Job 9:17

For he.

16:14; Ps 29:5; 42:7; 83:15; Isa 28:17; Jer 23:19; Eze 13:13

Mt 7:27; 12:20


1:14-19; 2:7,13

without cause.

2:3; 16:17; 34:6; Ps 25:3; Joh 9:3; 15:25

Job 10:7

Thou knowest. Heb. It is upon thy knowledge.

23:10; 31:6,14,35; 42:7; Ps 1:6; 7:3,8,9; 17:3; 26:1-5

Ps 139:1,2,21-24; Joh 21:17; 2Co 1:12; 1Th 2:10

and there.

23:13,14; De 32:39; Ps 50:22; Da 3:15; Ho 2:10; Joh 10:28-30

Job 16:17

Not for.

11:14; 15:20,34; 21:27,28; 22:5-9; 27:6,7; 29:12-17; 31:1-40

Ps 7:3-5; 44:17-21

my prayer.

8:5,6; Ps 66:18,19; Pr 15:8; 1Ti 2:8

Job 19:6-7


7:20; 16:11-14; Ps 44:9-14; 66:10-12


18:8-10; La 1:12,13; Eze 12:13; 32:3; Ho 7:12

I cry.

10:3,15-17; 16:17-19; 21:27; Ps 22:2; Jer 20:8; La 3:8; Hab 1:2,3

wrong. or, violence. no judgment.

9:32; 13:15-23; 16:21; 23:3-7; 31:35,36; 34:5; 40:8

Job 27:2-6

God liveth.

Nu 14:21; Ru 3:13; 1Sa 14:39,45; 20:21; 25:26,34; 2Sa 2:27

1Ki 17:1; 18:15; Jer 4:2; 5:2; 12:16; Eze 33:11


10:3; 34:5; Isa 40:27

vexed my soul. Heb. made my soul bitter.

Ru 1:20,21; 2Ki 4:27

the spirit of God. that is, the breath which God gave him.

Ge 2:7; Isa 2:22; Ac 17:25

13:7; 34:6; Joh 8:55; 2Co 11:10


32:3; 42:7; De 25:1; Pr 17:15; Ga 2:11

I will not.

2:9; 13:15; 29:14; 2Co 1:12

I hold fast.

2:3; Ps 18:20-23; Pr 4:13

my heart.

Ac 24:16; 2Co 12:11; 1Jo 3:20,21

so long as I live. Heb. from my days.

Job 34:5


10:7; 11:4; 16:17; 29:14; 32:1; 33:9


9:17; 27:2

Job 40:8


Ps 51:4; Ro 3:4


Isa 14:27; 28:18; Ga 3:15,17; Heb 7:18

wilt thou condemn.

10:3; 27:2-6; 32:2; 34:5,6; 35:2,3
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