Joshua 19:29

Ramah.Probably the Rama mentioned by Theodoret as a city of Syria; and placed in some maps between Sarepta and Sidon, eastward, near Lebanon.

Tyre. Heb. Tzor.

2Sa 5:11; Isa 23:1-18; Eze 26:1-28:26


Ge 38:5; Jud 1:31; Mic 1:14

Psalms 83:7


Jos 13:5; Eze 27:9

Isaiah 23

1 The miserable overthrow of Tyre.

15 Her restoration and whoredoms.

A.M. 3289. B.C. 715. burden.Tyre, whose destruction by Nebuchadnezzar is here foretold, was a city of Phoenicia, on the shore of the Mediterranean, twenty-four miles south of Sidon, and thirty-two north of Accho or Ptolemais, according to the Antonine and Jerusalem Itineraries, about lat. 33 degrees 18' N. long. 35 degrees 10' E. There were two cities of this name; one on the continent called Palæ Tyrus, or Old Tyre, according to Strabo, thirty stadia south of the other, which was situated on an island, not above 700 paces from the main land, says Pliny. Old Tyre was taken by Nebuchadnezzar, after a siege of thirteen years, B.C. 573, which he so utterly destroyed, that it never afterwards rose higher than a village. But previous to this, the inhabitants had removed their effects to the island which afterwards became so famous by the name of Tyre, though now consisting only of about 800 dwellings.

Jer 25:15,22; 47:4; Eze 26:1-28:25; Joe 3:4-8; Am 1:9,10

Zec 9:2,4


15:2,8; Re 18:17-19

ye ships.

2:16; 60:9; 1Ki 22:48; 2Ch 9:21; Ps 48:7; Eze 27:25

for it is.

15:1; Jer 25:10,11; Re 18:22,23

the land.

12; Nu 24:24; Jer 2:10; Eze 27:6; Da 11:30

still. Heb. silent.

41:1; 47:5; Ps 46:10; Hab 2:20

the isle.

Eze 27:3,4; 28:2

the merchants.

Eze 27:8-36


1Ch 13:5; Jer 2:18

the harvest.

32:20; De 11:10

she is.

8; Eze 27:33; 28:4; Joe 3:5; Re 18:11-13

I travail.

Jer 47:3,4; Eze 26:3-6; Ho 9:11-14; Re 18:23

at the.

19:16; Ex 15:14-16; Jos 2:9-11

so shall.

Eze 26:15-21; 27:29-36; 28:19; Re 18:17-19


10,12; 21:15


1,2; 16:7




Jos 19:29

her own.

47:1,2; Ec 10:7

afar off. Heb. from afar off.

Who hath.

De 29:24-28; Jer 50:44,45; Re 18:8

the crowning.

Eze 28:2-6,12-18


10:8; 36:9


10:33; 14:24,27; 46:10,11; Jer 47:6,7; 51:62; Ac 4:28; Eph 1:11

Eph 3:11

to stain. Heb. to pollute.

2:11,17; 5:15,16; 13:11; Job 40:11,12; Da 4:37; Mal 4:1; Jas 4:6


Job 12:21; Ps 107:40; 1Co 1:26-29

O daughter.


no more.

14; 1Sa 28:20; Job 12:21; La 1:6; Hag 2:22; Ro 5:6

strength. Heb. girdle.

Ps 18:32


2:19; 14:16,17; Ex 15:8-10; Ps 46:6; Eze 26:10,15-19; 27:34,35

Eze 31:16; Hag 2:7

the Lord.

10:6; Ps 71:3; Jer 47:7; Na 1:14

against the merchant city. or, concerning a merchantman.

3; Ho 12:7,8

the merchant city. Heb. Canaan.

Ge 9:25; 10:15-19; Zec 14:21; Mr 11:17; Joh 2:16

strong holds. or, strengths.

Zec 9:3,4

Thou shalt.

1,7; Eze 26:13,14; Re 18:22

thou oppressed.

37:22; 47:1,5; Jer 14:17; 46:11; La 1:15

daughter."The Sidonians," says Justin, "when their city was taken by the king of Ascalon, betook themselves to their ships; and landed and built Tyre;" Sidon was therefore the mother city.

2; Ge 10:15-19; 49:13; Jos 11:8


1; Nu 24:24; Eze 27:6

there also.

De 28:64-67; La 1:3; 4:15


13:19; Ge 11:28,31; Job 1:17; Hab 1:6; Ac 7:4

the Assyrian.

