Leviticus 26:14-46

18; De 28:15-68; Jer 17:27; La 1:18; 2:17; Mal 2:2; Ac 3:23

Heb 12:25


43; Nu 15:31; 2Sa 12:9,10; 2Ki 17:15; 2Ch 36:16; Pr 1:7,30

Jer 6:19; Zec 7:11-13; Ac 13:41; 1Th 4:8


Ps 50:17; Pr 5:12; Ro 8:7


Ge 17:14; Ex 19:5; 24:7; De 31:16; Isa 24:5; Jer 11:10; 31:32

Eze 16:59; Heb 8:9


Ps 109:6

over you. Heb. upon you. terror.

De 28:65-67; 32:25; Job 15:20,21; 18:11; 20:25; Ps 73:19; Isa 7:2

Jer 15:8; 20:4; Heb 10:31


Ex 15:26; De 28:21,22,35


De 28:32,34,67; 1Sa 2:33; Ps 78:33; Eze 33:10; Zec 14:12

and ye shall.

De 28:33,51; Jud 6:3-6,11; Job 31:8; Isa 65:22-24; Jer 5:17; 12:13

Mic 6:15; Hag 1:6

for your.

Isa 10:4


17:10; 20:5,6; Ps 68:1,2

ye shall be.

De 28:25; Jud 2:14; 1Sa 4:10; 31:1; Ne 9:27-30; Ps 106:41,42

Jer 19:7; La 1:5

shall flee.

36; Ps 53:5; Pr 28:1

seven times.

21,24,28; 1Sa 2:5; Ps 119:164; Pr 24:16; Da 3:19

will break.

1Sa 4:3,11; Isa 2:12; 25:11; 26:5; Jer 13:9; Eze 7:24; 30:6; Da 4:37

Zep 3:11


De 28:23; 1Ki 17:1; Jer 14:1-6; Lu 4:25

your strength.

Ps 127:1; Isa 49:4; Hab 2:13; Ga 4:11

for your land.

4; De 11:17; 28:18,38-40,42; Job 31:40; Ps 107:34; Hag 1:9-11

Hag 2:16; 1Co 3:6

contrary unto me. or, at all adventures with me: and sover.



6; De 32:24; 2Ki 17:25; Jer 15:3; Eze 5:17; 14:15,21

rob you.

2Ki 2:24

your high.

Jud 5:6; 2Ch 15:5; Isa 24:6; 33:8; La 1:4; Eze 14:15; 33:28

Mic 3:12; Zec 7:14

Isa 1:16-20; Jer 2:30; 5:3; Eze 24:13,14; Am 4:6-12

2Sa 22:27; Job 9:4; Ps 18:26; Isa 63:10

will bring.

De 32:25,41; Jud 2:14-16; Ps 78:62-64; Isa 34:5,6; Jer 9:16

Jer 14:12,13; 15:2-4; La 2:21; Eze 5:17; 6:3; 14:17; 21:4-17; 29:8

Eze 33:2


De 32:35; Ps 94:1; Eze 20:37; Heb 10:28-30

I will send.

Nu 14:12; 16:49; De 28:21; 2Sa 24:15; Jer 14:12; 24:10; 29:17,18

Am 4:10; Lu 21:11

Ps 105:16; Isa 3:1; 9:20; Jer 14:12; La 4:3-9; Eze 4:10,16; 5:16

Eze 14:13; Ho 4:10; Mic 6:14; Hag 1:6


in fury.

Isa 27:4; 59:18; 63:3; 66:15; Jer 21:5; Eze 5:13,15; 8:18; Na 1:2,6
This was literally fulfilled at the siege of Jerusalem. Josephus gives a dreadful detail respecting a woman named Mary, who, in the extremity of the famine, during the seige, killed her sucking child, roasted, and had eaten part of it, when discovered by the soldiers!

De 28:53-57; 2Ki 6:28,29; Jer 19:9; La 2:20; 4:10; Eze 5:10

Mt 24:19; Lu 23:29

I will destroy.

1Ki 13:2; 2Ki 23:8,16,20; 2Ch 14:3-5; 23:17; 31:1; 34:3-7; Isa 27:9

Jer 8:1-3; Eze 6:3-6,13

my soul.

11,15; 20:23; Ps 78:58,59; 89:38; Jer 14:19

And I will make.

2Ki 25:4-10; 2Ch 36:19; Ne 2:3,17; Isa 1:7; 24:10-12; Jer 4:7; 9:11

La 1:1; 2:7; Eze 6:6; 21:15; Mic 3:12

and bring.

Ps 74:3-8; Jer 22:5; 26:6,9; 52:13; La 1:10; Eze 9:6; 21:7; 24:21

Mt 24:1,2; Lu 21:5,6,24; Ac 6:14

I will not smell. See on

Ge 8:21; Isa 1:11-14; 66:3; Am 5:21-23; Heb 10:26

And I.

