Judges 11:10

The Lord.

Ge 21:23; 31:50; 1Sa 12:5; Jer 29:23; 42:5; Ro 1:9; 2Co 11:31

be witness. be the hearer.

Ge 16:5; 31:53; De 1:16; 1Sa 24:12

if we do.

Ex 20:7; Zec 5:4; Mal 3:5

1 Samuel 12:5

The Lord.

Job 31:35-40; 42:7

his anointed.


ye have.

Joh 18:38; Ac 23:9; 24:16,20; 1Co 4:4; 2Co 1:12

in my hand.

Ex 22:4; Ps 17:3

Jeremiah 29:23

and have.

7:9,10; 23:14,21; Ps 50:16-18; Zep 3:4; 2Pe 2:10-19; Jude 1:8-11



even I.

13:27; 16:17; 23:23,24; Pr 5:21; Mal 2:14; 3:5; Heb 4:13; Re 1:5

Re 3:14

Jeremiah 42:5

The Lord be.

5:2; Ge 31:50; Ex 20:7; Jud 11:10; 1Sa 12:5; 20:42; Mic 1:2

Mal 2:14; 3:5; Ro 1:9; Re 1:5; 3:14

if we.

Ex 20:19; De 5:27-29

Micah 1:2

all ye people. Heb. ye people all of them. hearken.

6:1,2; De 32:1; Ps 49:1,2; 50:1; Isa 1:2; Jer 22:29; Mr 7:14-16

Re 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22

all that therein is. Heb. the fulness thereof.

Ps 24:1; 50:12


Ps 50:7; Jer 29:23; Mal 2:14; 3:5

the Lord from.

Ps 11:4; 28:2; Jon 2:7; Hab 2:20

Malachi 2:14


1:6,7; 3:8; Pr 30:20; Isa 58:3; Jer 8:12

the Lord.

3:5; Ge 31:50; Jud 11:10; 1Sa 12:5; Jer 42:5; Mic 1:2

the wife.

15; Pr 5:18,19; Ec 9:9; Isa 54:6

thy companion.

Ge 2:18; Pr 2:17; So 1:15; *marg:

Eze 16:8

Malachi 3:5

I will come.

2:17; Ps 50:3-6; 96:13; 98:9; Eze 34:20-22; Heb 10:30,31; Jas 5:8,9

Jude 1:14,15

a swift.

2:14; Ps 50:7; 81:8; Jer 29:23; Mic 1:2; Mt 23:14-35

the sorcerers.

Le 20:6,10,27; De 5:11,17-21; Jer 7:9,10; Eze 22:6-12; Zec 5:3,4

1Co 6:9,10; Ga 5:19-21; Heb 13:4; Re 21:8; 22:15

against those.

Ex 22:21-24; Le 19:13; De 24:14,15,17; 27:19; Pr 22:22,23; 23:10,11

Jer 22:13-17; Jas 5:4,12

oppress. or, defraud.

1Th 4:6


Ge 20:11; 42:18; Ex 1:17; 18:21; Ne 5:15; Ps 36:1; Pr 8:13; 16:6

Lu 23:40; Ro 3:8

1 Thessalonians 2:5


Job 17:5; 32:21,22; Ps 12:2,3; Pr 20:19; 26:28; 28:23; Isa 30:10

Mt 22:16; 2Pe 2:18

a cloke.

Isa 56:11; Jer 6:13; 8:10; Mic 3:5; Mal 1:10; Mt 23:14; Ac 20:33

Ro 16:18; 2Co 2:17; 4:2; 7:2; 12:17; 1Ti 3:3,8; Tit 1:7; 1Pe 5:2

2Pe 2:3,14,15; Jude 1:11; Re 18:12,13


Ro 1:9; 9:1; Ga 1:20
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