Job 9:19

he is strong.

4; 36:17-19; 40:9,10; Ps 62:11; Mt 6:13; 1Co 1:25; 10:22

who shall.

32,33; 31:35; 33:5-7

Job 36:5


10:3; 31:13; Ps 22:24; 138:6


9:14,19; 12:13-16; 26:12-14; 37:23; Ps 99:4; 147:5; Jer 10:12; 32:19

1Co 1:24-28

wisdom. Heb. heart.

Psalms 104:24


8:3; 40:5; 107:31; Ne 9:6; Job 5:9

in wisdom.

136:5; Ge 1:31; Pr 3:19,20; 8:22-36; Jer 10:12; Ro 11:33; Eph 1:8

Eph 3:10

the earth.

24:1; 50:10-12; 65:11; Ge 1:11,12,24,25; 1Ti 6:17

Psalms 136:5

In the contrivance of the celestial bodies--in their specific gravities, relations, connections, influences on each other, revolutions, etc.; and in the wonderful adaptation of the atmosphere for the purposes of refracting the light, forming rain, dew, snow, etc., are exhibited the most astonishing displays of the Divine wisdom.

33:6; 104:24; Ge 1:1; Pr 3:19,20; 8:22-29; Jer 51:15

Daniel 2:20


Ge 14:20; 1Ki 8:56; 1Ch 29:10,20; 2Ch 20:21; Ps 41:13; 50:23

Ps 72:18,19; 103:1,2; 113:2; 115:18; 145:1,2

for wisdom.

21-23; 1Ch 29:11,12; Job 12:13,16-22; Ps 62:11; 147:5; Pr 8:14

Jer 32:19; Mt 6:13; Jude 1:24; Re 5:12

Daniel 4:34-37

A.M. 3441. B.C. 563. at the end.



Ps 121:1; 123:1; 130:1,2; Jon 2:2-4; Lu 18:13

I blessed.

Job 1:21; Ps 50:14; 103:1-4; 107:8,15,22,31; Isa 24:15; La 3:19-23

the most High.

17,32; Ps 7:17; 9:2; 92:1; La 3:38


12:7; Ps 90:2; 102:24; 146:10; Jer 10:10; Joh 5:26; 1Ti 1:17; 6:16

Re 4:10; 10:6


3; 2:44; 7:14; Ps 10:16; 145:13; Isa 9:6,7; Jer 10:10; Mic 4:7

Lu 1:33; Re 11:15

is from.

Ps 90:1


Job 34:14,15,19-24; Isa 40:15-17,22-24

and he.

1Sa 3:18; Job 23:13; Ps 33:9-11; 115:3; 135:6; Isa 14:24-27

Isa 46:10,11; Mt 11:25,26; Ac 4:28; Eph 1:11; Php 2:10,11

the inhabitants.

Ps 33:8,14; 49:1; Isa 26:9


Job 9:4,13; 34:29; 40:9-12; 42:2; Pr 21:30; Isa 43:13; Ac 5:39; 9:5

Ac 11:17; 1Co 10:22


Job 9:12; 33:12,13; 40:2; Isa 45:9-11; Ro 9:19,20; 11:33-36

1Co 2:16

my reason.Every thing was fulfilled that was exhibited in the dream and its interpretation; and God so ordered it in his providence, that Nebuchadnezzar's counsellors and lords sought for him and gladly reinstated him in his kingdom. It is confidently believed that he was a true convert, and died in the faith of the God of Israel.



15,16,32; 2Ch 33:12,13


1Sa 2:30; Job 13:12; Pr 22:4; Mt 6:33; 2Co 4:17

I Nebuchadnezzar.

3,34; 5:4,23; 1Pe 2:9,10

the King.

5:23; Mt 11:25; Ac 17:24


De 32:4; 1Sa 2:3; Ps 33:4,5; 99:4; 119:75; 145:17,18; Isa 5:16

Re 15:3; 16:7; 19:1,2

those that walk.

30,31; 5:20-24; Ex 18:11; 2Ch 33:11,12,19; Job 40:11,12

Eze 16:56,63; Jas 4:6,7; 1Pe 5:5,6

Romans 11:33

the depth.

Ps 107:8-43; Pr 25:3; Eph 3:18


2:4; 9:23; Eph 1:7; 2:7; 3:8,10,16; Col 1:27; 2:2,3


Job 5:9; 9:10; 11:7-9; 26:14; 33:13; 37:19,23; Ps 36:6; 40:5; 77:19

Ps 92:5; 97:2; Ec 3:11; Da 4:35

Ephesians 1:8


Ro 5:15,20,21


11; 3:10; Ps 104:24; Pr 8:12; Isa 52:13; Da 2:20,21; Mt 11:19

Ro 11:33; 1Co 1:19-24; 2:7; Col 2:3; Jude 1:25; Re 5:12

Ephesians 1:19


2:10; 3:7,20; Ps 110:2,3; Isa 53:1; Joh 3:6; Ac 26:18; Ro 1:16

2Co 4:7; 5:17; Php 2:13; Col 1:29; 2:12; 1Th 1:5; 2Th 1:11; Jas 1:18

his mighty. Gr. the might of his.
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