De 29:23; Isa 1:7,8; 5:6,9; 6:11; 24:1; 32:13,14; 64:10; Jer 9:11

Jer 25:11,18,38; 44:2,22; La 5:18; Eze 33:28,29; Da 9:2,18

Hab 3:17; Lu 21:20

and your.

De 28:37; 29:24-28; 1Ki 9:8; Jer 18:16; 19:8; La 4:12; Eze 5:15

De 4:27; 28:64-66; Ps 44:11; Jer 9:16; La 1:3; 4:15; Eze 12:14-16

Eze 20:23; 22:15; Zec 7:14; Lu 21:24; Jas 1:1
This was fulfilled during the Babylonish captivity: for, from Saul to the captivity are about 490 years, during which period there were 70 sabbaths of years neglected by the Hebrews. Now the Babylonish captivity lasted 70 years, and during that time the land of Israel rested.

25:2-4,10; 2Ch 36:21

Isa 24:5,6; Ro 8:22

I will send.

Ge 35:5; De 28:65-67; Jos 2:9-11; 5:1; 1Sa 17:24; 2Ki 7:6,7

2Ch 14:14; Job 15:21,22; Isa 7:2,4; Eze 21:7,12,15

and the.

7,8,17; De 1:44; Job 15:21; Pr 28:1; Isa 30:17

shaken. Heb. driven.

they shall.

Jud 7:22; 1Sa 14:15,16; Isa 10:4; Jer 37:10

and ye shall.

Nu 14:42; Jos 7:12,13; Jud 2:14

De 4:27; 28:48,68; Isa 27:13; Jer 42:17,18,22; 44:12-14,27,28

shall pine.

De 28:65; 30:1; Ne 1:9; Ps 32:3,4; Jer 3:25; 29:12; La 4:9; Eze 4:17

Eze 6:9; 20:43; 24:23; 33:10; 36:31; Ho 5:15; Zec 10:9

and also.

Ex 20:5; 34:7; Nu 14:18; De 5:9; Jer 31:29; Eze 18:2,3,19

Mt 23:35,36; Ro 11:8-10


Nu 5:7; De 4:29-31; 30:1-3; Jos 7:19; 1Ki 8:33-36,47; Ne 9:2-5

Job 33:27,28; Ps 32:5; Pr 28:13; Jer 31:18-20; Eze 36:31

Da 9:3-20; Ho 5:15; 6:1,2; Lu 15:18,19; 1Jo 1:8-10

and that.


their uncircumcised.

De 30:6; Jer 4:4; 6:10; 9:25,26; Eze 44:7; Ac 7:51; Ro 2:28,29

Ga 5:6; Php 3:3; Col 2:11


Ex 10:3; 1Ki 21:29; 2Ch 12:6,7,12; 32:26; 33:12,13,19,23; Eze 6:9

Eze 20:43; Mt 23:12; Lu 14:11; 18:14; Jas 4:6-9; 1Pe 5:5,6

and they.

Ezr 9:13,15; Ne 9:33; Ps 39:9; 51:3,4; Da 9:7-14,18,19

will I.

Ge 9:16; Ex 2:24; 6:5; De 4:31; Ps 106:45; Eze 16:60; Lu 1:72

and I will.

Ps 85:1,2; 136:23; Eze 36:1-15,33,34; Joe 2:18

shall enjoy.


and they.

41; 1Ki 8:46-48; 2Ch 33:12; Job 5:17; 34:31,32; Ps 50:15

Ps 119:67,71,75; Isa 26:16; Jer 31:19; Da 9:7-9,14; Heb 12:5-11

they despised.

15; 2Ki 17:7-17; 2Ch 36:14-16

their soul.

15,30; Ps 50:17; Am 5:10; Zec 11:8; Joh 7:7; 15:23,24; Ro 8:7

I will.

De 4:29-31; 2Ki 13:23; Ne 9:31; Ps 94:14; Eze 14:22,23; Ro 11:2,26




Ps 89:33; Jer 14:21; 33:20,21; Eze 16:60

for their.

Ge 12:2; 15:18; 17:7,8; Ex 2:24; 19:5,6; Lu 1:72,73

Ro 11:12,23-26,28,29; 2Co 3:15,16

whom I.

22:33; 25:38

See on

Ex 20:2

in the sight.

Ps 98:2,3; Eze 20:9,14,22
As this verse appears to be the proper concluding verse of the whole book, Dr. A. Clarke thinks that the 27th chapter originally followed the 25th. Others suppose that the 27th chapter was added after the book was finished; and, therefore, there is apparently a double conclusion, one at the end of this, and another at the end of the 27th chapter. All the ancient versions agree in concluding both chapters in nearly the same way.

the statues.

27:34; De 6:1; 12:1; 13:4; Joh 1:17

in mount Sinai.


by the hand.

