Leviticus 18:29

17:10; 20:6

See on

Ex 12:15

Leviticus 20:3

I will set.

17:10; 1Pe 3:12

to defile.

Nu 19:20; Eze 5:11; 23:38,39


18:21; Eze 20:39; 2Co 6:16

Numbers 15:30-31

doeth ought.

9:13; 14:44; Ge 17:14; Ex 21:14; Le 20:3,6,10; De 1:43; 17:12

De 29:19,20; Ps 19:13; Mt 12:32; Heb 10:26,29; 2Pe 2:10

presumptuously. Heb. with an high hand.That is, bold, daring, deliberate acts of transgression against the fullest evidence, and in despite of the Divine authority. Such conduct "reproacheth the Lord," as if his commands were needless, unreasonable, and inimical to the happiness of man; his favour were not desirable, or his wrath not to be feared: in short, as if it were more advantageous to rebel against him than to serve him. Such acts admitted of no atonement: the person was condemned to bear his own iniquity, and to be cut off.


Ps 69:9; 74:18,22; 79:12; 89:51; Pr 14:31; Isa 37:23,24


Le 26:15,43; 2Sa 12:9; Ps 119:126; Pr 13:13; Isa 30:12; 1Th 4:8

Heb 10:28,29

his iniquity.

Le 5:1; Ps 38:4; Isa 53:6; Eze 18:20; 1Pe 2:24; 2Pe 2:21

Joshua 23:12-13

go back.

Ps 36:3; 125:5; Isa 1:4; Eze 18:24; Zep 1:6; Mt 12:45; Joh 6:66

Heb 10:38,39; 2Pe 2:18-22; 1Jo 2:9


Ge 2:24; 34:3; 1Sa 18:1-3; 1Ki 11:2; Ro 12:9

shall make.

Ex 34:12-16; De 7:3; 1Ki 11:4; Ezr 9:1,2,11,12; Ne 13:23-26

2Co 6:14-17

will no.

Ex 23:33; Nu 33:55; De 7:16; Jud 2:2,3; Ps 106:35-39


De 7:16; Jud 2:3; 1Ki 11:4; Ps 69:22; 2Ti 2:26

until ye perish.

Le 26:31-35; De 4:26; 28:63-68; 29:28; 30:18; 2Ki 17:22,23

2Ki 25:21,26; Lu 21:24

1 Samuel 2:31-34

I will cut.That is, I will destroy the strength, power, influence, and authority of thee and thy family; of which the arm of man being the instrument, is used as the emblem.

4:2,11,17-20; 14:3; 22:17-20; 1Ki 2:26,27,35; Job 22:9; Ps 37:17

Eze 30:21-24; 44:10

an enemy, etc.Or, the affliction of the tabernacle, for all the wealth which God would have given Israel. This appears to be the right translation; for, agreeably to this prediction, he did see the tabernacle deprived of the ark, which was its glory, and lived to hear that it was captured by the Philistines.

4:4,11,22; Ps 78:59-64

an old man.

Zec 8:4

to consume.

22:21-23; 1Ki 1:7,19; 2:26,27; Mt 2:16-18

in the flower, etc. Heb. men.

a sign.

3:12; 1Ki 13:3; 14:12

in one day.

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