Jude 6


Joh 8:44

first estate. or, principality.

Eph 6:12

he hath.

Mt 25:41; 2Pe 2:4


Mt 8:29; Heb 10:27; Re 20:10

Revelation of John 12:12


18:20; 19:1-7; Ps 96:11-13; 148:1-4; Isa 49:13; 55:12,13; Lu 2:14

Lu 15:10


8:13; 9:12; 11:10,14


10:6; Heb 10:37; 2Pe 3:8

Revelation of John 20:1-3

1 Satan bound for a thousand years.

6 The first resurrection; they blessed that have part therein.

7 Satan let loose again.

8 Gog and Magog.

10 The devils cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.

12 The last and general resurrection.

I saw.

10:1; 18:1


1:18; 9:1,2; Lu 8:31

a great.

2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6

he laid.

Ge 3:15; Isa 27:1; 49:24,25; Mt 8:29; 19:29; Mr 5:7; Lu 11:20-22

Joh 12:31; 16:11; Ro 16:20; Heb 2:14

the dragon.

9:11; 12:9,13,15,17; 13:2,4; Job 1:7; 2:1,2; 1Pe 5:8; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6


1; 17:8

and set.

Da 6:17; Mt 27:66

should deceive.

8; 12:9; 13:14; 16:14-16; 17:2; Mt 24:24; 2Co 11:3,13-15; 2Th 2:9-11

the thousand.

Ps 90:4; 2Pe 3:8

and after.

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