8:36; Nu 4:37; Ps 77:20

Deuteronomy 4:26-27

I call heaven.A most solemn method of adjuration, in use among all the nations in the world; God and man being called upon to bear testimony to the truth of what was spoken, that if there was any flaw or insincerity it might be detected, and if any crime, it might not go unpunished. Such appeals to God shew at once the origin and use of oaths.

30:18,19; 31:28; 32:1; Isa 1:2; Jer 2:12; 6:19; 22:29; Eze 36:4

Mic 1:2; 6:2

ye shall.

29:28; Le 18:28; 26:31-35; Jos 23:16; Isa 6:11; 24:1-3; Jer 44:22

Eze 33:28; Lu 21:24

28:62-64; Ne 1:3,8,9; Eze 12:15; 32:26

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

if thou wilt.

Le 26:14-46; La 2:17; Da 9:11-13; Mal 2:2; Ro 2:8,9

all these curses.The same variety of expression is used in these terrible curses, as in the preceding blessings, to intimate every kind of prosperity or adversity, personal, relative, and public. Consulting the marginal references will generally lead to the best exposition of the terms employed; and will frequently point out the fulfilment of the promises and threatenings.

2; 27:15-26; 29:20; Isa 3:11; Ga 3:10

in the city.

3-14; Pr 3:33; Isa 24:6-12; 43:28; Jer 9:11; 26:6; 44:22; La 1:1

La 2:11-22; 4:1-13; Mal 2:2; 4:6

in the field.

55; Ge 3:17,18; 4:11,12; 5:29; 8:21,22; 1Ki 17:1,5,12

Jer 14:2-5,18; La 5:10; Joe 1:4,8-18; 2:3; Am 4:6-9; Hag 1:9-11

Hag 2:16,17; Mal 3:9-12

5; Ps 69:22; Pr 1:32; Hag 1:6; Zec 5:3,4; Mal 2:2; Lu 16:25

the fruit of thy body.

4; 5:9; Job 18:16-19; Ps 109:9-15; La 2:11,12,20; Ho 9:11-14

Mal 2:3; Lu 23:29,30

thy land.

16; Le 26:19,20,26; Hab 3:17

6; Jud 5:6,7; 2Ch 15:5


Ps 7:11; Mal 2:2


1Sa 14:20; Ps 80:4-16; Isa 28:19; 30:17; 51:20; 66:15; Zec 14:12,13

Joh 3:36; 1Th 2:16

for to do. Heb. which thou wouldest do. until thou be.

4:26; Le 26:31-33,38; Jos 23:16

Ex 5:3; Le 26:25; Nu 14:12; 16:46-49; 25:9; 2Sa 24:15; Jer 15:2; 16:4

Jer 21:6,7; 24:10; Mt 26:7

a consumption.

Le 26:16; 2Ch 6:28; Jer 14:12

sword. or, drought. blasting.

1Ki 8:37; Am 4:9; Hag 2:17
The language here is remarkable: "Thy heaven;" that part of the atmosphere which was over Judea, instead of being replenished with aqueous vapours, should become, with respect to moisture, like brass: and consequently their land would become as hard as iron, and wholly incapable of cultivation; while the clouds might give showers in abundance, and the earth be moist and fruitful in other regions.

Le 26:19; 1Ki 17:1; 18:2; Jer 14:1-6; Am 4:7

make the rain.This was a natural consequence of their heaven's being brass, or yielding no rain; for the surface of the earth being reduced to powder, and frequently taken up by strong winds, would fall down in showers instead of rain. These showers of sand frequently, in the East, bury whole caravans.

12; Ge 19:24; Job 18:15-21; Isa 5:24; Am 4:11

cause thee.

7; 32:30; Le 26:17,36,37; Isa 30:17

removed. Heb. for a removing.

Jer 15:2-9; 24:9; 29:18; 34:17; Eze 23:46; Lu 21:24

1Sa 17:44-46; Ps 79:1-3; Isa 34:3; Jer 7:33; 8:1; 16:4; 19:7; 34:20

Eze 39:17-20

the botch.

35; Ex 9:9,11; 15:26


1Sa 5:6,9,12; Ps 78:66


Le 13:2-8; 21:20; Isa 3:17

1Sa 16:14; Ps 60:3; Isa 6:9,10; 19:11-17; 43:19; Jer 4:9; Eze 4:17

Lu 21:25,26; Ac 13:41; 2Th 2:9-11


Job 5:14; 12:25; Ps 69:23,24; Isa 59:10; La 5:17; Zep 1:17

Ro 11:7-10,25; 2Co 4:3,4

thou shalt be.

