John 19:1

1 Christ is scourged, crowned with thorns, and beaten.

4 Pilate is desirous to release him, but being overcome with the outrage of the Jews, he delivers him to be crucified.

23 They cast lots for his garments.

25 He commends his mother to John.

28 He dies.

31 His side is pierced.

38 He is buried by Joseph and Nicodemus.


Mt 27:26-31; Mr 15:15-20; Lu 23:16,23


Ps 129:3; Isa 50:6; 53:5; Mt 20:19; 23:34; Mr 10:33,34; Lu 18:33

Ac 16:22,23; 22:24,25; 2Co 11:24; Heb 11:36; 1Pe 2:24

Acts 16:22-23

the multitude.

17:5; 18:12; 19:28-41; 21:30,31; 22:22,23

the magistrates.

37; 5:40; 22:24-26; Mt 10:17; 27:26; 2Co 6:5; 11:23-25; 1Th 2:2

Heb 11:36; 1Pe 2:24

they cast.

5:18; 8:3; 9:2; 12:4; Lu 21:12; Eph 3:1; 4:1; 2Ti 2:9; Phm 1:9; Re 1:9

Re 2:10

to keep.

5:23; 12:18; 1Sa 23:22,23; Mt 26:48; 27:63-66

Acts 16:37

They have.

20-24; 22:25-28; Ps 58:1,2; 82:1,2; 94:20; Pr 28:1


Da 3:25,26; 6:18,19; Mt 10:16

Acts 22:25-29

the centurion.

10:1; 23:17; 27:1,3,43; Mt 8:8; 27:54

Is it.By the Roman law, no magistrate was allowed to punish a Roman citizen capitally, or by inflicting stripes, or even binding him; and the single expression, I am a Roman citizen, arrested their severest decrees, and obtained, if not an escape, at least a delay of his punishment.

27,28; 16:37; 25:16


29; 23:27


But.It is extremely probable that the inhabitants of Tarsus, born in that city, had the same rights and privileges as Roman citizens, in consequence of a grant or charter from Julius Cæsar, from whom it was called Juliopolis. But if this were not the case, St. Paul's father, or some of his ancestors, might have been rewarded with the freedom of the city of Rome, for his fidelity and bravery in some military service, as Josephus says several of the Jews were; or his father might have obtained it by purchase, as in the instance of the chief captain.


examined him. or, tortured him.

24; Heb 11:35

the chief.

25,26; 16:38,39

Hebrews 11:35


1Ki 17:22-24; 2Ki 4:27-37; Lu 7:12-16; Joh 11:40-45; Ac 9:41


Ac 22:24,25,29

not accepting.

Ac 4:19

that they.

Mt 22:30; Mr 12:25; Lu 14:14; 20:36; Joh 5:29; Ac 23:6; 24:15

1Co 15:54; Php 3:11
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