Leviticus 18:16

20:21; De 25:5; Mt 14:3,4; 22:24; Mr 6:17; 12:19; Lu 3:19

Matthew 14:3-4


4:12; Mr 6:17; Lu 3:19,20; Joh 3:23,24

Herodias'.This infamous woman was the daughter of Aristobulus and Bernice, and granddaughter of Herod the Great.


Lu 13:1

Philip's.Herod Philip, son of Herod the Great and Mariamne.

Le 18:16; 20:21; De 25:5,6; 2Sa 12:7; 1Ki 21:19; 2Ch 26:18,19

Pr 28:1; Isa 8:20; Mr 6:18; Ac 24:24,25
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