Leviticus 26:24

2Sa 22:27; Job 9:4; Ps 18:26; Isa 63:10

2 Kings 17:7-23


De 31:16,17,29; 32:15-52; Jos 23:16; Jud 2:14-17; 2Ch 36:14-16

Ne 9:26; Ps 106:35-41; Eze 23:2-16; Ho 4:1-3; 8:5-14

the Lord.

16:2; 1Ki 11:4; 15:3; 2Ch 36:5

which had.

Ex 20:2

and had feared.

35; Jer 10:5


16:3,10; 21:2; Le 18:3,27-30; De 12:30,31; 18:9; 1Ki 12:28

1Ki 16:31-33; 21:26; Ps 106:35; Jer 10:2

of the kings of Israel.

Ho 5:11; Mic 6:16


De 13:6; 27:15; Job 31:27; Eze 8:12

from the tower.

18:8; Ho 12:11

they set.

16:4; Ex 34:13; Le 26:1; 1Ki 14:23; Isa 57:5

images. Heb. statues. groves.

De 16:21; Mic 5:14

in every.

16:4; 1Ki 14:23; De 12:2,3


1Ki 13:1; 2Ch 28:25; Jer 44:17

to provoke.

21:6; Ps 78:56-58


Ex 20:3-5; 34:14; Le 26:1; De 4:19; 5:7-9

Ye shall not.

De 4:15-19,23-25; 12:4


De 8:19; 31:21; Ne 9:29,30; Ps 50:7; 81:8,9; Jer 42:19; Ac 20:21

and against.

2Ch 36:15,16; Jer 3:8-11; Ho 4:15

all. Heb. the hand of all.

De 4:26; Jos 23:16; Jud 6:10; 10:11-14; 1Sa 12:7-15

Isa 1:5-15,21-24; Jer 5:29-31; Zec 1:3-6


1Sa 9:9; 1Ch 29:29

Turn ye.

Isa 1:16-20; 55:6,7; Jer 7:3-7; 18:11; 25:4,5; 35:15; Eze 18:31

Ho 14:1; 2Pe 3:9


Jer 7:22,23; 26:4-6

but hardened.

De 31:27; 2Ch 36:13; Pr 29:1; Isa 48:4; Jer 7:26; Ro 2:4,5

Heb 3:7,8

did not believe.

De 1:32; Ps 78:22,32; 106:24; Heb 3:12

they rejected.

Jer 8:9

his covenant.

Ex 24:6-8; De 29:10-15,25,26; Jer 31:32


De 6:17,18; 2Ch 36:15,16; Ne 9:26,29,30; Jer 44:4,23


De 32:21,31; 1Sa 12:21; 1Ki 16:13; Ps 115:8; Jer 10:8,15; Joh 2:8

became vain.

Jer 2:5; Ro 1:21-23; 1Co 8:4

concerning whom.

8,11,12; De 12:30,31; 2Ch 33:2,9

molten images.

Ex 32:4,8; 1Ki 12:28; Ps 106:18-20; Isa 44:9,10

a grove.

10; 1Ki 14:15,23; 15:13; 16:33


De 4:19; Jer 8:2


10:18-28; 11:18; 1Ki 16:31; 22:53

they caused.

16:3; 21:6; Le 18:21; 2Ch 28:3; Ps 106:37,38; Eze 20:26,31

Eze 23:37,39


21:6; De 18:10-12; 2Ch 33:6; Isa 8:19; 47:9,12,13; Jer 27:9

Mic 5:12; Ac 16:16; Ga 5:26


1Ki 21:20,25; Isa 50:1

in the sight.

11; 21:6


13:23; 23:27; De 29:20-28; 32:21-26; Jos 23:13,15; Jer 15:1; Ho 9:3

the tribe.

1Ki 11:13,32,36; 12:20; Ho 11:12

Also Judah.

1Ki 14:22,23; 2Ch 21:11,13; Jer 2:28; 3:8-11; Eze 16:51,52

Eze 22:2-16; 23:4-13


8:18,27; 16:3


15; 1Sa 15:23,26; 16:1; Jer 6:30; Ro 11:1,2

all the seed.

1Ch 16:13; Ne 9:2; Isa 45:25; Jer 31:36,37; 33:24-26; 46:28


13:3,7; 15:18-20,29; 18:9; 2Ch 28:5,6; Ne 9:27,28

until he had cast.

18; De 11:12; Jon 1:3,10; Mt 25:41; 2Th 1:9

For he rent.

1Ki 11:11,31; 14:8; Isa 7:17

they made.

1Ki 12:19,20; 2Ch 10:15-19

Jeroboam drave.

1Ki 12:20,28-30; 14:16; 2Ch 11:11,15

a great sin.

Ge 20:9; Ex 32:21; 1Sa 2:17,24; Ps 25:11; Joh 19:11

walked in all the sins.

3:3; 10:29,31; 13:2,6,11; 15:9

the Lord.


as he had said.

13; 1Ki 13:2; 14:16; Ho 1:4-9; Am 5:27; Mic 1:6

So was Israel.

6; 18:11,12

Isaiah 1:20

if ye refuse.

3:11; 1Sa 12:25; 2Ch 36:14-16; Heb 2:1-3

for the mouth.

40:5; 58:14; Le 26:33; Nu 23:19; 1Sa 15:29; Tit 1:2

Isaiah 3:11


48:22; 57:20,21; 65:13-15,20; Ps 1:3-5; 11:5,6; Ec 8:13

for the reward.

Ps 28:4; 62:12; Pr 1:31; 2Co 5:10; Jas 2:13

given him. Heb. done to him.

Ps 120:3,4

Isaiah 59:17-18

he put on righteousness.

11:5; 51:9; Job 29:14; Ro 13:12-14; 2Co 6:7; Eph 6:14,17; 1Th 5:8

Re 19:11

the garments.

De 32:35-43; Ps 94:1; 2Th 1:8; Heb 10:30

with zeal.

9:7; 63:15; Ps 69:9; Zec 1:14; Joh 2:17


63:6; Job 34:11; Ps 18:24-26; 62:12; Jer 17:10; 50:29; Mt 16:27

Ro 2:6; Re 20:12,13

deeds. Heb. recompences. fury.

1:24; 49:25,26; 63:3,6; 66:15; Ps 21:8,9; La 4:11; Eze 5:13; 6:12

Eze 38:18; Na 1:2; Lu 19:27; 21:22; Re 16:19; 19:15

Jeremiah 2:17

Hast thou.

19; 4:18; Le 26:15-46; Nu 32:23; De 28:15-68; Job 4:8; Isa 1:4

Ho 13:9

in that.

13; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 7:19,20

when he.

De 32:19; Ps 77:20; 78:53,54; 107:7; 136:16; Isa 63:11-14

Jeremiah 2:19


17; Pr 1:31; 5:22; Isa 3:9; 5:5; 50:1; Ho 5:5

and thy.

3:6-8,11-14; 5:6; 8:5; Ho 4:16; 11:7; 14:1; Zec 7:11


4:18; Job 20:11-16; Am 8:10

and that my.

5:22; 36:23,24; Ps 36:1; Ro 3:18

Ezekiel 36:19

I scattered.

5:12; 22:15; Le 26:38; De 28:64; Am 9:9

according to their way.

7:3,8; 18:30; 22:31; 39:24; Ro 2:6; Re 20:12-15
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