Job 4:8

they that plow.

Ps 7:14-16; Pr 22:8; Jer 4:18; Ho 8:7; 10:12,13; 2Co 9:6; Ga 6:7,8

Isaiah 18:5-6

17:11; So 2:13,15; Eze 17:6-10

14:19; 34:1-7; Jer 7:33; 15:3; Eze 32:4-6; 39:17-20; Re 19:17,18

Jeremiah 5:31


14:14; 23:25,26; La 2:14; Eze 13:6; Mic 3:11; Mt 7:15-17

2Co 11:13-15; 2Pe 2:1,2

bear rule. or, take into their hands. my people.

Isa 30:10,11; Mic 2:6,11; Joh 3:19-21; 2Th 2:9-11; 2Ti 4:3,4

and what.

4:30,31; 22:22,23; De 32:29; Isa 10:3; 20:6; 33:14; La 1:9; Eze 22:14

Zep 2:2,3

Hosea 8:7


10:12; Job 4:8; Pr 22:8; Ec 5:16; Ga 6:7

it hath.

Isa 17:11; Jer 12:13

stalk. or, standing corn. the strangers.

7:9; De 28:33; Jud 6:3-6; 2Ki 13:3-7; 15:19,29

Hosea 9:1-4

1 The distress and captivity of Israel for their sins.


10:5; Isa 17:11; 22:12; La 4:21; Eze 21:10; Am 6:6,7,13; 8:10

Jas 4:16; 5:1


Eze 16:47,48; 20:32; Am 3:2


4:12; 5:4,7

thou hast loved.

2:12; Jer 44:17

upon. or, in, etc.


2:9,12; Isa 24:7-12; Joe 1:3-7,9-13; Am 4:6-9,5-11; Mic 6:13-16

Hag 1:9; 2:16

winepress. or, winefat.

shall not.

Le 18:28; 20:22; De 4:26; 28:63; Jos 23:15; 1Ki 9:7; Mic 2:10

the Lord's.

Le 25:23; Jer 2:7; 16:18


6; 8:13; 11:5; De 28:68; Isa 11:15,16

"Not into Egypt itself, but into another bondage as bad asthat." and.

Eze 4:13; Da 1:8; Ac 10:14

in Assyria.

11:11; 2Ki 17:6

shall not.

3:4; Joe 1:13; 2:14


8:13; Isa 1:11-15; 57:6; 66:3; Jer 6:20; Am 4:4,5; 5:22; Mal 1:9,10


Nu 19:11; De 26:14; Ne 8:9-12; Eze 24:17,22; Mal 2:13

their bread.

Ex 40:23; Le 17:11; 21:6,8,17,21; Nu 4:7; 28:2; Am 8:11,12; Joh 6:51

Hosea 9:16

their root.

11-13; Job 18:16; Isa 5:24; 40:24; Mal 4:1

the beloved fruit. Heb. the desires.

Eze 24:21

Hosea 10:12-15


8:7; Ps 126:5,6; Pr 11:18; 18:21; Ec 11:6; Isa 32:20; Jas 3:18


Jer 4:3,4


Ps 105:4; Isa 31:1; 55:6; Jer 29:12-14; 50:4; Am 5:4,6,8,15

Zep 2:1-3; Lu 13:24


6:3; Ps 72:6; Isa 5:6; 30:23; 44:3; 45:8; Eze 34:26; Ac 2:18

1Co 3:6,7


8:7; Job 4:8; Pr 22:8; Ga 6:7,8


Pr 1:31; 12:19; 18:20,21; 19:5


Ps 52:7; 62:10

in the.

Ps 33:16; Ec 9:11

shall a.

13:16; Isa 22:1-4; 33:14; Am 3:8; 9:5

and all.

2Ki 17:16; 18:9,10; Jer 48:41; Na 3:12; Hab 1:10


2Ki 18:33; 19:11-13

the mother.

13:16; Ge 32:11; Isa 13:16-18; Jer 13:14; Na 3:10

shall Beth-el.

5; Am 7:9-17

your great wickedness. Heb. the evil of your evil.

Ro 7:13


3,7; Isa 16:14

Joel 1:5-12


Isa 24:7-11; Am 6:3-7; Lu 21:34-36; Ro 13:11-14


11,13; Jer 4:8; Eze 30:2; Jas 5:1


Isa 32:10-12; Lu 16:19,23-25


2:2-11,25; Pr 30:25-27


Ps 107:34; Isa 8:8; 32:13; Ho 9:3


Pr 30:14; Re 9:7-10


12; Ex 10:15; Ps 105:33; Isa 5:6; 24:7; Jer 8:13; Ho 2:12; Hab 3:17

barked my fig-tree. Heb. laid my fig-tree for a barking.


13-15; 2:12-14; Isa 22:12; 24:7-12; 32:11; Jer 9:17-19; Jas 4:8,9

Jas 5:1

the husband.

Pr 2:17; Jer 3:4; Mal 2:15


13,16; 2:14; Ho 9:4

the priests.

2:17; La 1:4,16

the Lord's.

Ex 28:1; 2Ch 13:10; Isa 61:6


17-20; Le 26:20; Isa 24:3,4; Jer 12:4,11; 14:2-6; Ho 4:3

the new.

5,12; Isa 24:11; Jer 48:33; Ho 9:2; Hag 1:11

dried up. or, ashamed.


Jer 14:3,4; Ro 5:5


Isa 17:11; Jer 9:12

The vine.Dr. Shaw observes, that in Barbary, in the month of June the locusts are no sooner hatched than they collect themselves into compact bodies, each a "furlong or more square; and marching directly after they are come to life, make their way towards the sea and let nothing escape them, eating up everything that is green or juicy; not only the lesser vegetables, but the vine likewise, the fig-tree, the pomegranate, the palm, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field."

10; Hab 3:17,18

the pomegranate.

Nu 13:23; Ps 92:12; So 2:3; 4:13; 7:7-9


16; Ps 4:7; Isa 9:3; 16:10; 24:11; Jer 48:3; Ho 9:1,2
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