Jud 3:14; 4:2,3; 6:1-6; 10:8; 13:1; 1Sa 13:5-7,19-22; Ne 9:26-29,37

Ps 106:40-42; La 5:8; Ac 21:24


20:6,7; Job 31:10; Jer 8:10; Ho 4:2


Job 3:18; Isa 5:9,10; 65:21,22; Jer 12:13; La 5:2; Am 5:11

Mic 6:15; Zep 1:13

gather. Heb. profane, or, use it as common meat.

20:6; *marg:


Jud 6:1; Job 1:14,15

be restored to thee. Heb. return to thee.

sons.In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews have been taken from them, by order of the government, to be educated in the Popish faith.

18,41; Nu 21:29; 2Ch 29:9; Ne 5:2-5; Jer 15:7-9; 16:2-4; Eze 24:25

Joe 3:6; Am 5:27; Mic 4:10


65; Job 11:20; 17:5; Ps 69:3; 119:82,123; Isa 38:14; La 2:11; 4:17

La 5:17

The fruit.

30,51; Le 26:16; Ne 9:36,37; Isa 1:7; Jer 5:17; 8:16

thou shalt be.

29; Jer 4:17

28,68; Isa 33:14; Jer 25:15,16; Re 16:10,11


27; Job 2:6,7; Isa 1:6; 3:17,24

bring thee.

2Ki 17:4-6; 24:12-15; 25:6,7,11; 2Ch 33:11; 36:6,17,20; Isa 39:7

Jer 22:11,12,24-27; 24:8-10; 39:5-7; 52:8-11; La 4:20; Eze 12:12,13

there shalt thou.The Israelites, who were carried captive by the Assyrians, and many of the Jews in Chaldea, were finally incorporated with the nations among whom they lived, and were given up to their idolatry. It is probable, however, that this refers to Jews being compelled, in Popish countries, to conceal their religion, and profess that of the Romish church.

64; 4:28; Jer 16:13; Eze 20:32,33,39


28; 29:22-28; 1Ki 9:7,8; 2Ch 7:20; Ps 44:13,14; Jer 24:9; 25:9

Joe 2:17; *marg:

Zec 8:13

a proverb.The name of Jew has long been a proverbial mark of detestation and contempt among all the nations whither they have been dispersed, and is so to this day, whether among Christians, Mohmammedans, or Pagans.

shalt carry.

Isa 5:10; Mic 6:15; Hag 1:6

for the locust.

Ex 10:14,15; Joe 1:4; 2:3,25; Am 4:9; 7:1,2

for the worms.

Joe 1:4-7; 2:2-4; Jon 4:7

anoint thyself.

Ps 23:5; 104:15; Mic 6:15

thou shalt not enjoy them. Heb. they shall not be thine.for.

32; 2Ki 24:14; La 1:5

thy trees.

38,39; Am 7:1,2

consume. or, possess.

Jud 2:3,11-15; 4:2,3; 10:7-10; 14:4; 15:11,12; 1Sa 13:3-7,19-23

2Ki 17:20,23; 24:14-16; Joh 18:31; 19:15

12,13; La 1:5


5,15; 29:20,21; Le 26:28; 2Ki 17:20; Pr 13:21; Isa 1:20; 65:14,15

Jer 24:9,10; La 2:15-17; Eze 7:15; 14:21


11:27,28; Ps 119:21; Jer 7:22-25

a sign.

37,59; 29:20,28; Isa 8:18; Jer 19:8; 25:18; Eze 14:8; 23:32,33

Eze 36:20; 1Co 10:11

12:7-12; 16:11; 32:13-15; Ne 9:35; 1Ti 6:17-19


2Ch 12:8; Ne 9:35-37; Jer 5:19; 17:4; Eze 17:3,7,12

in hunger.

Jer 44:17,18,22,27; La 5:2-6; Eze 4:16,17

a yoke.

Isa 47:6; Jer 27:12,13; 28:13,14; Mt 11:29

bring a nation.Though the Chaldeans are frequently described under the figure of an eagle, yet these verses especially predict the desolations brought on the Jews by the Romans; who came from a country far more distant than Chaldea; whose conquests were as rapid as the eagle's flight, and whose standard bore this very figure; who spake a language to which the Jews were then entire strangers, being wholly unlike the Hebrew, of which the Chaldee was merely a dialect; whose appearance and victories were terrible; and whose yoke was a yoke of iron; and the havoc which they made tremendous.

Nu 24:24; Isa 5:26-30; Jer 5:15-17; Da 6:22,23; 9:26; Hab 1:6,7

Lu 19:43,44

as the eagle.

Jer 4:13; 48:40; 49:22; La 4:19; Eze 17:3,12; Ho 8:1; Mt 24:28

a nation whose.

Jer 5:15; Eze 3:6; 1Co 14:21

understand. Heb. hear.

of fierce countenance. Heb. strong of face.

Pr 7:13; Ec 8:1; *margins

Da 7:7; 8:23

shall not.

