John 18:3


13:2,27-30; Mt 26:47,55; Mr 14:43,44,48; Lu 22:47-53; Ac 1:16

a band.

12; *Gr:

Ps 3:1,2; 22:12

Acts 10:1

1 Cornelius, a devout man, being commanded by an angel, sends for Peter,

11 who by a vision is taught not to despise the Gentiles;

17 and is commanded by the Spirit to go with the messenger to Caesarea.

25 Cornelius shows the occasion of his sending for him.

34 As he preaches Christ to Cornelius and his company,

44 the Holy Ghost falls on them, and they are baptized.

Cir. A.M. 4045. A.D. 41. in.

8:40; 21:8; 23:23,33; 25:1,13

a centurion.

22:25; 27:1,31,43; Mt 8:5-13; 27:54; Lu 7:2

Italian.The Italian band, or rather cohort, [speira ,] (a regiment sometimes consisting of from 555 to 1,105 infantry), is not unknown to the Roman writers, (See Tacitus;) and Gruter gives an inscription in which it is mentioned, which was found in the Forum Sempronii, on a fine marble table.


Acts 27:1

1 Paul shipping towards Rome,

10 foretells of the danger of the voyage,

11 but is not believed.

14 They are tossed to and fro with tempest;

41 and suffer shipwreck;

44 yet all come safe to land.


19:21; 23:11; 25:12,25; Ge 50:20; Ps 33:11; 76:10; Pr 19:21; La 3:27

Da 4:35; Ro 15:22-29

Italy.Italy is a well-known country of Europe, bounded by the Adriatic or Venetian Gulf on the east, the Tyrrhene or Tuscan Sea on the west, and by the Alps on the north.

10:1; 18:2; Heb 13:24

a centurion.

11,43; 10:22; 21:32; 22:26; 23:17; 24:23; 28:16; Mt 8:5-10; 27:54

Lu 7:2; 23:47


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