Matthew 12:18

Behold.This prophecy is expressly referred to the Messiah by the Targumist, who renders, "Behold my servant the Messiah," etc., {ha avdi mesheecha;} and it was amply fulfilled in the gentle, lowly, condescending and beneficent nature of Christ's miracles and personal ministry, his perseverance in the midst of opposition, without engaging in contentious disputation, and his kind and tender dealing with weak and tempted believers.

my servant.

Isa 49:5,6; 52:13; 53:11; Zec 3:8; Php 2:6,7

whom I.

Ps 89:19; Isa 49:1-3; Lu 23:35; 1Pe 2:4

my beloved.

3:17; 17:5; Mr 1:11; 9:7; Lu 9:35; Eph 1:6; Col 1:1,13; *marg:

2Pe 1:17

I will.

3:16; Isa 11:2; 59:20,21; 61:1-3; Lu 3:22; 4:18; Joh 1:32-34; 3:34

Ac 10:38

and he.

Isa 32:15,16; 49:6; 60:2,3; 62:2; Jer 16:19; Lu 2:31,32; Ac 11:18

Ac 13:46-48; 14:27; 26:17,18; Ro 15:9-12; Eph 2:11-13; 3:5-8

Mark 16:17


Joh 14:12


Lu 10:17; Ac 5:16; 8:7; 16:18; 19:12-16


Ac 2:4-11,33; 10:46; 19:6; 1Co 12:10,28,30; 14:5-26

Luke 11:20

the finger.

Ex 8:19; Mt 12:28

the kingdom.For the destruction of the kingdom of Satan plainly implies the setting up of the kingdom of God. The reasoning of the Pharisees (ver. 17, and Mt 12:24, 25,) was not expressed, and Jesus knowing their thoughts, gave ample proof of his omniscience. This, with our Lord's masterly confutation of their reasonings, by a conclusion drawn from their own premises, one would have supposed might have humbled and convinced those men; but the most conclusive reasoning, and the most astonishing miracles, were lost upon a people who were obstinately determined to disbelieve every thing that was good relative to Jesus of Nazareth.

10:9,11; Da 2:44; Ac 20:25; 28:23-28; 2Th 1:5

Acts 10:38


2:22; 4:27; Ps 2:2,6; *marg:

Ps 45:7; Isa 11:2; 42:1; 61:1-3; Mt 12:28; Lu 3:22; 4:18; Joh 3:34

Joh 6:27; 10:36-38; Heb 1:9


2Ch 17:9; Mt 4:23-25; 9:35; 12:15; 15:21-31; Mr 1:38,39; 3:7-11

Mr 6:6,54-56; Lu 7:10-17,21-23; 9:56; 1Pe 5:8


Mr 5:13-15; 7:29,30; Lu 4:33-36; 9:42; Heb 2:14,15; 1Jo 3:8


Joh 3:2; 10:32,38; 16:32
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