2Ch 36:17; Isa 47:6; Ho 13:16; Lu 19:44; 21:23,24

the fruit.

33; Isa 1:7; 62:8

which also.

Le 26:26; Jer 15:13; 17:3; Eze 12:19; Hab 3:16,17

Le 26:25; 2Ki 17:1-6; 18:13; 24:10,11; 25:1-4; Isa 1:7; 62:8

Jer 21:4-7; 37:8; 39:1-3; 52:4-7; Eze 4:1-8; Da 9:26; Zec 12:2; 14:2

Mt 22:7; 24:15,16; Lu 19:43,44; 21:20-24

the fruit.

18,55,57; Le 26:29; 2Ki 6:28,29; Jer 19:9; La 2:20; 4:10

Eze 5:10; Mt 24:19

body. Heb. belly.

his eye.

15:9; Pr 23:6; 28:22; Mt 20:15

and toward.The Roman armies at length besieged, sacked, and utterly desolated Jerusalem: and during this seige, the famine was so extreme, that even rich and delicate persons, both men and women, ate their own children, and concealed the horrible repast, lest others should tear it from them! "Women snatched the food out of the very mouths of their husbands, and sons of their fathers, and (what is most miserable) mothers of their infants." "In every house, if there appeared any semblance of food, a battle ensued, and the dearest friends and relations fought with one another; snatching away the miserable provisions of life." "A woman distinguished by birth and wealth, after she had been plundered by the tyrants (or soldiers) of all her possessions, boiling her own sucking child, ate half of him, and concealing the other half, reserved it for another time!"

13:6; 2Sa 12:3; Mic 7:5

his children.

Ps 103:13; Isa 49:15; Mt 7:9-11; Lu 11:11-13

in the seige.

Jer 5:10; 34:2; 52:6

and delicate.

Isa 3:16; La 4:3-6

her eye shall be evil.


young one. Heb. after-birth. cometh out.

Ge 49:10; Isa 49:15

for she shall.


If thou wilt.

15; Le 26:14,15; Jer 7:9,10,26-28

fear this glorious.

6:13; Ex 3:14,15; 6:2,3; 20:2; 34:5-7; Ne 9:5; Ps 50:7; 72:19; 83:18

Isa 41:10; 42:8; Jer 5:12; Mt 10:28; Heb 10:30,31; 12:28,29

46; 29:20-28; 31:17,18; 32:22,26; 1Ki 9:7-9; 16:3,4; La 1:9,12

La 4:12; Da 9:12; Ho 3:4; Mr 13:19

7:15; Ex 15:26

bring upon thee. Heb. cause to ascend.


few in number.In the seige of Jerusalem there died 1,100,000 persons, and more than 90,000 were carried captive; and, having afterwards provoked the Romans by their crimes and rebellions, they persecuted them nearly to extirpation; to which, if the tens of thousands which were slaughtered year after year in every country be added, it appears wonderful that there were any remains left.

4:27; Le 26:22; 2Ki 13:7; 24:14; Ne 7:4; Isa 1:9; 24:6; Jer 42:2

Jer 52:28-30; Mr 13:20; Ro 9:27-29

as the stars.

10:22; Ne 9:23; Ro 9:27

rejoiced over.

30:9; Isa 62:5; Jer 32:41; Mic 7:18; Zep 3:17; Lu 15:6-10,23,24,32

rejoice over.

Pr 1:26; Isa 1:24; Eze 5:13; 33:11

plucked from.

7:22; *marg:

Jer 12:14,15; 18:7; 24:6; 31:28,40; 42:10; Da 7:8


4:27,28; Le 26:33; Ne 1:8; Jer 16:13; 50:17; Eze 11:16,17; Lu 21:24

there thou shalt.

36; Jer 16:13

among.After the conquest of their country by the Romans, Hadrian, by a public decree, ratified by the senate, forbad any Jew to come even within sight of Judea; and hence they were dispersed over every quarter of the globe, where they found no alleviation or respite from misery. In no country are they treated as denizens; all suspect them as enemies, and behave to them as aliens; if they do not, as had been too frequently the case, harass, oppress, and persecute them, even unto death.

shalt thou.

Ge 8:9; Isa 57:21; Eze 5:12-17; 20:32-35; Am 9:4,9,10

the Lord.

Le 26:36; Isa 51:17; Eze 12:18,19; Ho 11:10,11; Hab 3:16; Lu 21:26

failing of eyes.

Le 26:16; Isa 65:14; La 3:65; Mt 24:8; Ro 11:10

67; La 1:13; Heb 10:27; Re 6:15-17

34; Job 7:3,4; Re 9:6

bring thee into Egypt.This verse seems especially to point out an event, which took place subsequently to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, and the desolation made by Hadrian. Numbers of the captives were sent by sea into Egypt (as well as into other countries), and sold for slaves at a vile price, and for the meanest offices; and many thousands were left to perish from want; for the multitude was so great, that purchasers could not be found for them all at any price!