Ge 2:14; 10:10,11; 11:9; 2Ki 17:24; 20:12; 2Ch 33:11; Ezr 4:9,10

Da 4:30

for them.

Ps 72:9

and he.

Eze 26:7-21; 29:18

1,6; Eze 27:25-30; Re 18:11-19

Tyre shall.

Jer 25:9-11,22; 27:3-7; 29:10; Eze 29:11

one king.

Da 7:14; 8:21; Re 17:10

shall Tyre sing as an harlot. Heb. it shall be unto Tyre asthe song of an harlot.

Eze 27:25; Ho 2:15

Pr 7:10-12; Jer 30:14


Jer 29:10; Zep 2:7; Ac 15:14

and she shall.

De 23:18; Eze 16:31; 22:13; 27:6-36; Ho 12:7,8; Mic 1:7; 3:11

1Ti 3:3,8; 1Pe 5:2

shall commit.

Na 3:4; Re 17:2-5; 18:9-14; 19:2

her merchandise.

60:6,7; 2Ch 2:7-9,11-16; Ps 45:12; 72:10; Zec 14:20,21; Mr 3:8

Ac 21:3-5

it shall.

Mt 6:19-21; Lu 12:18-20,33; 16:9-13

for them.

De 12:18,19; 26:12-14; Pr 3:9,10; 13:22; 28:8; Ec 2:26; Mal 3:10

Mt 25:35-40; Lu 8:3; Ac 9:39; Ro 15:25-27; Ga 6:6; Php 4:17,18

durable. Heb. old.

Jeremiah 25:22


27:3; 47:4; Eze 26:1-28:1-19; 29:18; Am 1:9,10; Zec 9:2-4


Eze 28:22,23; 32:30; Joe 3:4-8

isles which are beyond the sea. or, region by the sea side.

49:23-27; Am 1:3-5; Zec 9:1

Jeremiah 27:3


25:19-26; 47:1-49:39; Eze 25:1-28:26; 29:18; Am 1:9-15; 2:1-3

the messengers.

2Ch 36:13; Eze 17:15-21

Jeremiah 47:4

the day.

46:10; Ps 37:13; Isa 10:3; Eze 7:5-7,12; 21:25,29; Ho 9:7; Lu 21:22


25:20-22; Isa 23:1-18; Eze 26:1-28:26; Joe 3:4-8; Am 1:9,10

Zec 9:2-5


Job 9:13; Isa 20:6; 31:8; Eze 30:8

the remnant.

Eze 25:16; Am 1:8; 9:7

country. Heb. isle.

Jos 22:30; Isa 20:6


Ge 10:13,14


De 2:23; 1Ch 1:12


Am 9:7

Ezekiel 27

1 The riches and commerce of Tyrus.

26 The great and irrecoverable fall thereof.


32; 19:1; 26:17; 28:12; 32:2; Jer 7:20; 9:10,17-20; Am 5:1,16

O thou.Tyre was situated in the Mediterranean, at the nearest entrance to it from the interior and eastern part of Asia.

4,25; 26:17; 28:2,3; Isa 23:2

a merchant.

12-36; Isa 23:3,8,11; Re 18:3,11-15

I am.

4,10,11; 28:12-17; Ps 50:2; Isa 23:9

of perfect beauty. Heb. perfect of beauty.

midst. Heb. heart.


made. Heb. built.

of Senir.

De 3:9; So 4:8

Shenir. cedars.

1Ki 5:1,6; Ps 29:5; 92:12; 104:16; Isa 14:8

the oaks.

Isa 2:13; Zec 11:2

the company, etc. or, they have made thy hatches of ivorywell trodden. Rather, "thy benches have they made of ivory inlaid with box, from the isles of Chittim." Vulgate, {de insulis Italiæ,} "from the islands of Italy," which were always famous for box-trees.

company. Heb. daughters. the isles.

Ge 10:4


Nu 24:24; Jer 2:10


1Ki 10:28; Pr 7:16; Isa 19:9

blue and purple. or, purple and scarlet.

Ex 25:4; Jer 10:9

Elishah.Elis, part of the Peloponnesus, extending along the western coast of Arcadia, north of Messenia, and south of Achaia.

Ge 10:4; 1Ch 1:7


Ge 10:15


Ge 49:13; Jos 11:8


11; Ge 10:18; Isa 10:9; Jer 49:23


28; 1Ki 5:6; 9:27; 2Ch 2:13,14


Jos 13:5; 1Ki 5:18; *marg:

Ps 83:7

calkers. or, stoppers of chinks. Heb. strengtheners.



38:5; Da 5:28

of Lud.

