33:17,20; Ps 89:14; Da 9:14; Ro 2:5; 3:4-6


21:15,20; 34:10-12; 35:13; 40:2; Ps 99:4; Re 15:3; 16:7

he have cast.

1:5,18,19; 5:4; 18:16-19; Ge 13:13; 19:13-25

for their transgression. Heb. in the hand of theirtransgression.

Job 15:5-6

uttereth. Heb. teacheth.

9:22-24; 12:6; Mr 7:21,22; Lu 6:45; Jas 1:26

thou choosest.

Ps 50:19,20; 52:2-4; 64:3; 120:2,3; Jer 9:3-5,8; Jas 3:5-8

own mouth.

9:20; Ps 64:8; Mt 12:37; 26:65; Lu 19:22

thine own.

33:8-12; 34:5-9; 35:2,3; 40:8; 42:3

Job 20:18-19

shall he restore.



5; Pr 1:12; Jer 51:34,44; La 2:16; Ho 8:7,8; Am 8:4; Mt 23:14,24

his substance. Heb. the substance of his exchange. and heshall.

31:25,29; Isa 24:7-11; Jer 11:15,16; 22:13,17; Eze 7:12; Ho 9:1

Jas 4:8,9


21:27,28; 22:6; 24:2-12; 31:13-22,38,39; 35:9; 1Sa 12:3,4; Ps 10:18

Ps 12:5; Pr 14:31; 22:22,23; Ec 4:1; 5:8; Eze 22:29; Am 4:1-3

Jas 2:6,13; 5:4

oppressed. Heb. crushed.

De 28:33; La 3:34

he hath violently.

18:15; 24:2; 1Ki 21:19; Isa 5:7,8; Mic 2:2,9

Job 21:27-28

I know.

4:8-11; 5:3-5; 8:3-6; 15:20-35; 20:5,29; Lu 5:22

ye wrongfully.

32:3; 42:7; Ps 59:4; 119:86; 1Pe 2:19


20:7; Ps 37:36; 52:5,6; Hab 2:9-11; Zec 5:4

dwelling places. Heb. tent of the tabernacles.

Nu 16:26-34

Luke 13:1-5

1 Christ preaches repentance upon the punishment of the Galilaeans and others.

6 The fruitless fig-tree may not stand.

10 He heals the crooked woman;

18 shows the powerful working of the word in the hearts of his chosen, by the parable of the grain of mustard seed, and of leaven;

22 exhorts to enter in at the strait gate;

31 and reproves Herod and Jerusalem.

the Galilaeans.The Galilaeans are frequently mentioned by Josephus as the most turbulent and seditious people, being upon all occasions ready to disturb the Roman authority. It is uncertain to what event our Lord refers; but is probable that they were the followers of Judas Gaulonitis, who opposed paying tribute to Caesar and submitting to the Roman government. A party of them coming to Jerusalem during one of the great festivals, and presenting their oblations in the court of the temple, Pilate treacherously sent a company of soldiers, who slew them, and "mingled their blood with their sacrifices."

Ac 5:37


La 2:20; Eze 9:5-7; 1Pe 4:17,18


4; Job 22:5-16; Joh 9:2; Ac 28:4


5; 24:47; Mt 3:2,10-12; Ac 2:38-40; 3:19; Re 2:21,22

ye shall.

19:42-44; 21:22-24; 23:28-30; Mt 12:45; 22:7; 23:35-38; 24:21-29

in Siloam.

Ne 3:15; Joh 9:7,11


1Ki 20:30; Job 1:19

sinners. or, debtors.

7:41,42; 11:4; Mt 6:12; 18:24


3; Isa 28:10-13; Eze 18:30
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