Matthew 9:15-17


25:1-10; Jud 14:11-20; Ps 45:14,15; Joh 3:29; Re 19:9; 21:2


Lu 24:13-21; Joh 16:6,20-22; Ac 1:9,10

and then.

Isa 22:12; Ac 13:1-3; 14:23; 1Co 7:5; 2Co 11:27

new cloth. or, raw, or unwrought cloth. for.

Ge 33:14; Ps 125:3; Isa 40:11; Joh 16:12; 1Co 3:1,2; 13:13


Jos 9:4; Job 32:19; Ps 119:83

Matthew 12:43-45

when.Had there been no reality in demoniacal possessions, as some have supposed, our Lord would scarcely have appealed to a case of this kind here, to point out the real state of the Jewish people, and their approaching desolation. Had this been only a vulgar error, of the nonsense of which the learned scribes and wise Pharisees must have been convinced, the case, not being in point, because not true, must have been treated with contempt by the very people for whose conviction it was designed.

the unclean.

Lu 11:24; Ac 8:13


Job 1:7; 2:2; 1Pe 5:8


Ps 63:1; Isa 35:6,7; 41:18; Eze 47:8-12; Am 8:11-13


8:29; Mr 5:7-13; Lu 8:28-32


29; Lu 11:21,22; Joh 13:27; Eph 2:2; 1Jo 4:4

he findeth.

13:20-22; Ps 81:11,12; Ho 7:6; Joh 12:6; 13:2; Ac 5:1-3; 8:18-23

1Co 11:19; 2Th 2:9-12; 1Ti 6:4,5,9,10; 1Jo 2:19; Jude 1:4,5

Re 13:3,4,8,9


24; Mr 5:9; 16:9; Eph 6:12



and the.

Lu 11:26; Heb 6:4-8; 10:26-31,39; 2Pe 2:14-22; 1Jo 5:16,17

Jude 1:10-13

Even.And so it was; for they became worse and worse, as if totally abandoned to diabolical influence, till the besom of destruction swept them away.

21:38-44; 23:32-39,24,34; Lu 11:49-51; 19:41-44; Joh 15:22-24

Ro 11:8-10; 1Th 2:15,16

Matthew 13:3-11

in. 10-13,34,35,53; 22:1; 24:32; Jud 9:8-20; 2Sa 12:1-7; Ps 49:4; 78:2 Isa 5:1-7; Eze 17:2; 20:49; 24:3-14; Mic 2:4; Hab 2:6; Mr 3:23 Mr 4:2,13,33; 12:1,12; Lu 8:10; 12:41; 15:3-7; Joh 16:25; *marg: parables.A parable, [parabole ,] from [para ,] near, and [ballo definition 906|>,] I cast, or put, has been justly defined to be a comparison or similitude, in which one thing is compared with another, especially spiritual things with natural, by which means those spiritual things are better understood, and make a deeper impression on a honest and attentive mind. In a parable, a resemblance in the principal incidents is all that is required; smaller matters being considered as a sort of drapery. Maimonides, in Moreh Nevochim, gives an excellent rule on this head: "Fix it as a principle to attach yourself to the grand object of the parable, without attempting to make a particular application of all the circumstances and terms which it comprehends." a sower. Mr 4:2-9; Lu 8:5-8

the way.


20; Eze 11:19; 36:26; Am 6:12; Zec 7:12


21; Isa 49:10; Jas 1:11,12; Re 7:16


7:26,27; Lu 8:13; Eph 3:17; Col 1:23; 2:7

22; Ge 3:18; Jer 4:3,4; Mr 4:18,19


23; Lu 8:15; Ro 7:18

some an.

Ge 26:12; Joh 15:8; Ga 5:22,23; Php 1:11

16; 11:15; Mr 4:9,23; 7:14-16; Re 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22; 13:8,9


Mr 4:10,33,34


11:25,26; 16:17; Ps 25:8,9,14; Isa 29:10; 35:8; Mr 4:11; Lu 8:10

Lu 10:39-42; Joh 7:17; Ac 16:14; 17:11,12; 1Co 2:9,10,14; 4:7

Jas 1:5,16-18; 1Jo 2:27


Ro 16:25; 1Co 2:7; 4:1; 13:2; 15:51; Eph 1:9,18; 3:3-9; 5:32; 6:19

Col 1:26,27; 2:2; 1Ti 3:9,16

Matthew 20:1-16

1 Christ, by the similitude of the labourers in the vineyard, shows that God is debtor unto no man;

17 foretells his passion;

20 by answering the mother of Zebedee's children, teaches his disciples to be lowly;

29 and gives two blind men their sight.

the kingdom.This parable was intended to illustrate the equity of God's dealings, even when "the first are placed last, and the last first."

3:2; 13:24,31,33,44,45,47; 22:2; 25:1,14

a man.

