Mark 12:24-25

Do.As the five books of Moses were the only scriptures which the Sadducees admitted as Divine, our Lord confutes them by an appeal to these books, and proves that they were ignorant of those very writings which they professed to hold sacred. He not only rectified their opinions, but so explained the doctrine as to overthrow the erroneous decision of the Pharisees, that if two brothers married one woman, she should be restored at the resurrection to the first.

Isa 8:20; Jer 8:7-9; Ho 6:6; 8:12; Mt 22:29; Joh 5:39; 20:9; Ac 17:11

Ro 15:4; 2Ti 3:15-17


Job 19:25-27; Isa 25:8; 26:19; Eze 37:1-14; Da 12:2; Ho 6:2; 13:14


10:27; Ge 18:14; Jer 32:17; Lu 1:37; Eph 1:19; Php 3:21


Mt 22:30; Lu 20:35,36; 1Co 15:42-54; Heb 12:22,23; 1Jo 3:2

Luke 20:34-36

The children.



17:27; 1Co 7:2-16; Eph 5:31; Heb 13:4


21:36; Ac 5:41; 2Th 1:5; Re 3:4


Da 12:2,3; Joh 5:29; Ac 24:15; Heb 11:35


Mt 22:29; Mr 12:24


Isa 25:8; Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:26,42,53,54; Php 3:21; 1Th 4:13-17

Re 20:6; 21:4; 22:2-5

they are.

Zec 3:7; Mt 22:30; Mr 12:25; 1Co 15:49,52; Re 5:6-14; 7:9-12; 22:9

the children of God.

Ro 8:17-23; 1Jo 3:2

John 5:28-29


20; 3:7; Ac 3:12


6:39,40; 11:25; Job 19:25,26; Isa 26:19; Eze 37:1-10; Ho 13:14

1Co 15:22,42-54; Php 3:21; 1Th 4:14-17; Re 20:12


Da 12:2,3; Mt 25:31-46; Ac 24:15

done good.

Lu 14:14; Ro 2:6-10; Ga 6:8-10; 1Ti 6:18; Heb 13:16; 1Pe 3:11

1 Corinthians 7:29-31

the time.

Job 14:1,2; Ps 39:4-7; 90:5-10; 103:15,16; Ec 6:12; 9:10

Ro 13:11,12; Heb 13:13,14; 1Pe 4:7; 2Pe 3:8,9; 1Jo 2:17

that both.

Ec 12:7,8,13,14; Isa 24:1,2; 40:6-8; Jas 4:13-16; 1Pe 1:24

that weep.

Ps 30:5; 126:5,6; Ec 3:4; Isa 25:8; 30:19; Lu 6:21,25; 16:25

Joh 16:22; Re 7:17; 18:7


9:18; Ec 2:24,25; 3:12,13; 5:18-20; 9:7-10; 11:2,9,10; Mt 24:48-50

Mt 25:14-29; Lu 12:15-21; 16:1,2; 19:17-26; 21:34; 1Ti 6:17,18

Jas 5:1-5


Ps 39:6; 73:20; Ec 1:4; Jas 1:10,11; 4:14; 1Pe 1:24; 4:7; 1Jo 2:17

the fashion.[To schema ,] the form or appearance. Grotius remarks that the apostle's expression is borrowed from the theatre, where [to schema tes skenes paragei] means that the scene changes, and presents an appearance entirely new.

1 John 3:1-2

1 He declares the singular love of God towards us, in making us his sons;

3 who therefore ought obediently to keep his commandments;

11 as also to love one another as brethren.


4:9,10; 2Sa 7:19; Ps 31:19; 36:7-9; 89:1,2; Joh 3:16; Ro 5:8; 8:32

Eph 2:4,5; 3:18,19


Jer 3:19; Ho 1:10; Joh 1:12; Ro 8:14-17,21; 9:25,26; 2Co 6:18

Ga 3:26,29; 4:5,6; Re 21:7

the world.

Joh 15:18,19; 16:3; 17:25; Col 3:3

now are we the.

1; 5:1; Isa 56:5; Ro 8:14,15,18; Ga 3:26; 4:6


Ps 31:19; Ro 8:18; 1Co 2:9; 13:12; 2Co 4:17


Mal 3:2; Col 3:4; Heb 9:28


Ps 17:15; Ro 8:29; 1Co 15:49; Php 3:21; 2Pe 1:4


Job 19:26; Ps 16:11; Mt 5:8; Joh 17:24; 1Co 13:12; 2Co 3:18; 5:6-8
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