17:16; Jer 43:7; 44:12; Ho 8:13; 9:3

there ye shall.

Ex 20:2; Ne 5:8; Es 7:4; Joe 3:3-7; Lu 21:24

Deuteronomy 29:18-28

among you man.

11:16,17; 13:1-15; 17:2-7; Heb 3:12

among you a root.

Jer 9:15; Ho 10:4; Am 6:12; Ac 8:23; Heb 12:15

gall and wormwood. or, a poisonful herb. Heb. rosh.

this curse.

12; Ge 2:17

that he bless.

17:2; Nu 15:30,39; Ps 10:4-6,11; 49:18; 94:6,7; Pr 29:1

Jer 5:12,13; 7:3-11; 28:15-17; 44:16,17,27; Eze 13:16,22; Eph 5:6

though I walk.

Nu 15:30; Ec 11:9; Ro 1:21; 2Co 10:5; Eph 4:17

imagination. or, stubborness.

Jer 3:17; 7:24; *margins

to add.A very forcible metaphor, denoting the natural progress and increasing avidity of sinful passions and depraved inclinations; which lead men to drink down iniquity as the drunkard does his liquor, without regard to the consequences. Some render, "to add thirst to drunkenness;" and then it implies the insatiableness of men's sinful passions, which hanker for more and more indulgence after the greatest excesses.

drunkenness to thirst. Heb. the drunken to the thirsty.

will not spare.

Ps 78:50; Pr 6:34; Isa 27:11; Jer 13:14; Eze 5:11; 7:4,9; 8:18; 9:10

Eze 14:7,8; 24:14; Ro 8:32; 11:21; 2Pe 2:4,5

the anger.

Ps 74:1

his jealousy.

Ex 20:5; 34:14; Ps 78:58; 79:5; So 8:6; Eze 8:3,5; 23:25; 36:5

Na 1:2; Zep 1:18; 1Co 10:22


Ps 18:8; 74:1; Heb 12:29

all the curses.

27:15-26; 28:15-68

blot out.

9:14; 25:19; Ex 32:32,33; Ps 69:28; Eze 14:7,8; Re 3:5


Jos 7:1-26; Eze 13:9; Mal 3:18; Mt 24:51; 25:32,41,46

are written. Heb. is written.

which the Lord hath laid upon it. Heb. wherewith the Lordhath made it sick.



Job 18:15; Isa 34:9; Lu 17:29; Re 19:20


Jud 9:45; Ps 107:34; Jer 17:6; Eze 47:11; Zep 2:9; Lu 14:34,35

like the.

Ge 14:2; 19:24,25; Jer 20:16; Ho 11:8,9; Am 4:11

1Ki 9:8,9; 2Ch 7:21,22; Jer 22:8,9; La 2:15-17; 4:12; Eze 14:23

Ro 2:5


Isa 47:6; Jer 40:2,3; 50:7

they have forsaken.

1Ki 19:10-14; Isa 24:1-6; Jer 22:9; 31:32; Heb 8:9

they went.

Jud 2:12,13; 5:8; 2Ki 17:7-18; 2Ch 36:12-17; Jer 19:3-13; 44:2-6

gods whom.


whom he had, etc. or, who had not given to them any portion.given. Heb. divided.

all the curses.

20,21; 27:15-26; 28:15-68; Le 26:14-46; Da 9:11-14

rooted them.

28:25,36,64; 1Ki 14:15; 2Ki 17:18,23; 2Ch 7:20; Ps 52:5; Pr 2:22

Jer 42:10; Lu 21:23,24

as it is this day.

6:24; 8:18; Ezr 9:7; Da 9:7

Deuteronomy 31:16-17

thou shalt.

Ge 25:8; 2Sa 7:12; Isa 57:2; Ac 13:36

sleep. Heb. lie down.{Shochaiv,} "lying down:" it signifies to rest, take rest in sleep, and metaphorically, to die. Though much stress cannot be safely laid upon this expression to prove the immortality of the soul, or that the people, in the time of Moses, had a distinct notion of its separate existence; yet is was understood in this sense by Jonathan, who paraphrases the words thus: "Thou shalt lie down in the dust with thy fathers; and thy soul {nishmatoch) shall be laid up in the treasury of the life to come, with thy fathers."

Job 20:11

and go a.

Ex 32:6; 34:15; Le 20:3-6; Jud 2:17-20; Ps 73:27; 106:39

Isa 57:3-8; Jer 3:1-3; Eze 16:15,25-36; 23:5-8,9-21; Ho 2:2-5

Re 17:2-5; 19:2

forsake me.

32:15; Jud 2:12; 10:6,13; Jer 2:11-13

break my.

Le 26:15; Jud 2:20; Jer 31:32

my anger.

