Numbers 14:25

the Amalekites.


turn you.

4; De 1:40; Ps 81:11-13; Pr 1:31

Deuteronomy 2:8

And when.

Nu 20:20,21; Jud 11:18


1Ki 9:26


2Ki 14:22; 16:6

1 Kings 9:26

made a navy.

2Ch 8:12,17,18-11:4


22:48; Nu 33:35; De 2:8


2Ki 14:22

shore. Heb. lip.

1 Kings 22:48


2Ch 20:35,36-21:1

made ships. or, had ten ships.

10:22; 2Ch 9:21; Ps 48:7; Isa 2:16; 60:9; Jon 1:3

Tharshish.Josephus and the Chaldee and Arabic paraphrasts explain this place of Tarsus in Cilicia; the LXX., Theodoret, and Jerome, understand it of Carthage; but the learned Bochart makes it Tartessus, an island in the straits of Gades. Ibn Haukal describes Tarsousa as belonging to Andalus, or Andalusia; and Festus Avienus expressly says, {Hic Gadir urbs est dicta Tartessus prius,} "the city Cadiz was formerly called Tartessus."

to Ophir.

9:28; Ps 45:9

they went not.

2Ch 20:37; 25:7


9:26; Nu 33:35,36
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