Job 6:2


4:5; 23:2

laid. Heb. lifted up.

Job 10:1

1 Job, taking liberty of complaint, expostulates with God about his afflictions.

18 He complains of life, and craves a little ease before death.

My soul.

3:20-23; 6:8,9; 5:15,16,20; 9:21; 14:13; Nu 11:15; 1Ki 19:4

Jon 4:3,8

is weary of my life. or, cut off while I live. I willleave.

7:11; 19:4; 21:2-4

I will speak.

15,16; 6:2-4,26; 7:11; 16:6-16; Ps 32:3-5; Isa 38:15,17

Psalms 77:2-9

In the.

18:6; 50:15; 88:1-3; 102:1,2; 130:1,2; Ge 32:7-12,28

2Ki 19:3,4,15-20; Isa 26:9,16; Jon 2:1,2; 2Co 12:7,8; Heb 5:7


6:2,3; 38:3-8; 2Ch 6:28; Isa 1:5,6; Ho 5:13; 6:1

sore. Heb. hand. my soul.

Ge 37:35; Es 4:1-4; Pr 18:14; Jer 31:15; Joh 11:31

I remembered.

Job 6:4; 23:15,16; 31:23; Jer 17:17

I complained.

88:3-18; 102:3-28; Job 7:11; La 3:17,39


55:4,5; 61:2; 142:2,3; 143:4,5


6:6; Es 6:1; Job 7:13-15

I am.

Job 2:13; 6:3

74:12-18; 143:5; De 32:7; Isa 51:9; 63:9-15; Mic 7:14,15

my song.

42:8; Job 35:10; Hab 3:17,18; Jon 1:2; Ac 16:25


4:4; Ec 1:16


139:23,24; Job 10:2; La 3:40; 1Co 11:28-32

the Lord.

13:1,2; 37:24; 74:1; 89:38,46; Jer 23:24-26; La 3:31,32; Ro 11:1,2

and will.

79:5; 85:1,5

Is his.

Isa 27:11; Lu 16:25,26


Nu 14:34; 23:19; Jer 15:18; Ro 9:6

for evermore. Heb. to generation and generation.


Isa 40:27; 49:14,15; 63:15

shut up.

Lu 13:25-28; Ro 11:32; *marg:

1Jo 3:17

Lamentations 3:19-20

Remembering. or, Remember.

Ne 9:32; Job 7:7; Ps 89:47,50; 132:1


5,15; Jer 9:15


Job 21:6

humbled. Heb. bowed.

Ps 42:5,6,11; 43:5; 146:8
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