29:20; 32:21,22; Jud 2:14,15; Ps 2:12; 90:11

I will forsake.

1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 15:2; Jer 23:33,39; Ho 9:12

hide my face.Though this may allude to the withdrawing of the {Shechinah,} or visible appearance of Jehovah, yet the general meaning of the expression in Scripture is, the withdrawing of his approbation and protection, of which his visible appearance was formerly the sign and pledge.

32:20; Job 13:24; Ps 27:9; 30:7; 89:46; 104:29; Isa 8:17; 64:7

Eze 39:23,24,29

befal them. Heb. find them.

Ne 9:32; *marg:

Job 34:11

Are not these.

29:24-27; Nu 14:42; Jud 6:13; Isa 63:17

Deuteronomy 32:15-44


33:5,26; Isa 44:2


1Sa 2:29; Ac 9:5

waxen fat.

31:20; Job 15:27; Ps 17:10; 73:7; 119:70; Isa 6:10; Ac 28:27

Ro 2:4,5

then he.

6:10-12; 8:10-14; 31:16,20; Ne 9:25; Isa 1:4; Jer 2:5; 5:7,28

Ho 13:6

the Rock.

4; 2Sa 22:47; Ps 18:46; 89:26; 95:1


5:9; 1Ki 14:22; Na 1:1,2; 1Co 10:22


7:25; Le 18:27; 2Ki 23:13


Le 17:7; Ps 106:37,38; 1Co 10:20; 1Ti 4:1; Re 9:20

not to God. or, which were not God.

21; Jer 10:15; 1Co 8:4; 10:19

to gods.

28:64; Isa 44:8

to new gods.

Jud 5:8

the Rock.

4,15; Isa 17:10


6:12; 8:11,14,19; Ps 9:17; 44:20-22; 106:21; Isa 17:10; 22:10,11

Jer 2:32; 3:21; Ho 8:14

And when.

Le 26:11; Jud 2:14; Ps 5:4; 10:3; 78:59; 106:40; Am 3:2,3; Zec 11:8

Re 3:16

abhorred them. or, despised.

La 2:6

of his sons.

Ps 82:6,7; Isa 1:2; Jer 11:15

I will hide.

31:17,18; Job 13:24; 34:29; Isa 64:7; Jer 18:17; Ho 9:12

a very.

5; Isa 65:2-5; Mt 11:16,17; Lu 7:31,32


2Ch 20:20; Isa 7:9; 30:9; Mt 17:17; Mr 9:19; Lu 18:8; 2Th 3:2

Heb 11:6

moved me.

16; Ps 78:58

with their vanities.

1Sa 12:21; 1Ki 16:13,26; Ps 31:6; Jer 8:19; 10:8; 14:22; Jon 2:8

Ac 11:15

I will.

Ho 1:10; Ro 9:25; 10:19; 11:11-14; 1Pe 2:9,10

For a fire.

29:20; Nu 16:35; Ps 21:9; 83:14; 97:3; Isa 66:15,16; Jer 4:4; 15:14

Jer 17:4; La 2:3; 4:11; Eze 36:5; Na 1:6; Mal 4:1,2; Mr 9:43-48

2Th 1:8; Heb 12:29

shall burn. or, hath burned. lowest.

Ps 86:13; Isa 30:33; Zep 3:8; Mt 10:28; 18:9; 23:33

shall consume. or, hath consumed.

Isa 24:6,19,20


Job 9:5,6; Ps 46:2; 144:5; Isa 54:10; Mic 1:4; Na 1:5; Hab 3:10

heap mischiefs.

28:15; Le 26:18,24; Isa 24:17,18; 26:15; Jer 15:2,3; Eze 14:21

Mt 24:7,8


Ps 7:12,13; La 3:13; Eze 5:16


28:53; Jer 14:18; La 4:4-9; 5:10

burning heat. Heb. burning coals.

Ps 18:12-14; 120:4; Hab 3:5

the teeth.

Le 26:22; Jer 15:3; 16:4; Eze 5:17; 14:15,21


Ge 3:14; 49:15; Isa 65:25; Am 9:3


Le 26:36,37; Isa 30:16; Jer 9:21; La 1:20; Eze 7:15; 2Co 7:5

within. Heb. from the chambers. destroy. Heb. bereave.the young.

La 2:19-22; 4:4

28:25,37,64; Le 26:33,38; Isa 63:16; Lu 21:24

lest their.

1Sa 12:22; Isa 37:28,29,35; 47:7; Jer 19:4; La 1:9; Eze 20:13,14

Eze 20:20-22; Zec 1:14,15

they should.

Ex 32:12; Nu 14:15,16; Jos 7:9; Ps 115:1,2; 140:8; Isa 10:8-15

Isa 37:10,12-23; Da 4:30-37

Our hand, etc. or, Our high hand and not the Lord hath doneall this.

