Numbers 1:1

1 God commands Moses to number the people.

5 The princes of the tribes.

17 The number of every tribe.

47 The Levites are exempted for the service of the Lord.


10:11,12; Ex 19:1; Le 27:34


Ex 25:22; Le 1:1

on the first day.As the tabernacle was erected on the first day of the first month, in the second year of their departure from Egypt, (Ex 40:17,) and this happened on the first day of the second month, in the same year, it is evident that the transactions related in the preceding book must all have taken place in the space of one month, and during the time the Israelites were encamped at mount Sinai.

9:1; 10:11; Ex 40:17; 1Ki 6:1
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