30:5; Ge 10:6,13,22; 1Ch 1:8,11,17; Isa 66:19; Jer 46:9; Na 3:9

they hanged.

11; So 4:4

of Arvad.


they have.


38:13; Ge 10:4; 1Ki 10:22; 22:48; 2Ch 20:36,37; Ps 72:10; Isa 2:16

Isa 23:6,10,14; 60:9; Jer 10:9; Jon 1:3


Ge 10:2,4; 1Ch 1:5,7; Isa 66:19; Da 8:21; 10:20; 11:2


32:26; 38:2,3; 39:1; Ge 10:2; 1Ch 1:5

the persons.

Joe 3:3; Re 18:13

market. or, merchandise.


38:6; Ge 10:3; 1Ch 1:6


20; Ge 10:7; 25:3; 1Ch 1:9,32; Jer 25:23; 49:8

of ivory.

1Ki 10:22; Re 18:12


Ge 10:22


Ge 28:5; Jud 10:6; 2Sa 8:5; 10:6; 15:8; Isa 7:2

the wares of thy making. Heb. thy works. agate. or,chrysoprase.


De 8:8; 32:14; 1Ki 5:9; 2Ch 2:10; Ezr 3:7; Ac 12:20


Jud 11:33

balm. or, rosin.

Ge 43:11; Jer 8:22


Ge 15:2; 1Ki 11:24,25; Isa 7:8; Ac 9:2

Helbon.The Chalybon of the Greeks and Romans, now called by the natives Haleb, and by us Aleppo, said to have been so celebrated for its wine, that the Persian kings would drink no other. It was a celebrated city of Syria, situated about 90 miles from the Mediterranean by way of Antioch, and 100 from the Euphrates, in lat. 36 degrees 11' 25" north, long. 37 degrees 9' east; and previous to its destruction by an earthquake in 1822, occupied, including its suburbs, eight small hills, with the intermediate valleys, comprehending a circuit of about seven miles; and its inhabitants were variously estimated at from 100,000 to 258,000 souls.


Jud 18:29

going to and fro. or, Menzal. cassia.

Ex 30:23,24; Ps 45:8; So 4:13,14


15; Ge 25:3

precious clothes. Heb. clothes of freedom.


1Ki 10:15; Jer 25:24; Ac 2:11; Ga 4:25


Ge 25:13; 1Ch 1:29; So 1:5; Isa 21:16; 60:7

occupied with thee. Heb. were the merchants of thy hand. inlambs.

2Ch 17:11; Isa 60:7


Ge 10:7; 1Ki 10:1-13; 1Ch 1:9; 2Ch 9:1-12; Ps 72:10,15; Isa 60:6


Ge 11:31,32; 12:4; 2Ki 19:12; Isa 37:12; Ac 7:4

Charran. Canneh.

Ge 10:10,22


Isa 10:9


Am 6:2

Calneh. Eden.

Ge 2:8; Am 1:5


Ge 25:3; Job 1:15


Ge 32:22; Nu 24:22; Ps 83:8; Isa 7:18,20

all sorts of things. or, excellent things. clothes. Heb.foldings.

2Ki 2:8


1Ki 10:22; Ps 48:7; Isa 2:16; 23:14; 60:9




Isa 33:23


26:19; Ps 93:3,4; Re 17:15

the east.

34; Ps 48:7; Ac 27:14,41

midst. Heb. heart.

Thy riches.In these beautiful and expressive figures, Tyre is represented as a ship at sea, wrecked through the mistakes of her pilots and rowers; that is, destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, and afterwards by Alexander, in consequence of her rulers having pertinaciously resolved to withstand those haughty conquerors. This vast ship, laden with all kinds of valuable wares, being wrecked, all her valuables, sailors, officers, etc. went to the bottom.

7-9,12,18,19,22,24,34; 26:12; Pr 11:4; Re 18:11-24

and in all. or, even with all. shall fall.


midst. Heb. heart.


suburbs. or waves. shake.

35; 26:10,15-18; 31:16; Ex 15:14; Na 2:3

all that handle.

Re 18:17-24

shall come.

26:16; 32:10

shall cause.All that were on land, seeing this gallant ship perishing with all her men and goods, are here represented as setting up a dismal cry at the heart-rending sight.

31,32; 26:17; Isa 23:1-6; Re 18:9-19


1Sa 4:12; 2Sa 1:2; Job 2:12; La 2:10; Re 18:19

they shall wallow.

Es 4:1-4; Job 2:8; 42:6; Jer 6:26; 25:34; Jon 3:6; Mic 1:10

they shall make.