9:37,38; 21:33-43; So 8:11,12; Isa 5:1,2; Joh 15:1


23:37; So 8:11,12; Jer 25:3,4


Mr 13:34; 1Co 15:58; Heb 13:21; 2Pe 1:5-10

he had.

13; Ex 19:5,6; De 5:27-30

a penny."The Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after five shillings the ounce is sevenpence halfpenny."

18:28; 22:19; *margins

Lu 10:35; Re 6:6

he sent.

1Sa 2:18,26; 3:1,21; 16:11,12; 1Ki 3:6-11; 18:12; 2Ch 34:3; Ec 12:1

Lu 1:15; 2Ti 3:15

the third.

Mr 15:25; Ac 2:15


6,7; 11:16,17; Pr 19:15; Eze 16:49; Ac 17:17-21; 1Ti 5:13; Heb 6:12


9:9; 21:23-31; Lu 19:7-10; Ro 6:16-22; 1Co 6:11; 1Ti 1:12,13

Tit 3:8; 1Pe 1:13; 4:2,3

and whatsoever.

Col 4:1


27:45; Mr 15:33,34; Lu 23:44-46; Joh 1:39; 4:6; 11:9; Ac 3:1; 10:3,9

and did.

Ge 12:1-4; Jos 24:2,3; 2Ch 33:12-19; Heb 11:24-26

the eleventh.

Ec 9:10; Lu 23:40-43; Joh 9:4


Pr 19:15; Eze 16:49; Ac 17:21; Heb 6:12


Ac 4:16; 17:30,31; Ro 10:14-17; 16:25; Eph 2:11,12; 3:5,6; Col 1:26


22:9,10; Ec 9:10; Lu 14:21-23; Joh 9:4


Eph 6:8; Heb 6:10


13:39,40; 25:19,31; Ro 2:6-10; 2Co 5:10; Heb 9:28; Re 20:11,12


Ge 15:2; 39:4-6; 43:19; Lu 10:7; 12:42; 16:1,2; 1Co 4:1,2; Tit 1:7

1Pe 4:10

they received.

2,6,7; Lu 23:40-43; Ro 4:3-6; 5:20,21; Eph 1:6-8; 2:8-10

1Ti 1:14-16


they murmured.

Lu 5:30; 15:2,28-30; 19:7; Ac 11:2,3; 13:45; 22:21,22; 1Th 2:16

Jude 1:16

wrought but one hour. or, continued one hour only. equal.

Lu 14:10,11; Ro 3:22-24,30; Eph 3:6


Isa 58:2,3; Zec 7:3-5; Mal 1:13; 3:14; Lu 15:29,30; 18:11,12

Ro 3:27; 9:30-32; 10:1-3; 11:5,6; 1Co 4:11; 2Co 11:23-28


22:12; 26:50

I do.

Ge 18:25; Job 34:8-12,17,18; 35:2; 40:8; Ro 9:14,15,20


6:2,6,16; 2Ki 10:16,30,31; Eze 29:18-20; Lu 15:31; 16:25; Ro 3:4,19

I will.

Joh 17:2


11:25; Ex 33:19; De 7:6-8; 1Ch 28:4,5; Jer 27:5-7; Joh 17:2

Ro 9:15-24; 11:5,6; 1Co 4:7; Eph 1:11; 2:1,5; Jas 1:18

Is thine.

6:23; De 15:9; 28:54; Pr 23:6; 28:22; Mr 7:22; Jas 5:9


Jon 4:1-4; Ac 13:45

the last.

8:11,12; 19:30; 21:31; Mr 10:31; Lu 7:47; 13:28-30; 15:7; 17:17,18

Joh 12:19-22; Ro 5:20; 9:30


7:13; 22:14; Lu 14:24; Ro 8:30; 1Th 2:13; 2Th 2:13,14; Jas 1:23-25

Matthew 21:28-46


17:25; 22:17; Lu 13:4; 1Co 10:15

A certain.

Lu 15:11-32


20:5-7; Mr 13:34; 1Co 15:58

I will not.

31; Jer 44:16; Eph 4:17-19

he repented.

3:2-8; 2Ch 33:10-19; Isa 1:16-19; 55:6,7; Eze 18:28-32; Da 4:34-37

Jon 3:2,8-10; Lu 15:17,18; Ac 26:20; 1Co 6:11; Eph 2:1-13

I go.

23:3; Eze 33:31; Ro 2:17-25; Tit 1:16


7:21; 12:50; Eze 33:11; Lu 15:10; Ac 17:30; 2Pe 3:9

The first.

2Sa 12:5-7; Job 15:6; Lu 7:40-42; 19:22; Ro 3:19


5:18; 6:5; 18:3

the publicans.

9:9; 20:16; Lu 7:29,37-50; 15:1,2; 19:9,10; Ro 5:20; 9:30-33

1Ti 1:13-16


3:1-8; Isa 35:8; Jer 6:16; Lu 3:8-13; 2Pe 2:21

and ye believed.

