Judges 7:22


Jos 6:4,16,20; 2Co 4:7

the Lord.

1Sa 14:16-20; 2Ch 20:23; Ps 83:9; Isa 9:4; 19:2

in. or, toward. Zererath.Probably the same as Zartanah.

1Ki 4:12

border. Heb. lip. Abelmeholah.Situated, according to Eusebius 16 miles south from Scythopolis, or Bethshan.

1Ki 4:12; 19:16

Tabbath.Probably the town of [Oébéd,] mentioned by Eusebius, 13 miles from Neapolis, or Shechem, towards Scythopolis.

1 Samuel 14:20

assembled themselves. Heb. were cried together. everyman's.

16; Jud 7:22; 2Ch 20:23; Isa 9:19-21; 19:2

2 Chronicles 20:22-25

when they. Heb. in the time that they, etc. to sing and to.Heb. in singing and. the Lord set ambushments. Houbigant's version is, "the Lord set against the children of Amon and Moab ambushments of those who came from mount Seir against Judah; and the children of Ammon and Moab were smitten: but they afterwards rose up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, and utterly destroyed them; who being destroyed, they rose up one against one another, and mutually destroyed each other."

Jud 7:22; 1Sa 14:16,20; 2Ki 6:17; Ps 35:5,6; Isa 19:2; Eze 38:21

were smitten. or, smote one another.

mount Seir.

Ge 14:6; 36:8,9; De 2:5; Jos 24:4; Eze 35:2,3

to destroy another. Heb. for the destruction.

they were dead.

Ex 14:30; 1Ch 5:22; Ps 110:6; Isa 37:36; Jer 33:5

none escaped. Heb. there was not an escaping.

Ezr 9:14

they found.

Ex 12:35,36; 1Sa 30:19,20; 2Ki 7:9-16; Ps 68:12; Ro 8:37

dead bodies.Instead of {pegarim,} "dead bodies," eight MSS. and several ancient editions read {begadim,} "garments." None of the ancient versions, except the Chaldee, have dead bodies: garments would therefore appear to be the true reading; and the succeeding clause should be rendered, "which they seized for themselves."

precious jewels.

Ex 3:22; Nu 31:15; Jud 8:24-26; Pr 3:15

it was so much.

Eze 39:8,9

Isaiah 19:2

I will.

13,14; 9:21; Jud 7:22; 9:23; 1Sa 14:16,20; 2Ch 20:22,23; Eze 38:21

Mt 12:25; Re 17:12-17

set. Heb. mingle.
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