Leviticus 4:2


5:15,17; Nu 15:22-29; De 19:4; 1Sa 14:27; Ps 19:12; 1Ti 1:13

Heb 5:2; 9:7

which ought.

27; Ge 20:9; Jas 3:10

Leviticus 4:13-14

the whole congregation.This may refer to some oversight in acts of religious worship, or to some transgression of the letter of the law, which arose out of the peculiar circumstances in which they were found, as in the case mentioned in 1 Sa 14:32, et seq. The sacrifices and rites in this case were the same as in the preceding; only here the elders laid their hands on the head of the victim, in the name of all the congregation.

through ignorance.

1,2; 5:2-5,17; Nu 15:24-29; Jos 7:11,24-26; 1Ti 1:13; Heb 10:26-29

and are guilty.

5:2-5,17; 6:4; Ezr 10:19; Ho 5:15; *marg:

1Co 11:27

young bullock.


Leviticus 4:22

a ruler hath sinned.Under the term {nasi,} that is, one preferred or elevated above others, from {nasa,} to exalt, it is probable that any person is meant who held any kind of political dignity among the people; and it evidently means the head of a tribe as in Nu 1:4, 16; 7:2. But the Rabbins generally understand it of the prince of the great sanhedrin, who, when they were under the regal form of government, was the king. A kid of the goats was the sacrifice in this case; and the rites were nearly the same as in the preceding, only the fat was burnt as that of the peace offering. (ver. 26.)

Ex 18:21; Nu 16:2; 2Sa 21:1-3; 24:10-17

and done.


Leviticus 4:27

any one. Heb. any soul.

2; Nu 15:27

common people. Heb. people of the land .{Am haƤretz;} that is, any individual who was not a priest, king, or ruler among the people; an ordinary person. Any of these having transgressed, was obliged to bring a lamb or kid, the ceremonies being nearly the same as in the preceding cases.

2,13; Ex 12:49; Nu 5:6; 15:16,29

Leviticus 5:13

the priest.

6; 4:20,26,31

shall be.

2:3,10; 7:6; 1Sa 2:28; Ho 4:8; 1Co 9:13

Leviticus 5:15-17

a soul.

1,2; 4:2

in the.

16; 7:1,6; 10:17,18; 22:1-16; 24:5-9; 27:9-33; Nu 18:9-32

De 12:5-12,26; 15:19,20; 26:1-15


18; 6:6; Ezr 10:19

thy estimation.


the shekel.

27:25; Ex 30:13


22:14; Ex 22:1,3,4; Ps 69:4; Lu 19:8; Ac 26:20

the fifth.

6:4,5; 27:13,15,27,31; Nu 5:7

and the priest.

6,10,13; 4:26; Heb 9:13,14; 1Jo 2:1,2

a soul sin.This case is supposed to differ from the preceding, merely in that the person concerned was not certain whether he had or had not committed the trespass. It is therefore called by the Hebrews a doubtful trespass offering.

1; 4:2-4,13,22,27


15; Ps 19:12; Lu 12:48; Ro 14:23

yet is he.

1,2; 4:2,13,27

Psalms 19:12


40:12; Job 6:24; Isa 64:6; 1Co 4:4; Heb 9:7


51:5-10; 65:3; 1Jo 1:7


90:8; 139:2,23,24; Le 4:2-35; Jer 17:9

Luke 12:48


Le 5:17; Ac 17:30; Ro 2:12-16; 1Ti 1:13


16:2,10-12; Ge 39:8-23; Mt 25:14-29; Joh 15:22; 1Co 9:17,18

1Ti 1:11,13; 6:20; Tit 1:3; Jas 3:1; *Gr:
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