6; Job 28:28; Ps 81:12; Pr 1:7; Isa 27:11; 29:14; Jer 4:22; 8:9

Ho 4:6; Mt 13:14,15; Ro 11:25; 1Co 3:19

O that.

5:29; Ps 81:13; 107:15,43; Isa 48:18,19; Ho 14:9; Lu 19:41,42

they would.

Isa 10:3; 47:7; Jer 5:31; 17:11; La 1:9; Lu 12:20; 16:19-25

one chase.

Le 26:8; Jos 23:10; Jud 7:22,23; 1Sa 14:15-17; 2Ch 24:24

Isa 30:17

sold them.

Jud 2:14; 3:8; Ps 44:12; Isa 50:1; 52:3; Mt 18:25

shut them.

Job 11:10; 16:11; Ps 31:8

Ex 14:25; Nu 23:8,23; 1Sa 2:2; 4:8; Ezr 1:3; 6:9-12; 7:20,21

Jer 40:3; Da 2:47; 3:29; 6:26,27

of the vine of Sodom. or, worse than the vine of Sodom, etc.

Isa 1:10; Jer 2:21; La 4:6; Eze 16:45-51; Mt 11:24

their grapes.

29:18; Isa 5:4; Heb 12:15

the poison.

Job 20:14-16; Ps 58:4; 140:3; Jer 8:14; *marg:

Ro 3:13

Job 14:17; Jer 2:22; Ho 13:12; Ro 2:5; 1Co 4:5; Re 20:12,13

To me.

43; Ps 94:1; Na 1:2,6; Ro 12:19; 13:4; Heb 10:30

their foot.

Ps 73:17-19; Pr 4:19; Isa 8:15; Jer 6:21; 13:16; 1Pe 2:8

for the day.

2Pe 2:3

the things.

Isa 5:19; 30:12,13; 60:22; Hab 2:3; Lu 18:7,8; 2Pe 2:3; 3:8-10

For the.

Ps 7:8; 50:4; 96:13; 135:14


Jud 2:18; 10:15,16; Ps 90:13; 106:45; Jer 31:20; Joe 2:14; Am 7:3,6

power. Heb. hand. none.

1Ki 14:10; 21:21; 2Ki 9:8; 14:26

Jud 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; Jer 2:28

eat the fat.

Le 21:21; Ps 50:13; Eze 16:18,19; Ho 2:8; Zep 2:11

let them.

Jud 10:14

your protection. Heb. an hiding for you.

I, even I.

Ps 102:27; Isa 41:4; 45:5,18,22; 46:4; 48:12; Heb 1:12; Re 1:11; 2:8

no god.

4:35; Isa 45:5,18,22

I kill.

1Sa 2:6; 2Ki 5:7; Job 5:18; Ps 68:20; Isa 43:13; Ho 6:1; Joh 8:24

Re 1:17,18


Job 10:7; Ps 50:22; Isa 43:13; Mic 5:8

Ge 14:22; Ex 6:8; Nu 14:28-30; Jer 4:2; Heb 6:17,18; Re 10:5,6


Ps 7:12; Isa 27:1; 34:5,6; 66:16; Eze 21:9-15,20; Zep 2:12

I will.

35; Isa 1:24; 59:18; 66:6; Mr 1:2

them that hate.

5:9; Ex 20:5; Ro 1:30; 8:7; 2Ti 3:4

make mine.

23; Ps 45:5; 68:23; Isa 34:6-8; Jer 16:10; Eze 35:6-8; 38:21,22

revenges.The word {parôth,} rendered revenges, a sense in which it never seems to be used, has rendered this passage very obscure. As the word {paira} signifies the hair of the head, both in Hebrew and Arabic, Mr. Parkhurst and others render {mairosh parôth,} "from the hairy head;" but to have this sense, the words should rather have been {mipparôth rosh,} according the Hebrew idiom. The word {farôu,} in Arabic, however, also denotes a prince or chief; and the words may be literally rendered, with the LXX., [apo kephales archonton echthron,] "from the head of the chiefs of the enemies." The hyperbaton, or transposition of words from their grammatical order, is very observable in this verse; the third member forming a continuation of the first, and the fourth of the second.

Job 13:24; Jer 30:14; La 2:5

Rejoice. or, Praise his people, ye nations; or, Sing ye.O ye nations.

Ge 12:3; 1Ki 8:43; Ps 22:27; Isa 11:10; 19:23,25; Lu 2:10,11,32

Ac 13:47,48; Ro 15:9-13; Re 5:9,10


35; Job 13:24; Jer 13:14; La 2:5; Lu 19:27,43,44; 21:22-24; Ro 12:19

Re 6:10; 15:2,4; 18:2,20; 19:2



will be.

Ps 85:1



Hoshea. or, Joshua.

Nu 13:8,16
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