7:18; Le 21:5; De 14:1; Isa 15:2; 22:12; Jer 16:6; 47:5; 48:37

Am 8:10; Mic 1:16

they shall weep.

Isa 16:9; 22:4; Mic 1:8

take up.

2; 26:17

What city.

La 1:12; 2:13; Re 18:18

the destroyed.

26; 26:4,5

thy wares.

3,12-36; Isa 23:3-8; Re 18:3,12-15,19

with the.

27; 28:16

26,27; 26:12-15,19-21; Zec 9:3,4

the inhabitants.

26:15-18; Isa 23:6

their kings.

28:17-19; 32:10; Re 18:9,10


26:2; 1Ki 9:8; Jer 18:16; 19:8; La 2:15; Zep 2:15

thou shalt.


a terror. Heb. terrors. never shalt be any more. Heb.shalt not be for ever.

Ps 37:10,36

Ezekiel 28

1 God's judgment upon the prince of Tyrus for his sacrilegious pride.

11 A lamentation of his great glory corrupted by sin.

20 The judgment of Zidon.

24 The restoration of Israel.


the prince.Josephus states, on the authority of Menander, who translated the Phoenician annals into Greek, and Philostratus, that this prince was Ithobal.


5,17; 31:10; De 8:14; 2Ch 26:16; Pr 16:18; 18:12; Isa 2:12; Da 5:22

Da 5:23; Hab 2:4; 1Ti 3:6; 1Pe 5:5

I am.

6,9; Ge 3:5; Ac 12:22,23; Re 17:3

I sit.

12-14; Isa 14:13,14; Da 4:30,31; 2Th 2:4

in the midst. Heb. in the heart.

27:3,4,26,27; *marg:


9; Ps 9:20; 72:6,7; Isa 31:3

thou set.

6; 2Th 2:4

thou are.

Da 1:20; 2:48; 5:11,12; Zec 9:2,3

no secret.

1Ki 4:29-32; 10:3; Job 15:8; Ps 25:14; Da 2:22,27,28,47; 5:12

29:3; De 8:17,18; Pr 18:11; 23:4,5; Ec 9:11; Hab 1:16; Zec 9:2-4

thy great wisdom. Heb. the greatness of thy wisdom.

Pr 26:12; Isa 5:21; Ro 12:16

and by.

27:12-36; Ps 62:10; Isa 23:3,8; Ho 12:7,8; Zec 9:3; Jas 4:13,14

and thine.

2; 16:49; De 6:11,12; 8:13,14; 2Ch 25:19; 32:23-25; Job 31:24,25

Ps 52:7; 62:10; Pr 11:28; 30:9; Isa 10:8-14; Da 4:30,37; Ho 13:6

Lu 12:16-21; 1Ti 6:17


2; Ex 9:17; Job 9:4; 40:9-12; 1Co 10:22; 2Th 2:4; Jas 1:11

I will.

26:7-14; Isa 23:8,9; Am 3:6

the terrible.

30:11; 31:12; 32:12; De 28:49,50; Isa 25:3,4; Da 7:7; Hab 1:6-8



shall bring.

32:18-30; Job 17:16; 33:18,28; Ps 28:1; 30:9; 55:15; 88:4,5; Pr 1:12

Pr 28:17; Isa 38:17

are slain.



2; Da 4:31,32; 5:23-30; Ac 12:22,23

thou shalt.

Ps 82:7; Isa 31:3

slayeth. or, woundeth.

the deaths.

31:18; 32:19,21,24-30; 44:7,9; Le 26:41; 1Sa 17:26,36; Jer 6:10

Jer 9:25,26; Joh 8:24; Ac 7:51; Php 3:3

by the.

7; 11:9; Jer 25:9


take up.

2; 19:1,14; 26:17; 27:2,32; 32:2,16; 2Ch 35:25; Isa 14:4

Jer 9:17-20

Thou sealest.

2-5; 27:3,4; Ro 15:28; 2Co 1:22


Pr 21:30; Isa 10:13; Jer 9:23; Lu 2:40; Ac 6:3; 1Co 1:19,20; 3:19

Col 1:9; 2:3; Jas 3:13-18

in Eden.

31:8,9; 36:35; Ge 2:8; 3:23,24; 13:10; Isa 51:3; Joe 2:3; Re 2:7


27:16,22; Ge 2:11,12; Ex 28:17-20; 39:10-21; Isa 54:11,12; Re 17:4

Re 21:19,20

sardius. or, ruby. beryl. or, chrysolite. emerald. or,chrysoprase. the workmanship.

