Matthew 20:20-24


Mr 10:35

the mother.

4:21; 27:56; Mr 15:40

Salome. worshipping.

2:11; 8:2; 14:33; 15:25; 28:17


32; 1Ki 3:5; Es 5:3; Mr 6:22; 10:36,51; Lu 18:41; Joh 15:7


18:1; 19:28; Jer 45:5; Mr 10:37; Lu 22:24; Ro 12:10; Phm 1:2,3

the one.

1Ki 2:19; Ps 45:9; 110:1; Mr 16:19; Ro 8:34; Col 3:1

in thy.

Lu 17:20,21; 19:11; Ac 1:6

Ye know not.

Mr 10:38; Ro 8:26; Jas 4:3

the cup.

26:39,42; Ps 75:3; Jer 25:15-38; Mr 14:36; Lu 22:42; Joh 18:11

baptized with the.

Mr 10:39; Lu 12:50


26:35,56; Pr 16:18


Ac 12:2; Ro 8:17; 2Co 1:7; Col 1:24; 2Ti 2:11,12; Re 1:9

to sit.Rather, "to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, except to them for whom it is prepared of my Father."


25:34; Mr 10:40; 1Co 2:9; Heb 11:16


Pr 13:10; Mr 10:41; Lu 22:23-25; 1Co 13:4; Php 2:3; Jas 3:14-18

Jas 4:1,5,6; 1Pe 5:5

Mark 9:34

they had.

Mt 18:1-5; 20:21-24; Lu 9:46-48; 22:24-30; Ro 12:10; Php 2:3-7

1Pe 5:3; 3Jo 1:9

Mark 10:37-41


16:19; 1Ki 22:19; Ps 45:9; 110:1


8:38; Mt 25:31; Lu 24:26; 1Pe 1:11

Ye know not.

1Ki 2:22; Jer 45:5; Mt 20:21,22; Ro 8:26; Jas 4:3

drink of the.

14:36; Ps 75:8; Isa 51:22; Jer 25:15; Mt 26:39; Lu 22:42; Joh 18:11

baptized with the.

Lu 12:50


14:31; Joh 13:37


14:36; Mt 10:25; Joh 15:20; 17:14; Ac 12:2; Col 1:24; Re 1:9

Mt 20:23; 25:34; Joh 17:2,24; Heb 11:16


9:33-36; Pr 13:10; Mt 20:24; Lu 22:24; Ro 12:10; Php 2:3; Jas 4:5

Luke 9:46

14:7-11; 22:24-27; Mt 18:1-5; 20:20-22; 23:6,7; Mr 9:33-37

Ro 12:3,10; Ga 5:20,21,25,26; Php 2:3,14; 3Jo 1:9

Romans 12:10


Joh 13:34,35; 15:17; 17:21; Ac 4:32; Ga 5:6,13,22; Eph 4:1-3

Col 1:4; 1Th 4:9; 2Th 1:3; Heb 13:1; 1Pe 1:22; 2:17; 3:8,9; 2Pe 1:7

1Jo 2:9-11; 3:10-18; 4:11,20,21; 5:1,2

with brotherly love. or, in the love of the brethren.

Job 1:4; Ps 133:1

in honour.

Ge 13:9; Mt 20:26; Lu 14:10; Php 2:3; 1Pe 5:5

1 Corinthians 13:4


Pr 10:12; 2Co 6:6; Ga 5:22; Eph 4:2; Col 1:11; 3:12; 2Ti 2:25; 3:10

2Ti 4:2; Jas 3:17; 1Pe 4:8

is kind.

Ne 9:17; Pr 19:22; 31:20,26; Lu 6:35,36; Eph 4:32; Col 3:12; 1Pe 3:8

2Pe 1:7; 1Jo 3:16-18; 4:11


3:3; Ge 30:1; 37:11; Mt 27:18; Ro 1:29; 13:13; 2Co 12:20; Ga 5:21,26

Php 1:15; 1Ti 6:4; Tit 3:3; Jas 3:14-16; 4:5; 1Pe 2:1

vaunteth not itself. or, is not rash.

1Sa 25:21,22,33,34; 1Ki 20:10,11; Ps 10:5; Pr 13:10; 17:14; 25:8-10

Ec 7:8,9; 10:4; Da 3:19-22

is not.

4:6,18; 5:2; 8:1; Col 2:18; Php 2:1-5

Philippians 2:3-5


14; 1:15,16; Pr 13:10; Ro 13:13; 1Co 3:3; 2Co 12:20

Ga 5:15,20,21,26; Col 3:8; 1Ti 6:4; Jas 3:14-16; 4:5,6; 1Pe 2:1,2


Lu 14:7-11; 18:14; Ro 12:10; 1Co 15:9; Eph 4:2; 5:21; 1Pe 5:5

Mt 18:6; Ro 12:15; 14:19-22; 15:1; 1Co 8:9-13; 10:24,32,33; 12:22-26

1Co 13:4,5; 2Co 6:3; 11:29; Jas 2:8

Mt 11:29; 20:26-28; Lu 22:27; Joh 13:14,15; Ac 10:38; 20:35

Ro 14:15; 15:3,5; 1Co 10:33; 11:1; Eph 5:2; 1Pe 2:21; 4:1; 1Jo 2:6
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