Judges 12:1

1 The Ephraimites, quarrelling with Jephthah, and discerned by Shibboleth, are slain by the Gileadites.

7 Jephthah dies.

8 Ibzan, who had thirty sons, and thirty daughters;

11 and Elon;

13 and Abdon, who had forty sons, and thirty nephews, judge Israel.

gathered. Heb. were called. Wherefore.

8:1; 2Sa 19:41-43; Ps 109:4; Ec 4:4; Joh 10:32

we will burn.

14:15; 15:6; Pr 27:3,4; Jas 3:16; 4:1,2

Judges 14:15

on the seventh day.The LXX. reads "on the fourth day;" with which the Syriac and Arabic agree. This, as Dr. Wall observes, is certainly right; for it appears from ver. 17, that she wept the remainder of the seven days; for which there could have been no time, if they did not threaten her till the seventh.


16:5; Ge 3:1-6; Pr 1:11; 5:3; 6:26; Mic 7:5

lest we burn.

12:1; 15:6

take that we have. Heb. possess us, or, impoverish us.

Proverbs 22:8


Job 4:8; Ho 8:7; 10:13; Ga 6:7,8

the rod of his anger shall fail. or, with the rod of hisanger he shall be consumed.

14:3; Ps 125:3; Isa 9:4; 10:5; 14:29; 30:31

1 Thessalonians 4:6


Ex 20:15,17; Le 19:11,13; De 24:7; 25:13-16; Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:14

Pr 20:23; 28:24; Isa 5:7; 59:4-7; Jer 9:4; Eze 22:13; 45:9-14

Am 8:5,6; Zep 3:5; Mal 3:5; Mr 10:19; 1Co 6:7-9; Eph 4:28; Jas 5:4

defraud. or, oppress. or, over-reach.

Le 25:14,17; 1Sa 12:3,4; Pr 22:22; Jer 7:6; Mic 2:2; Zep 3:1

Jas 2:6

in any matter. or, in the matter. the Lord

De 32:35; Job 31:13,14; Ps 94:1; 140:12; Pr 22:22,23; Ec 5:8

Isa 1:23,24; Ro 1:18; 12:19; Eph 5:6; 2Th 1:8

as we.

Lu 12:5; Ga 5:21; Eph 4:17
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