Numbers 10:6-7

ye blow.A single alarm was a signal for the eastward division to march; two such alarms the signal for the south; and probably three for the west, and four for the North. There appears therefore, a deficiency in the Hebrew Text, which is thus supplied by the LXX.: [kai salpieite semasian triten, kai exarousin ai parembolai ai paremballousai para thalassan. kai salpieite semasian tetarten, kai exarousin ai parembolai ai paremballousai pros bomran.] "And when ye blow a third alarm, or signal, the camps on the west shall march; and when ye blow a fourth alarm, the camps on the north shall march." This addition, however, is not acknowledged by the Samaritan, nor any other version than the Coptic, nor any MS. yet collated.

the camps.


ye shall blow.



Joe 2:1

Isaiah 58:1

1 The prophet, being sent to reprove hypocrisy, shews the difference between a counterfeit fast and a true.

8 He declares what promises are due unto godliness,

13 and to the keeping of the sabbath.

aloud. Heb. with the throat. spare.

56:10; Ps 40:9,10; Jer 1:7-10,17-19; 7:8-11; 15:19,20; Eze 2:3-8

Eze 3:5-9,17-21; 20:4; 22:2; Mic 3:8-12; Mt 3:7-9; Ac 7:51,52

Ac 20:26,27; Tit 2:15; Re 14:9,10

lift up.



27:13; Ho 8:1; Re 1:10; 4:1

Joel 2:1

1 He shews unto Zion the terribleness of God's judgment.

12 He exhorts to repentance;

15 prescribes a fast;

18 promises a blessing thereon.

21 He comforts Zion with present,

28 and future blessings.


15; Nu 10:3,8; Jer 4:5; Ho 8:1

trumpet. or, cornet.

1Ch 15:28; Ho 5:8

and sound.

Nu 10:5-7,9; Eze 33:3,6; Am 3:6; Zep 1:16

in my.

3:17; Ps 87:1; Da 9:16,20; Zep 3:11; Zec 8:3


Ezr 9:3,4; Ps 119:120; Isa 66:2,5; Jer 5:22; 16:7,10; Da 6:26

Php 2:12

for the.

1:15; Isa 2:12; Eze 7:5-7,10,12; 12:23; Am 8:2; Ob 1:15; Mal 4:1

1Th 5:2; Jas 5:8; 1Pe 4:7
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