Joshua 15:55


1Sa 23:25; 25:2,7; 2Ch 26:10; Isa 35:2


1Ki 18:42


24; 1Sa 23:14,15; 26:1,2

1 Samuel 25:2



possessions were. or, business was. Carmel.Not the famous mount Carmel, in the north of Canaan, and in the tribe of Asher; but a city, on a mountain of the same name, in the south of Judah, which seems to have given name to the surrounding territory. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that there was in their time a town called Carmelia, ten miles east from Hebron, where the Romans kept a garrison, whose position well agrees with this Carmel.


Ge 26:13; 2Sa 19:32; Ps 17:14; 73:3-7; Lu 16:19-25

three thousand.

Ge 13:2; Job 1:3; 42:12

shearing.This was a very ancient custom, and appears to have been always attended with festivity. The ancient Romans, however, used to pluck off the wool from the sheep's backs; and hence a fleece was called {vellus,} a {vellendo,} from plucking it off. Pliny says, that in his time sheep were not shorn every where, but in some places the wool was still plucked off.

Ge 38:13; 2Sa 13:23,24


30:5; Jos 15:55

1 Kings 18:42


19; Mt 14:23; Lu 6:12; Ac 10:9

he cast himself.

Ge 24:52; Jos 7:6; 2Sa 12:16; Da 9:3; Mr 14:35; Jas 5:16-18

put his face.

19:13; Ezr 9:6; Ps 89:7; Isa 6:2; 38:2; Da 9:7
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