Matthew 18:1-3

1 Christ warns his disciples to be humble and harmless,

7 to avoid offences,

10 and not to despise the little ones;

15 teaches how we are to deal with our brethren when they offend us,

21 and how oft to forgive them;

23 which he sets forth by a parable of the king that took account of his servants,

32 and punished him who shewed no mercy to his fellow.

the same.

Mr 9:33-37


20:20-28; 23:11; Mr 9:34; 10:35-45; Lu 9:46-48; 22:24-27; Ro 12:10

Php 2:3


3:2; 5:19,20; 7:21; Mr 10:14,15

19:13,14; 1Ki 3:7; Jer 1:7; Mr 9:36,37


5:18; 6:2,5,16; Joh 1:51; 3:3


13:15; Ps 51:10-13; 131:2; Isa 6:10; Mr 4:12; Lu 22:32; Ac 3:19

Ac 28:27; Jas 5:19,20

and become.

Mr 10:14,15; Lu 18:16,17; 1Co 14:20; 1Pe 2:2


5:20; 19:23; Lu 13:24; Joh 3:5; Ac 14:22; 2Pe 1:11

Luke 14:7-11


Jud 14:12; Pr 8:1; Eze 17:2; Mt 13:34


11:43; 20:46; Mt 23:6; Mr 12:38,39; Ac 8:18,19; Php 2:3; 3Jo 1:9

When.That there were among the Jews of these times many disputes about seats at banquets, we learn both from Josephus and the Rabbis; nor were these matters unattended to by the Greeks and Romans. Similar admonitions to this of our Lord, also occur in the Rabbinical writers. Rabbi Akiba said, Go two or three seats lower than the place that belongs to thee, and sit there till they say unto to thee, Go up higher; but do not take the uppermost seat, lest they say unto thee, Come down: for it is better they should say unto thee, Go up, go up than they should say, Go down, go down.

Pr 25:6,7

and thou.

Es 6:6-12; Pr 3:35; 11:2; 16:18; Eze 28:2-10; Da 4:30-34


1Sa 15:17; Pr 15:33; 25:6,7


Isa 60:14; Re 3:9


1:51; 18:14; 1Sa 15:17; Job 22:29; 40:10-12; Ps 18:27; 138:6

Pr 15:33; 18:12; 29:23; Isa 2:11,17; 57:15; Mt 23:12; Jas 4:6

1Pe 5:5

John 5:44


3:20; 8:43; 12:43; Jer 13:23; Ro 8:7,8; Heb 3:12


Mt 23:5; Ga 5:19-21; Php 2:3


1Sa 2:30; 2Ch 6:8; Mt 25:21-23; Lu 19:17; Ro 2:7,10,29; 1Co 4:5

2Co 10:18; Jas 2:1; 1Pe 1:7

Acts 8:9-11


13:6; 16:16-18; 19:18-20; Ex 7:11,22; 8:18,19; 9:11; Le 20:6

De 18:10-12; 2Ti 3:8,9; Re 13:13,14; 22:15


5:36; Joh 7:18; 2Th 2:4; 2Ti 3:2,5; 2Pe 2:18


2Co 11:19; Eph 4:14; 2Pe 2:2; Re 13:3


Jer 6:13; 8:10; 31:34; Jon 3:5

the great power.

1Co 1:24

he had.

Isa 8:19; 44:25; 47:9-13; Ga 3:1

Acts 8:17


18; 6:6; 9:17; 13:3; 19:6; Nu 8:10; 27:18; 1Ti 4:14; 5:22; 2Ti 1:6

Heb 6:2

they received.

Ro 1:11; Ga 3:2-5

1 Corinthians 15:8-9

he was.

9:1; Ac 9:3-5,17; 18:9; 22:14,18; 26:16; 2Co 12:1-6

one born out of due time. or, an abortive.

the least.

2Co 11:5; 12:11; Eph 3:7,8


Ac 8:3; 9:1-19; 22:4,5; 26:9-11; Ga 1:13,23; Php 3:6; 1Ti 1:13,14

3 John 9

who loveth.[Ho Philoproteuon] "who loveth the presidency," or chief place, doubtless in the church, of which Diotrephes was most probably an officer; and being one, magnified himself in his office: he loved such pre-eminence, and behaved haughtily in it.

Mt 20:20-28; 23:4-8; Mr 9:34; 10:35-45; Lu 22:24-27; Ro 12:10

Php 2:3-5; Tit 1:7-16


8; Mt 10:40-42; Mr 9:37; Lu 9:48
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