Judges 13:1

1 Israel is delivered into the hands of Philistines.

2 An angel appears to Manoah's wife.

8 The angel appears to Manoah.

15 Manoah's sacrifices, whereby the angel is discovered.

24 Samson is born.

did. Heb. added to commit, etc.

2:11; 3:7; 4:1; 6:1; 10:6; Ro 2:6

in the sight.

Jer 13:23

delivered."This seems a partial captivity."

into the.

1Sa 12:9

Judges 13:5

no rasor.

Nu 6:2,3,5; 1Sa 1:11


1Sa 7:13; 2Sa 8:1; 1Ch 18:1

Judges 16:31

his brethren.

Joh 19:39-42

between Zorah.

13:2,25; Jos 19:41

And he judged.

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