Numbers 13:21

from the wilderness of Zin.The wilderness of Zin, is different from that called Sin. (Ex 16:1.) The latter was near Egypt, but the former was near Kadesh Barnea, not far from the borders of Canaan. It seems to be the valley mentioned by Burckhardt; which, under the names of El Ghor and El Araba, form a continuation of the valley of the Jordan, extending from the Dead sea to the eastern branch of the Red sea. The whole plain presents to the view an appearance of shifting sands, whose surface is broken by innumerable undulations and low hills. A few talk, tamarisk, and rethem trees grow among the sand hills; but the depth of sand precludes all vegetation of herbage.

20:1; 27:14; 33:36; 34:3,4; De 32:51; Jos 15:1

Rehob.Rehob was a city, afterwards given to the tribe of Asher, situated near mount Lebanon, at the northern extremity of the Promised Land, on the road which leads to Hamath, and west of Laish or Dan: compare Jud 1:31; 18:28; Jos 19:28.


2Sa 8:9; Am 6:2

Numbers 20:1

1 The children of Israel come to Zin, where Miriam dies.

2 They murmur for want of water.

7 Moses smiting the rock, brings forth water at Meribah.

14 Moses at Kadesh desires passage through Edom, which is denied him.

22 At mount Hor Aaron resigns his place to Eleazar, and dies.

An. Ex. Is. 40. Then.This was the first month of the fortieth year after the departure from Egypt. (Compare ch. 33:38, with ver. 28 of this chap. and De 1:3.) This year was the last of their journeyings, for from the going out of the spies (ch. 13) unto this time, was about thirty-eight years.

De 1:22,23; 2:14


13:21; 27:14; 33:36; De 32:51

Kadesh.This Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, is different from Kadesh-barnea, lying in, or adjoining to the wilderness of Paran, about eight leagues south of Hebron. (See ch. 34:3, 4. Jos 15:1, 3.) Kadesh is called Rekam, by the Targumists, Rekem, in the Syriac, and Rakim, in Arabic. Rekem, says Rabbi Nissin, (in Gittin, ch. 1.) is on the east, meaning of the land of Israel.

16; Ps 29:8


12:1,10,15; 26:59; Ex 2:4,7; 15:20; Mic 6:4

Numbers 27:14

ye rebelled.

20:8-13; De 1:37; 32:51,52; Ps 106:32,33


20:1,13,24; Ex 17:7

Deuteronomy 32:51

ye trespassed.

3:23-27; Nu 20:11,12,24; 27:14

Meribah-Kadesh. or, strife at Kadesh.

Nu 20:13,14

because ye.

Le 10:3; 1Ki 13:21-26; Isa 8:13; 1Pe 4:17
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