25; 11:18; Lu 7:29,30; Joh 5:33-36; Ac 13:25-29

the publicans.

Lu 7:37-50


Ps 81:11,12; Zec 7:11,12; Joh 5:37-40; 2Ti 2:25; Heb 3:12; 6:6-8

Re 2:21

Hear.In this parable, in its primary sense, the householder denotes the Supreme Being; the family, the Jewish nation; the vineyard, Jerusalem; the fence, the Divine protection; the wine-press, the law and sacrificial rites; the tower, the temple; and the husbandmen, the priests and doctors of the law.

13:18; 1Ki 22:19; Isa 1:10; Jer 19:3; Ho 4:1


Ps 80:8-16; So 8:11,12; Isa 5:1-4; Jer 2:21; Mr 12:1; Lu 20:9-18

Joh 15:1


23:2; De 1:15-17; 16:18; 17:9-12; 33:8-10; Mal 2:4-9


25:14,15; Mr 13:34; Lu 19:12

he sent.

2Ki 17:13,14-23; 2Ch 36:15,16; Ne 9:29,30; Jer 25:3-7; 35:15

Zec 1:3-6; 7:9-13; Mr 12:2-5; Lu 20:10-19


So 8:11,12; Isa 5:4

5:12; 23:31-37; 1Ki 18:4,13; 19:2,10; 22:24; 2Ch 16:10; 24:21,22

2Ch 36:15,16; Ne 9:26; Jer 2:30; 25:3-7; 26:21-24; Lu 13:33,34

Ac 7:52; 1Th 2:15,16; Heb 11:36,37; Re 6:9



3:17; Mr 12:6; Lu 20:13; Joh 1:18,34; 3:16,35,36; Heb 1:1,2


Isa 5:4; Jer 36:3; Zep 3:7


2:13-16; 26:3,4; 27:1,2; Ge 37:18-20; Ps 2:2-8; Mr 12:7,8; Lu 20:14

Joh 11:47-53; Ac 4:27,28; 5:24-28


26:50,57; Mr 14:46-53; Lu 22:52-54; Joh 18:12,24; Ac 2:23; 4:25-27


Heb 13:11-13


Ac 2:23; 3:14,15; 4:10; 5:30; 7:52; Jas 5:6


Mr 12:9; Lu 20:15,16; Heb 10:29

they say.Our Lord here causes them to pass that sentence of destruction upon themselves which was literally executed about forty years afterwards by the Roman armies.

He will.

3:12; 22:6,7; 23:35-38; 24:21,22; Le 26:14-46; De 28:59-68

Ps 2:4,5,9; Isa 5:5-7; Da 9:26; Zec 11:8-10; 12:12; 13:8; 14:2,3

Mal 4:1-6; Lu 17:32-37; 19:41-44; 21:22-24; 1Th 2:16; Heb 2:3; 12:25

and will let out.

43; 8:11; Isa 49:5-7; 65:15; 66:19-21; Lu 13:28,29; 14:23,24; 21:24

Ac 13:46-48; 15:7; 18:6; 28:8; Ro 9:1-11:36; 15:9-18



The stone.

Ps 118:22,23; Isa 28:16; Zec 3:8,9; Mr 12:10,11; Lu 20:17,18

Ac 4:11; Ro 9:33; Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:4-8

and it is.

Hab 1:5; Ac 13:40,41; Eph 3:3-9

The kingdom.

41; 8:11,12; 12:28; Isa 28:2; Lu 17:20,21; Joh 3:3,5

a nation.

Ex 19:6; Isa 26:2; 1Co 13:2; 1Pe 2:9


Ps 2:12; Isa 8:14,15; 60:12; Zec 12:3; Lu 20:18; Ro 9:33; 2Co 4:3,4

1Pe 2:8


26:24; 27:25; Ps 2:9; 21:8,9; 110:5,6; Da 2:34,35,44,45; Joh 19:11

1Th 2:16; Heb 2:2,3


12:12; Lu 11:45; 20:19

they sought.

2Sa 12:7-13; Pr 9:7-9; 15:12; Isa 29:1; Joh 7:7


11; Lu 7:16,39; Joh 7:40,41; Ac 2:22

Mark 4:33-34


Mt 13:34,35


Joh 16:12; 1Co 3:1,2; Heb 5:11-14


10; 7:17-23; Mt 13:36-43; 15:15-20; Lu 8:9,10; 24:27,44-46

Luke 8:10


10:21-24; Ps 25:14; Mt 11:25; 13:11,12; 16:17; Mr 4:11; Ro 16:25

1Co 2:7-11; 12:11; Eph 3:3-9; Col 1:26-28; 2:2; 1Ti 3:16

1Pe 1:10-12

that seeing.

De 29:4; Isa 6:9; 29:14; 44:18; Jer 5:21; Mt 13:14-17; Joh 12:40

Ac 28:26,27; Ro 11:7-10
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