Judges 9:27

merry. or, songs.

Isa 16:9,10; 24:7-9; Jer 25:30; Am 6:3-6

the house.

4; 16:23; Ex 32:6,19; Da 5:1-4,23

did eat.

Isa 22:12-14; Lu 12:19,20; 17:26-29


Le 24:11; 1Sa 17:43; Ps 109:17

Judges 9:38

28,29; 2Sa 2:26,27; 2Ki 14:8-14; Jer 2:28

2 Samuel 5:6


Ge 14:18; Jos 10:3; Jud 1:8; Heb 7:1

the Jebusites.

Jos 15:63; 18:28; Jud 1:8,21; 19:10-12

which spake, etc.Dr. Kennicott's amended translation is as follows: "Who spake unto David, saying, Thou shalt not come in hither; for the blind and the lame shall drive thee away, by saying, David shall not come in hither." ver. 8. "And David said, Whosoever smiteth the Jebusites, and through the subterraneous passage reacheth the lame and the blind, who hate the life of David, (because the blind and the lame said, he shall not come into the house,) shall be chief and captain. So Joab, the son of Zeriah, went up first, and was chief."


Jer 37:10

thinking, David cannot. or, saying, David shall not, etc.

1 Kings 20:10-11

The gods.

19:2; Ac 23:12

if the dust.

2Sa 17:12,13; 2Ki 19:23,24; Isa 10:13,14; 37:24,25

follow me. Heb. are at my feet.

Ex 11:8; *marg:

Jud 4:10

Let not him, etc.This was no doubt a proverbial mode of expression. Jonathan renders it: "Let not him who girds himself, and goes down to battle, boast as one who has conquered and returned from it."

1Sa 14:6,12,13; 17:44-47; Pr 27:1; Ec 9:11; Isa 10:15,16

Mt 26:33-35,75

harness.The word harness is an obsolete word for armour, derived from the French {harnois;} see Ex 13:18.

1 Kings 20:13

came. Heb. approached. Hast thou.

2Ki 6:8-12; 7:1; 13:23; Isa 7:1-9; Eze 20:14,22

and thou shalt.

28; 18:37; Ex 14:18; 16:12; Ps 83:18; Isa 37:20; Eze 6:7; Joe 3:17

Psalms 12:5


10:12; 74:21,22; 79:10,11; 146:7,8; Ex 2:23,24; 3:7-9; Jud 10:16

Pr 14:31; 22:22,23; Ec 4:1; 5:8; Isa 19:20; Eze 18:12,13,18

Jas 5:4


Isa 33:10; Mic 7:8,9

puffeth at. or, would ensnare.

10:5; Job 5:15,21
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