Matthew 26:3


21:45,46; Ps 2:1,2; 56:6; 64:4-6; 94:20,21; Jer 11:19; 18:18-20

Joh 11:47-53,57; Ac 4:25-28

the palace.

58; Jer 17:27; Mr 14:54

Caiaphas.This was Joseph, surnamed Caiaphas, who succeeded Simon son of Camith, in the high-priesthood, about A.D. 25. About two years after our Lord's death, he was deposed by Vitellius governor of Syria; and unable to bear his disgrace, and perhaps the stings of conscience for the murder of Christ, he killed himself about A.D. 35.

Joh 11:49; 18:13,14,24; Ac 4:5,6
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