Judges 13:1

1 Israel is delivered into the hands of Philistines.

2 An angel appears to Manoah's wife.

8 The angel appears to Manoah.

15 Manoah's sacrifices, whereby the angel is discovered.

24 Samson is born.

did. Heb. added to commit, etc.

2:11; 3:7; 4:1; 6:1; 10:6; Ro 2:6

in the sight.

Jer 13:23

delivered."This seems a partial captivity."

into the.

1Sa 12:9

1 Samuel 4:2-3



they joined battle. Heb. the battle was spread. Israel.

Jos 7:5-8,12; Ps 44:9,10

and they.

Ps 79:7,8; 106:40,41; La 3:40

the army. Heb. the array.


De 29:24; Ps 74:1,11; Isa 50:1; 58:3

Let us.

14:18; Nu 31:6; Jos 6:4,5; 2Sa 15:25; Isa 1:11-15; Jer 7:4,8-15

Mt 3:9,10

fetch. Heb. take unto us. the ark.

Nu 10:33; De 31:26; Jos 4:7; 1Ch 17:1; Jer 3:16; Heb 9:4

it may save.

Jer 7:8-11; Am 5:21,22; Mt 23:25-28; Ro 2:28,29; 1Co 10:1-5

2Ti 3:5; 1Pe 3:21; Jude 1:5

1 Samuel 4:10-11


2; Le 26:17; De 28:25; Ps 78:9,60-64

every man.

2Sa 20:1; 1Ki 12:16; 22:36; 2Ki 14:12

a very great.

2Sa 18:7; 2Ch 13:17; 28:5,6; Isa 10:3-6

the ark.

2:32; Ps 78:61

the two sons.

2:34; Ps 78:64; Isa 3:11

were slain. Heb. died.

Psalms 78:60-62

Jos 18:1; 1Sa 1:3; 4:4-11; Jer 7:12-14; 26:6-9

his strength.That is, the ark, where his power and glory were displayed.

132:8; Jud 18:30; 1Sa 5:1,2; 2Ch 6:41


24:7; Ex 40:34; 1Sa 4:21,22


1Sa 4:2,10,11


89:38; Isa 64:9
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