Matthew 17:3-4


Mr 9:4; Lu 9:30,31


11:13,14; De 18:18; 34:5,6,10; Lu 24:27,44; Joh 1:17; 5:45-47

2Co 3:7-11; Heb 3:1-6


10-13; 1Ki 17:1; 18:36-40; 2Ki 2:11-14; Mal 4:5


Lu 1:17; 9:33; 16:16


Mr 9:5,6; Lu 9:33

it is.

Ex 33:18,19; Ps 4:6; 16:11; 63:1-5; Isa 33:17; Zec 9:17; Joh 14:8,9

Joh 17:24; Php 1:23; 1Jo 3:2; Re 21:23; 22:3-5

Mark 9:4-6


Mt 11:13; 17:3,4; Lu 9:19,30,31; 24:27,44; Joh 5:39,45-47

Ac 3:21-24; 1Pe 1:10-12; Re 19:10

Elias.Moses was the founder of the Jewish polity, and Elias the most zealous reformer and prophet of the Jewish church; and their presence implied that the ministry of Christ was attested by the law and the prophets.

2Ki 2:11,12

Elijah. Moses.

De 34:5,6

it is.

Ex 33:17-23; Ps 62:2,3; 84:10; Joh 14:8,9,21-23; Php 1:23; 1Jo 3:2

Re 22:3,4

16:5-8; Da 10:15-19; Re 1:17

Luke 24:27


44; Ge 3:15; 22:18; 26:4; 49:10; Nu 21:6-9; De 18:15

Joh 5:39,45-47; Ac 3:22; 7:37

and all.

25; Ps 16:9,10; 132:11; Isa 7:14; 9:6,7; 40:10,11; 50:6; 52:13,14

Isa 53:1-12; Jer 23:5,6; 33:14,15; Eze 34:23; 37:25; Da 9:24-26

Mic 5:2-4; 7:20; Zec 9:9; 13:7; Mal 3:1-3; 4:2; Joh 1:45; Ac 3:24

Ac 10:43; 13:27-30; Re 19:10

Luke 24:44


6,7; 9:22; 18:31-33; Mt 16:21; 17:22,23; 20:18,19; Mr 8:31,32; 9:31

Mr 10:33,34


Joh 16:4,5,16,17; 17:11-13

that all.

26,27,46; 21:22; Mt 26:54,56; Joh 19:24-37; Ac 3:18; 13:29-31,33

1Co 15:3,4

in the law.

Ge 3:15; 14:18; 22:18; 49:10; Le 16:2-19; Nu 21:8; 35:25; De 18:15-19

Joh 3:14; 5:46; Ac 3:22-24; 7:37; Heb 3:5; 7:1; 9:8; 10:1

in the prophets.

27; Isa 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-10; 28:16; 40:1-11; 42:1-4; 49:1-8; 50:2-6

Isa 52:13-15; 53:1-12; 61:1-3; Jer 23:5; 33:14; Eze 17:22; 34:23

Da 2:44; 7:13; 9:24-27; Ho 1:7-11; 3:5; Joe 2:28-32; Am 9:11

Mic 5:1-4; Hag 2:7-9; Zec 6:12; 9:9; 11:8-13; 12:10; 13:7; 14:4

Mal 3:1-3; 4:2-6

in the psalms.

Ps 2:1-12; 16:9-11; 22:1-31; 40:6-8; 69:1-36; 72:1-20; 88:1-18

Ps 109:4-20; 110:1-7; 118:22; Joh 5:39; Ac 17:2,3; 1Pe 1:11

Re 19:10

John 1:17

the law.

5:45; 9:29; Ex 20:1-17

De 4:44; 5:1; 33:4; Ac 7:38; 28:23; Ro 3:19,20; 5:20,21; 2Co 3:7-10

Ga 3:10-13,17; Heb 3:5,6; 8:8-12


8:32; 14:6; Ge 3:15; 22:18; Ps 85:10; 89:1,2; 98:3; Mic 7:20

Lu 1:54,55,68-79; Ac 13:34-39; Ro 3:21-26; 5:21; 6:14; 15:8-12

2Co 1:20; Heb 9:22; 10:4-10; 11:39,40; Re 5:8-10; 7:9-17

Romans 3:21-23


1:17; 5:19,21; 10:3,4; Ge 15:6; Isa 45:24,25; 46:13; 51:8; 54:17

Isa 61:10; Jer 23:5,6; 33:16; Da 9:24; Ac 15:11; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21

Ga 5:5; Php 3:9; Heb 11:4-40; 2Pe 1:1


De 18:15-19; Lu 24:44; Joh 1:45; 3:14,15; 5:46,47; Ac 26:22

Heb 10:1-14

and the.

1:2; 16:26; Ac 3:21-25; 10:43; 28:23; Ga 3:8; 1Pe 1:10

which is.

4:3-13,20-22; 5:1-11; 8:1; Php 3:9

unto all.

4:6,11,22; Ga 2:16; 3:6; Jas 2:23

and upon.

Isa 61:10; Mt 22:11,12; Lu 15:22; Ga 3:7-9

for there.

2:1; 10:12; Ac 15:9; 1Co 4:7; Ga 3:28; Col 3:11

all have.

9,19; 1:28-32; 2:1-16; 11:32; Ec 7:20; Ga 3:22; 1Jo 1:8-10


Heb 4:1


5:2; 1Th 2:12; 2Th 2:14; 1Pe 4:13; 5:1,10

2 Corinthians 3:7-11

the ministration.

6,9; Ro 7:10


3; Ex 24:12; 31:18; 32:15,16,19; 34:1,28; De 4:13; 5:22; 9:9-11,15

De 10:1-4; Heb 9:4


De 4:8; Ne 9:13; Ps 19:7,8; 119:97,127,128,174; Ro 7:12-14,22

Ge 3:21


Ex 34:29-35; Lu 9:29-31; Ac 6:15


10,11,14; Ro 10:4; 1Co 13:10

the ministration.

6,17; 11:4; Isa 11:2; 44:3; 59:21; Joe 2:28,29; Joh 1:17; 7:39

Ac 2:17,18,32,33; Ro 8:9-16; 1Co 3:16; 12:4-11; Ga 3:2-5,14

Ga 5:5,22,23; Eph 2:18; 2Th 2:13; 1Pe 1:2; Jude 1:19,20

the ministration of condemnation.

6,7; Ex 19:12-19; 20:18,19; Ro 1:18; 8:3,4; Ga 3:10; Heb 12:18-21

the ministration of righteousness.

5:21; Isa 46:13; Jer 23:6; Ro 1:17; 3:21,22; 4:11; 5:15-21; 10:3-10

1Co 1:30; Ga 5:4,5; Php 3:9; 2Pe 1:1


10,11; 1Co 15:41; Heb 3:5,6


Job 25:5; Isa 24:23; Hag 2:3,7-9; Ac 26:13; Php 3:7-8; 2Pe 1:17

Re 21:23,24; 22:5


7; Ro 5:20,21; Heb 7:21-25; 8:13; 12:25-29


6; 4:1
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