Judges 10:12





the Maonites.The LXX. have "the Midianites," which Dr. Wall thinks the true reading. But the Maonites might be a tribe of Arabs, inhabitants of Maon. (Jos 15:55. 1Sa 23:24, 25; 25:2,) which assisted Moab.

2Ch 26:6,7; Ps 106:42,43

Judges 18:7


Jos 19:47

called Leshem. how they.

27,28; Re 18:7

magistrate. Heb. possessor, or, heir of restraint.

1Sa 3:13; 1Ki 1:6; Ro 13:3; 1Pe 2:14

and had no.In the most correct copies of the LXX. this clause stands thus; [kai logos ouk en autois meta Syrias;] "and they had no transactions with Syria;" evidently reading instead of ['âdâm ] {adam,} man, ['Arâm ] {aram,} Syria; words so nearly similar that the only difference between them is in the [Rêysh,] {raish,} and [Dâleth,] daleth, which in both MSS. and printed books is sometimes indiscernible. Laish was situated on the frontiers of Syria.

1 Kings 11:1

1 Solomon's wives and concubines.

4 In his old age they draw him to idolatry.

9 God threatens him.

14 Solomon's adversaries were Hadad, who was entertained in Egypt;

23 Rezon, who reigned in Damascus;

26 and Jeroboam, to whom Ahijah prophesied.

41 Solomon's acts, reign, and death. Rehoboam succeeds him.

A.M. 3020-3029. B.C. 984-975. loved.

8; Ge 6:2-5; De 17:17; Ne 13:23-27; Pr 2:16; 5:8-20; 6:24; 7:5

Pr 22:14; 23:33

together with. or, beside.

3:1; Le 18:18
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