Judges 7:22


Jos 6:4,16,20; 2Co 4:7

the Lord.

1Sa 14:16-20; 2Ch 20:23; Ps 83:9; Isa 9:4; 19:2

in. or, toward. Zererath.Probably the same as Zartanah.

1Ki 4:12

border. Heb. lip. Abelmeholah.Situated, according to Eusebius 16 miles south from Scythopolis, or Bethshan.

1Ki 4:12; 19:16

Tabbath.Probably the town of [Oébéd,] mentioned by Eusebius, 13 miles from Neapolis, or Shechem, towards Scythopolis.

1 Samuel 14:16

melted away.

Ps 58:7; 68:2

beating down.

20; Jud 7:22; 2Ch 20:22-25; Isa 19:2

2 Chronicles 20:23

mount Seir.

Ge 14:6; 36:8,9; De 2:5; Jos 24:4; Eze 35:2,3

to destroy another. Heb. for the destruction.

Isaiah 9:19-21

is the land.

5:30; 8:22; 24:11,12; 60:2; Jer 13:16; Joe 2:2; Am 5:18; Mt 27:45

Ac 2:20

fuel. Heb. meat.


no man.

13:18; Eze 9:5; Mic 7:2,6; 2Pe 2:4

And he.

49:26; Le 26:26-29; Jer 19:9; La 4:10

snatch. Heb. cut.


Jud 7:2; 1Sa 14:20; 2Ki 15:30; 2Ch 28:6-8; Mt 24:10; Ga 5:15

For all this.

12,17; 5:25; 10:4; Jer 4:8

Isaiah 19:2

I will.

13,14; 9:21; Jud 7:22; 9:23; 1Sa 14:16,20; 2Ch 20:22,23; Eze 38:21

Mt 12:25; Re 17:12-17

set. Heb. mingle.
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