Leviticus 26:23-25

Isa 1:16-20; Jer 2:30; 5:3; Eze 24:13,14; Am 4:6-12

2Sa 22:27; Job 9:4; Ps 18:26; Isa 63:10

will bring.

De 32:25,41; Jud 2:14-16; Ps 78:62-64; Isa 34:5,6; Jer 9:16

Jer 14:12,13; 15:2-4; La 2:21; Eze 5:17; 6:3; 14:17; 21:4-17; 29:8

Eze 33:2


De 32:35; Ps 94:1; Eze 20:37; Heb 10:28-30

I will send.

Nu 14:12; 16:49; De 28:21; 2Sa 24:15; Jer 14:12; 24:10; 29:17,18

Am 4:10; Lu 21:11

Judges 2:11

did evil.

4:1; 6:1; 13:1; Ge 13:13; 38:7; 2Ch 33:2,6; Ezr 8:12

and served Baalim.{Bäâlim,} or lords, seems to have been the common appellation of the Syrian gods; whence we have Baal-peor, Baal-zebub, etc.

3:7; 10:6,10; 1Sa 7:4; 1Ki 18:18; 2Ch 28:2; 33:3; Jer 2:23; 9:14

Ho 2:13-17

Judges 2:19-20

when the.

7; 3:11,12; 4:1; 8:33; Jos 24:31; 2Ch 24:17,18

corrupted. or, were corrupt. more.

Jer 16:12; Mt 23:32

ceased not from. Heb. let nothing fall of. stubborn.

1Sa 15:23; Ps 78:8; Jer 3:17; 23:17

the anger.

14; 3:8; 10:7; Ex 32:10,11; De 32:22


Ex 24:3-8; De 29:10-13; Jos 23:16; 24:21-25; Jer 31:32; Eze 20:37

Judges 3:7

did evil.

12; 2:11-13

the groves.

6:25; Ex 34:13; De 16:21; 1Ki 16:33; 18:19; 2Ki 23:6,14

2Ch 15:16; 24:18; 33:3,19; 34:3,7

Judges 3:12

A.M. 2662. B.C. 1342. An. Ex. Is. 148. did evil.

2:19; Ho 6:4

and the Lord.

Ex 9:16; 2Ki 5:1; Isa 10:15; 37:26; 45:1-4; Eze 38:16; Da 4:22

Da 5:18; Joh 19:11

the king.

1Sa 12:9

Judges 6:1

1 The Israelites for their sin are oppressed by Midian.

8 A prophet rebukes them.

11 An angel sends Gideon for their deliverance.

17 Gideon's present is consumed with fire.

24 Gideon destroys Baal's altar, and offers a sacrifice upon the altar Jehovah-shalom.

28 Joash defends his son, and calls shim Jerubbaal.

33 Gideon's army.

36 Gideon's signs.

did evil.

2:13,14,19,20; Le 26:14-46; De 28:15-68; Ne 9:26-29; Ps 106:34-42

delivered.When God judges, he will overcome; and sinners shall be made either to bend or break before him. See the ensuing history.


Ge 25:2; Nu 25:17,18; Hab 3:7

Judges 10:6

A.M. 2817. B.C. 1187. An. Ex. Is. 304. did evil.

4:1; 6:1; 13:1

A.M. 2799. B.C. 1205. An. Ex. Is. 286. Baalim.

2:11-14; 3:7; 2Ch 28:23; Ps 106:36

the gods of Zidon.

1Ki 11:5,7,33; 16:31; 2Ki 17:16,29-31; 23:13

the gods of the Philistines.

16:23; 1Sa 5:2; 2Ki 1:2,3; Jer 2:13; Eze 16:25,26

Nehemiah 9:23-30


Ge 15:5; 22:17; 1Ch 27:23


Jos 1:1-3:17

which thou.

Ge 12:7; 13:15-17; 15:18; 17:8; 26:3

So the.

Nu 14:31; Jos 21:43,45

thou subduedst.

Jos 18:1; 1Ch 22:18; Ps 44:2,3

as they would. Heb. according to their will.

2Ti 2:26


Nu 13:27,28; De 3:5; 6:10-12; 9:1-3

a fat land.

35; De 8:7-10; 32:13; Eze 20:6

wells. or, cisterns. fruit trees. Heb. trees of food. dideat.

De 32:15; Ps 65:11; Isa 6:10; Jer 5:27,28; Ho 13:6

and became fat.They became effeminate, fell under the power of luxury, got totally corrupted in their manners, sinned against all the mercies of God, and then were destroyed by His judgments.


1Ki 8:66; Jer 31:14; Ho 3:5; Ro 2:4

they were.

Jud 2:11,12; 3:6,7; 10:6,13,14; Ps 78:56,57; 106:34-40

Eze 16:15-63; 20:21; 23:4-49

cast thy law.

1Ki 14:9; Ps 50:17; Eze 33:3-5


1Ki 18:4,13; 19:10; 2Ch 24:20,21; 36:16; Jer 26:20-23; Mt 21:35

Mt 23:34-37; Ac 7:52


18; 2Ki 21:11; Eze 22:25-31

thou deliveredst.

De 31:16-18; Jud 2:14,15; 3:8-30; 2Ch 36:17; Ps 106:41,42

Da 9:10-14

in the time.

De 4:29-31; Jud 3:15; 6:6-10; 10:15,16; Ps 106:43-45


Jud 2:18; 3:9-15; 1Sa 12:10,11; 2Ki 13:5; 14:27; Ob 1:21

did evil again. Heb. returned to do evil.

Jud 3:11,12,30; 4:1; 5:31; 6:1


1Ki 8:33,34,39; Isa 63:15

many times.

Ps 106:43-45


26; De 4:26; 31:21; 2Ki 17:13; 2Ch 24:19; 36:15; Jer 25:3-7; Ho 6:5

yet they.

10,16; Ex 10:3; Jer 13:15-17; 43:2; 44:10,16,17; Da 5:20

Jas 4:6-10


Le 18:5; Eze 20:11; Lu 10:28; Ro 10:5; Ga 3:12

withdrew the shoulder. Heb. gave a withdrawing shoulder.

Zec 7:11,12

and hardened.

Jer 7:26; 17:23; 19:15

many years.

Ps 86:15; Ro 2:4; 2Pe 3:9

forbear them. Heb. protract over them. testifiedst.

2Ki 17:13; 2Ch 36:15; Jer 7:25; 25:4

by thy spirit.

20; Isa 63:10; Ac 7:51; 28:25; 1Pe 1:11; 2Pe 1:21

thy prophets. Heb. the hand of thy prophets. therefore.

Isa 5:5,6; 42:24; Jer 40:2,3; 44:22; La 2:17; Zec 7:13
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