Matthew 12:45


24; Mr 5:9; 16:9; Eph 6:12



and the.

Lu 11:26; Heb 6:4-8; 10:26-31,39; 2Pe 2:14-22; 1Jo 5:16,17

Jude 1:10-13

Even.And so it was; for they became worse and worse, as if totally abandoned to diabolical influence, till the besom of destruction swept them away.

21:38-44; 23:32-39,24,34; Lu 11:49-51; 19:41-44; Joh 15:22-24

Ro 11:8-10; 1Th 2:15,16

Matthew 26:53

and he.

4:11; 25:31; 2Ki 6:17; Da 7:10; 2Th 1:7; Jude 1:14



legions.(A legion, [legeon ,] for the Latin legio, from lego, to collect or choose was a particular division or battalion of the Roman army, which at different times contained different numbers. In the time of our Saviour it probably consisted of 6,200 foot and 300 horse, twelve of which would amount to 78,000 men.)

Lu 8:30
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