26:13; Isa 14:11; 23:16; 30:32

thou wast.

15; 21:30

the anointed.

16; Ex 25:17-20; 30:26; 40:9

and I.

Ex 9:16; Ps 75:5-7; Isa 10:6,15; 37:26,27; Da 2:37,38; 4:35

Da 5:18-23; Joh 11:51; Re 9:17


2,16; 20:40; Isa 14:12-15; 2Th 2:4


13,17; Re 18:16


3-6,12; 27:3,4

till iniquity.

17,18; Ge 1:26,27,31; 6:5,6; Pr 14:34; Ec 7:29; Isa 14:12; La 5:16

Ro 7:9; 2Pe 2:4

the multitude.

27:12-36; Isa 23:17,18; Ho 12:7; Lu 19:45,46; Joh 2:16; 1Ti 6:9,10


8:17; Ge 6:11; Am 3:9; Mic 2:2; 6:12; Hab 2:8,17; Zep 1:9


Ge 3:24; Le 18:24-28; Isa 22:19; 23:9; Mic 2:10; 2Pe 2:4-6; Re 12:9

O covering.



2,5; 16:14,15; 31:10; Pr 11:2; 16:18; Lu 14:11; Jas 4:6

thou hast.

Isa 19:11-13; Jer 8:9; Ro 1:22-25; 1Co 1:19-21

I will cast.

Job 40:11,12; Ps 73:18; 147:6

I will lay.

16:41; 23:48; 32:10; Isa 14:9-11



by the iniquity.

Mr 8:36


5:4; Jud 9:15,20; Am 1:9,10,14; 2:2,5; Re 18:8

I will bring.

Mal 4:3; 2Pe 2:6


27:35,36; Ps 76:12; Isa 14:16-19; Re 18:9,10,15-19

thou shalt.

26:14,21; 27:36; Jer 51:63,64; Re 18:21

a terror. Heb. terrors.



6:2; 25:2; 29:2

Zidon.Tyre was a colony of the Zidonians (see on Isa 23:12;) and consequently Zidon was a more ancient, though a less considerable city than Tyre; and it is probable that it was taken by the Chaldeans soon after the destruction of the latter. It was afterwards burnt to the ground by the inhabitants, to prevent it falling in the hands of Ochus.

27:8; 32:30; Ge 10:15


Isa 23:2-4,12; Jer 25:22; 27:3; 47:4; Joe 3:4-8; Zec 9:2

I am against.

5:8; 21:3; 26:3; 29:3,10; 38:3; 39:1-3; Jer 21:13; 50:31; Na 1:6; 2:13

Na 3:5

I will.

25; 39:13; Ex 9:16; 14:4,17; 15:21; Le 10:3; 1Sa 17:45-47

Ps 9:16; 21:12,13; 83:17; Isa 5:15,16; 37:20; Re 19:1,2

shall be.

20:41; 36:23; 38:23

I will send.

5:12; 38:22; Jer 15:2

and they shall.

25:7,11,17; 26:6

a pricking.

Nu 33:55; Jos 23:13; Jud 2:3; Isa 35:9; 55:13; Jer 12:14; Mic 7:4

2Co 12:7; Re 21:4

and they.

23,26; 36:36-38; 39:28


11:17; 20:41; 34:13; 36:24; 37:21; 39:27; Le 26:44,45; De 30:3,4

Ps 106:47; Isa 11:12,13; 27:12,13; Jer 30:18; 31:8-10; 32:37

Ho 1:11; Joe 3:7; Am 9:14,15; Ob 1:17-21; Mic 7:11-14; Zep 3:19,20

be sanctified.

22; 36:23; 38:23; Isa 5:16

then shall.

36:28; 37:25; Jer 23:8; 27:11

to my.

Ge 28:13,14

and they shall dwell.

34:25-28; 38:8; Le 25:18,19; De 12:10; Jer 23:6-8; 33:16

Ho 2:18; Zec 2:4,5

safety. or, with confidence.

38:11; 1Ki 4:25; Pr 14:26


Isa 65:21,22; Jer 29:5,6,28; 31:4,5; 32:15; Am 9:13,14

when I.

24; 25:1-32:32; 35:1-15; Isa 13:1-21:17; Jer 46:1-51:64

Zec 1:15

despise. or, spoil.

39:10; Isa 17:14; 33:1; Jer 30:16; La 1:8; Hab 2:8; Zep 2:8,9

and they.

22,24; 34:31; 36:22,23; Ex 29:46
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