Job 4:7-11

who ever.

9:22,23; Ps 37:25; Ec 7:15; 9:1,2; Ac 28:4; 2Pe 2:9

they that plow.

Ps 7:14-16; Pr 22:8; Jer 4:18; Ho 8:7; 10:12,13; 2Co 9:6; Ga 6:7,8

the blast.

Ex 15:8,10; 2Ki 19:7; Ps 18:15

by the breath of his nostrils. that is, by his anger.

1:19; 15:30; Isa 11:4; 30:33; 2Th 2:8; Re 2:16

the teeth.

29:17; Ps 3:7; 57:4; 58:6; Pr 30:14

old lion.

38:39; Ge 49:9; Nu 23:24; 24:9; Ps 7:2; Jer 4:7; Ho 11:10; 2Ti 4:17


Ps 34:10

the stout.

1:19; 8:3,4; 27:14,15

Job 11:14


4:7; 22:5; Isa 1:15

put it far.

22:23; 34:32; Eze 18:30,31; Jas 4:8

let not.

Ps 101:2; Zec 5:3,4

Job 15:5-6

uttereth. Heb. teacheth.

9:22-24; 12:6; Mr 7:21,22; Lu 6:45; Jas 1:26

thou choosest.

Ps 50:19,20; 52:2-4; 64:3; 120:2,3; Jer 9:3-5,8; Jas 3:5-8

own mouth.

9:20; Ps 64:8; Mt 12:37; 26:65; Lu 19:22

thine own.

33:8-12; 34:5-9; 35:2,3; 40:8; 42:3

Job 15:31-34

not him.

12:16; Isa 44:20; Ga 6:3,7; Eph 5:6


Ps 62:10; Isa 59:4; Jon 2:8

for vanity.

4:8; Pr 22:8; Isa 17:10,11; Ho 8:7; Ga 6:8

accomplished. or, cut off.

22:16; Ps 55:23; Ec 7:17

and his branch.

8:16-19; 14:7-9; 18:16,17; Ps 52:5-8; Isa 27:11; Eze 17:8-10

Ho 9:16; 14:5-7; Joh 15:6

shake off.

Isa 33:9; Re 6:13


De 28:39,40

the congregation.

8:13; 20:1; 27:8; 36:13; Isa 33:14,15; Mt 24:51

the tabernacles.

11:14; 12:6; 22:5-9; 29:12-17; 1Sa 8:3; 12:3; Mic 7:2; Am 5:11,12

Job 21:27

I know.

4:8-11; 5:3-5; 8:3-6; 15:20-35; 20:5,29; Lu 5:22

ye wrongfully.

32:3; 42:7; Ps 59:4; 119:86; 1Pe 2:19

Job 32:3


1; 24:25; 25:2-6; 26:2-4

and yet.

8:6; 15:34; 22:5-30; Ac 24:5,13
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