Leviticus 18:5

which if a man do.

Eze 20:11,13,21; Lu 10:28; Ro 10:5; Ga 3:12

I am the Lord.

Ex 6:2,6,29; Mal 3:6

Deuteronomy 24:13


Ex 22:26,27; Job 24:7,8; 29:11-13; 31:16-20; Eze 18:7,12,16; 33:15

Am 2:8; 2Ti 1:16-18

the sun.

15; 2Co 9:13,14; Eph 4:26

in his own raiment.The raiment here referred to was most likely the same as the {hyke} of the Arabs, a long kind of blanket, resembling a Highland plaid, generally about six yards in length, and five or six feet broad; in which they often carry their provisions, as well as wrap themselves in, in the day, and sleep in at night, it being their only substitute for a bed. How necessary, then, it was to restore the {hyke} to a poor man before the going down of the sun, that he might have something to repose on, will sufficiently appear from these considerations.

shall be.

6:25; 15:9,10; Ge 15:6; Ps 106:30,31; 112:9; Isa 58:8; Da 4:27

Jas 1:27; 2:13-23

Psalms 106:30-31

Nu 25:6-8,14,15; De 13:9-11,15-17; Jos 7:12; 1Ki 18:40,41

Jon 1:12-15

Nu 25:11-13; De 24:13; Mr 14:3-9

Psalms 119:6

shall I.

31,80; Job 22:26; Da 12:2,3; 1Jo 2:28; 3:20,21

I have.

128; Joh 15:14; Jas 2:10

Proverbs 12:28

8:35; 9:11; 10:16; 11:19; Eze 18:9,20-24; Ro 5:21; 6:22,23

Tit 2:11,12; 1Jo 2:29; 3:7; 3Jo 1:11

Ezekiel 20:11

I gave.

De 4:8; Ne 9:13,14; Ps 147:19,20; Ro 3:2

shewed them. Heb. made them to know. which.

13,21; Le 18:5; De 20:15,16; Lu 10:28; Ro 10:5; Ga 3:12
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