Judges 1:1

1 The acts of Judah and Simeon.

4 Adonibezek justly requited.

8 Jerusalem taken.

10 Hebron taken.

11 Othniel has Achsah to wife for taking of Debir.

16 The Kenites dwell in Judah.

17 Hormah, Gaza, Askelon, and Ekron taken.

21 The acts of Benjamin.

22 Of the house of Joseph, who take Beth-el.

30 Of Zebulun.

31 Of Asher.

33 Of Naphtali.

34 Of Dan.


Jos 24:29,30


20:18,28; Ex 28:30; Nu 27:21; 1Sa 22:9,10; 23:9,10

Judges 20:18

house of.

18:31; 19:18; Jos 18:1; Joe 1:14


7,23,26,27; 1:1; Nu 27:5,21; Jos 9:14


1:1,2; Ge 49:8-10

Judges 20:28

Phinehas.It is evident, from this mention of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, that these transactions must have taken place not long after the death of Joshua.

Nu 25:7-13; Jos 22:13,30-32; 24:33


De 10:8; 18:5

Shall I yet.

Jos 7:7; 1Sa 14:37; 23:4-12; 30:8; 2Sa 5:19-24; 6:3,7-12; Pr 3:5,6

Jer 10:23

Go up.

1:2; 7:9; 2Ch 20:17

1 Samuel 23:4

yet again.

28:6; Jud 6:39

for I will.

Jos 8:7; Jud 7:7; 2Sa 5:19; 2Ki 3:18

1 Samuel 23:9-12


Jer 11:18,19; Ac 9:24; 14:6; 23:16-18


6; 14:18; 30:7; Nu 27:21; Jer 33:3

destroy the city.

8; 22:19; Ge 18:24; Es 3:6; Pr 28:15; Ro 3:15,16

And the Lord.

Ps 50:15; Jer 33:3; Mt 7:7,8

deliver. Heb. shut up.

Ps 31:8

They will.

7; Ps 62:1; 118:8; Ec 9:14,15; Isa 29:15; Heb 4:13

1 Samuel 30:7-8


22:20,21; 23:2-9; 1Ki 2:26; Mr 2:26


23:2,4,10-12; Jud 20:18,23,28; 2Sa 5:19,23; Pr 3:5,6

he answered him.

14:37; 28:6,15,16; Nu 27:21; Ps 50:15; 91:15

2 Samuel 5:19


2:1; 1Sa 23:2,4; 30:7,8; Jas 4:15

And the Lord.

23; Jud 20:28; 1Sa 28:6; 30:8; 1Ki 22:6,15-23; Pr 3:6

2 Samuel 5:23




Jos 8:2,7; 1Ch 14:14; Mt 9:29,30; 8:23-25; Joh 9:6,7

the mulberry trees.The word {bechaïm,} rendered mulberry trees, is rendered by Aquila, [apion,] pear-trees, as the LXX. also render in 1 Ch 14:14, 15; and so the Vulgate in both places has {pyrorum.} The Rabbins, however, believe {bacha} signifies the mulberry-tree; with whom Ursinus agrees. It more probably denotes a large shrub which the Arabs still call {baca,} from its distilling an odoriferous gum, from {bachah} to distil, as tears. Of this opinion is Celsius, who quotes a passage from Abulfadi, who describes it as a balsam shrub, having longish leaves, and bearing a large fruit with an acrid taste. M. Forskal mentions a tree by the name of {bæca,} with leaves rather ovated, smooth, entire: its berries are poisonous to the sheep.

1 Kings 22:5


Nu 27:21; Jos 9:14; Jud 1:1; 20:18,23,29; 1Sa 14:18; 23:2,4,9-12

1Sa 30:8; 2Ki 1:3; 3:11; 1Ch 10:13; 2Ch 18:4,5; Pr 3:5,6; Jer 21:2

Jer 42:2-6; Eze 14:3; 20:1-3

1 Kings 22:15

shall we go.


Go and prosper.This was strong irony; they were the precise words of the false prophets; but were spoken by Micaiah in such a tone and manner as at once shewed Ahab that he did not believe, but ridiculed these words of uncertainty. The reply of the Delphian oracle to Crosesus was as ambiguous as that returned to Pyrrhus, {Croesus Halym penetrans magnam pervertet opum vim,} "If Croesus crosses the Halys, he will overthrow a great empire." This he understood of the empire of Cyrus; the event proved it to be his own: he was deluded, yet the oracle maintained its credit.

18:27; Jud 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; 2Ch 18:14; Ec 11:9; Mt 26:45
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