Joshua 9:17


10:2; 18:25-28; 1Ch 21:29; 2Ch 1:3; Ezr 2:25; Ne 7:29


15:9,60; 18:14; 1Sa 7:1; 1Ch 13:5,6; 2Ch 1:4

Joshua 18:25


9:17; 10:2; 1Ki 3:4,5; 9:2; Isa 28:21

Ramah.Situated, according to Eusebius, six miles from Jerusalem towards Bethel; though Jerome places it near Gaba, seven miles from Jerusalem.

1Sa 1:1


7:17; 15:34; Jer 31:15; Mt 27:57

Arimathea. Beeroth.Eusebius says Beeroth was seven miles from Jerusalem, towards Nicopolis or Emmaus. Jerome, however, reads Neapolis or Shechem; but Reland prefers the former.
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