Judges 2:16

A.M. 2591-2909. B.C. 1413-1095. the Lord.

3:9,10,15; 4:5; 6:14; 1Sa 12:11; Ac 13:20

judges.The {shophetim} were not judges in the usual sense of the term; but were heads or chiefs of the Israelites, raised up on extraordinary occasions, who directed and ruled the nation with sovereign power, administered justice, made peace or war, and led the armies over whom they presided. Officers with the same power, and nearly the same name, were established in New Tyre, after the termination of the regal state; and the Carthaginian Suffetes, the Athenian Archons, and the Roman Dictators, appear to have been nearly the same.

delivered. Heb. saved.

Ne 9:27; Ps 106:43-45

Judges 3:10-11

the Spirit.

6:34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6,19; Nu 11:17; 27:18; 1Sa 10:6; 11:6; 16:13

2Ch 15:1; 20:14; Ps 51:11; 1Co 12:4-11; Heb 6:4

came. Heb. was. Mesopotamia. Heb. Aram.

the land.

30; 5:31; 8:28; Jos 11:23; Es 9:22


9; Jos 15:17; 1Ch 4:13

1 Samuel 7:6

drew water.Grotius says, that the pouring out of water means the shedding of tears; and the Targum reads, "And they poured out their hearts in penitence, as waters, before the Lord." Others suppose that it was done emblematically, to represent the contrition of their hearts, and their desire to wash away their past offences. But some learned men conceive that it was poured out as a libation, in token of joy, after they had fasted and confessed their sin, as they were wont to do in the feast of tabernacles. (See note on Nu. 29:35.)

1:15; 2Sa 14:14; Job 16:20; Ps 6:6; 42:3; 119:136; Jer 9:1

La 2:11,18; 3:49


2Ch 20:3; Ezr 8:21-23; Ne 9:1-3; Da 9:3-5; Joe 2:12; Jon 3:1-10

We have sinned.

Le 26:40; Jud 10:10; 1Ki 8:47; Ezr 9:5-10; Job 33:27; 40:4; 42:6

Ps 38:3-8; 106:6; Jer 3:13,14; 31:19; Lu 15:18


Jud 3:10; Ne 9:27; Eze 20:4

1 Samuel 12:1

1 Samuel testifies his integrity.

6 He reproves the people of ingratitude.

16 He terrifies them with thunder in harvest time.

20 he comforts them in God's mercy.



have made.

10:1,24; 11:14,15

1 Samuel 25:1

1 Samuel dies.

2 David in Paran sends to Nabal.

10 Provoked by Nabal's churlishness, he minds to destroy him.

14 Abigail understanding thereof,

18 takes a present;

23 and by her wisdom,

32 pacifies David.

36 Nabal hearing thereof, dies.

39 David takes Abigail and Ahinoam to be his wives.

44 Michal is given to Phalti.

A.M. 2944. B.C. 1060. An. Ex. Is 431. Samuel.



Ge 50:11; Nu 20:29; De 34:8; Ac 8:2

in this house.

7:17; 1Ki 2:34; 2Ch 33:20; Isa 14:18

the wilderness.

Ge 14:6; 21:21; Nu 10:12; 12:16; 13:3,26; Ps 120:5

Acts 13:20-21

he gave.

Jud 2:16; 3:10; Ru 1:1; 1Sa 12:11; 2Sa 7:11; 2Ki 23:22; 1Ch 17:6


1Sa 3:20


1Sa 8:5-22; 12:12-19


1Sa 10:1,21-26; 11:15; 15:1


1Sa 9:1,2; 10:21

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