Leviticus 18:27

24; De 20:18; 23:18; 25:16; 27:15; 1Ki 14:24; 2Ki 16:3; 21:2

2Ch 36:14; Eze 16:50; 22:11; Ho 9:10

Deuteronomy 9:5

Not for.Though the Canaanites were expelled for their wickedness, it does not follow, that the Israelites were established in their room on account of any distinguished virtue, or because they deserved it. On many occasions, it may be seen in the history of the world, that God punishes the wicked by the instrumentality of other men, who are as wicked as themselves. Not the Israelites' righteousness, but the wickedness of the inhabitants, and the promise of God to their fathers, was the cause of their obtaining Canaan.

Tit 3:5

that he may.

Ge 12:7; 13:15; 15:7; 17:8; 26:4; 28:13; Ex 32:13; Eze 20:14

Mic 7:20; Lu 1:54,55; Ac 3:25; 13:32,33; Ro 11:28; 15:8

Psalms 78:59


11:4; 14:2-5; Ge 18:20,21


106:40; Le 20:23; 26:44; La 2:7; Zec 11:8

Zechariah 11:8


Ho 5:7; Mt 23:34-36; 24:50,51

and my.

Le 26:11,30,44; De 32:19; Ps 5:5; 78:9; 106:40; Jer 12:8; 14:21

Ho 9:15; Heb 10:38

lothed them. Heb. was straitened for them.

Isa 49:7; Lu 12:50; 19:14; Joh 7:7; 15:18,23-25
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