Leviticus 26:34-39

This was fulfilled during the Babylonish captivity: for, from Saul to the captivity are about 490 years, during which period there were 70 sabbaths of years neglected by the Hebrews. Now the Babylonish captivity lasted 70 years, and during that time the land of Israel rested.

25:2-4,10; 2Ch 36:21

Isa 24:5,6; Ro 8:22

I will send.

Ge 35:5; De 28:65-67; Jos 2:9-11; 5:1; 1Sa 17:24; 2Ki 7:6,7

2Ch 14:14; Job 15:21,22; Isa 7:2,4; Eze 21:7,12,15

and the.

7,8,17; De 1:44; Job 15:21; Pr 28:1; Isa 30:17

shaken. Heb. driven.

they shall.

Jud 7:22; 1Sa 14:15,16; Isa 10:4; Jer 37:10

and ye shall.

Nu 14:42; Jos 7:12,13; Jud 2:14

De 4:27; 28:48,68; Isa 27:13; Jer 42:17,18,22; 44:12-14,27,28

shall pine.

De 28:65; 30:1; Ne 1:9; Ps 32:3,4; Jer 3:25; 29:12; La 4:9; Eze 4:17

Eze 6:9; 20:43; 24:23; 33:10; 36:31; Ho 5:15; Zec 10:9

and also.

Ex 20:5; 34:7; Nu 14:18; De 5:9; Jer 31:29; Eze 18:2,3,19

Mt 23:35,36; Ro 11:8-10

Deuteronomy 4:26-27

I call heaven.A most solemn method of adjuration, in use among all the nations in the world; God and man being called upon to bear testimony to the truth of what was spoken, that if there was any flaw or insincerity it might be detected, and if any crime, it might not go unpunished. Such appeals to God shew at once the origin and use of oaths.

30:18,19; 31:28; 32:1; Isa 1:2; Jer 2:12; 6:19; 22:29; Eze 36:4

Mic 1:2; 6:2

ye shall.

29:28; Le 18:28; 26:31-35; Jos 23:16; Isa 6:11; 24:1-3; Jer 44:22

Eze 33:28; Lu 21:24

28:62-64; Ne 1:3,8,9; Eze 12:15; 32:26

Deuteronomy 28:36

bring thee.

2Ki 17:4-6; 24:12-15; 25:6,7,11; 2Ch 33:11; 36:6,17,20; Isa 39:7

Jer 22:11,12,24-27; 24:8-10; 39:5-7; 52:8-11; La 4:20; Eze 12:12,13

there shalt thou.The Israelites, who were carried captive by the Assyrians, and many of the Jews in Chaldea, were finally incorporated with the nations among whom they lived, and were given up to their idolatry. It is probable, however, that this refers to Jews being compelled, in Popish countries, to conceal their religion, and profess that of the Romish church.

64; 4:28; Jer 16:13; Eze 20:32,33,39

Deuteronomy 28:64-68


4:27,28; Le 26:33; Ne 1:8; Jer 16:13; 50:17; Eze 11:16,17; Lu 21:24

there thou shalt.

36; Jer 16:13

among.After the conquest of their country by the Romans, Hadrian, by a public decree, ratified by the senate, forbad any Jew to come even within sight of Judea; and hence they were dispersed over every quarter of the globe, where they found no alleviation or respite from misery. In no country are they treated as denizens; all suspect them as enemies, and behave to them as aliens; if they do not, as had been too frequently the case, harass, oppress, and persecute them, even unto death.

shalt thou.

Ge 8:9; Isa 57:21; Eze 5:12-17; 20:32-35; Am 9:4,9,10

the Lord.

Le 26:36; Isa 51:17; Eze 12:18,19; Ho 11:10,11; Hab 3:16; Lu 21:26

failing of eyes.

Le 26:16; Isa 65:14; La 3:65; Mt 24:8; Ro 11:10

67; La 1:13; Heb 10:27; Re 6:15-17

34; Job 7:3,4; Re 9:6

bring thee into Egypt.This verse seems especially to point out an event, which took place subsequently to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, and the desolation made by Hadrian. Numbers of the captives were sent by sea into Egypt (as well as into other countries), and sold for slaves at a vile price, and for the meanest offices; and many thousands were left to perish from want; for the multitude was so great, that purchasers could not be found for them all at any price!

17:16; Jer 43:7; 44:12; Ho 8:13; 9:3

there ye shall.

Ex 20:2; Ne 5:8; Es 7:4; Joe 3:3-7; Lu 21:24

Deuteronomy 29:28

rooted them.

28:25,36,64; 1Ki 14:15; 2Ki 17:18,23; 2Ch 7:20; Ps 52:5; Pr 2:22

Jer 42:10; Lu 21:23,24

as it is this day.

6:24; 8:18; Ezr 9:7; Da 9:7

2 Kings 17:6

A.M. 3283. B.C. 721. the king of Assyria.

18:10,11; Ho 1:6,9; 13:16

foretold. carried.

Le 26:32,33,38; De 4:25-28; 28:36,64; 29:27,28; 30:18

1Ki 14:15,16; Am 5:27


19:12; 1Ch 5:26; Isa 37:12,13

the Medes.

Isa 13:17; 21:2; Da 5:28

2 Kings 17:18


13:23; 23:27; De 29:20-28; 32:21-26; Jos 23:13,15; Jer 15:1; Ho 9:3

the tribe.

1Ki 11:13,32,36; 12:20; Ho 11:12

2 Kings 17:23

the Lord.


as he had said.

13; 1Ki 13:2; 14:16; Ho 1:4-9; Am 5:27; Mic 1:6

So was Israel.

6; 18:11,12

2 Kings 25:21

the king.These men were put to death as accessories to Zedekiah's rebellion; for the king of Babylon had no doubt found that they had counselled him to revolt.

So Judah.

17:20; 23:27; Le 26:33-35; De 4:26; 28:36,64; Jer 24:9,10; 25:9-11

Eze 12:25-28; 24:14; Am 5:27
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