Joshua 19:30


12:18; 13:4; 1Sa 4:1; 1Ki 20:30


28; 21:31; Nu 13:11

1 Samuel 4:1

1 The Israelites are overcome by the Philistines at Ebenezer.

3 They fetch the ark unto the terror of the Philistines.

10 They are smitten again, the ark taken, and Hophni and Phinehas are slain.

12 Eli at the news, falling backward, breaks his neck.

19 Phinehas's wife, discouraged in her travail with I-chabod, dies.

A.M. 2863. B.C. 1141. An. Ex. Is. 350. came. or, came topass. Heb. was.


Eben-ezer.That is, the place afterwards so called: See the Parallel Texts.

5:1; 7:12

Aphek.This Aphek was situated in the tribe of Judah, and is probably the same as Aphekah.

Jos 15:53It must be carefully distinguished from that near Jezreel, and another in Asher.

29:1; Jos 19:30; 1Ki 20:30

1 Kings 20:30

the rest.

Ps 18:25

a wall.

Isa 24:18; Jer 48:44; Am 2:14,15; 5:19; 9:3; Lu 13:4


10,20; Da 4:37

into an inner chamber. or, from chamber to chamber. Heb.into a chamber within a chamber.

22:25; 2Ch 18:24
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