Numbers 14:33-34

shall wander in the wilderness. or, feed.This implies, that they should move from place to place in the deserts, as the Bedounin Arabs, who have no certain dwelling, but rove about seeking pasture for their flocks.

32:13; Jos 14:10; Ps 107:4,40

forty years.

33:38; De 1:3; 2:14


5:31; Jer 3:1,2; Eze 23:35,45-49; Ho 9:1


13:25; 2Ch 36:21

the number.

Ps 95:10; Eze 4:6; Da 9:24; Re 11:3

shall ye bear.

18:23; Le 20:19; Ps 38:4; Eze 14:10

ye shall.

1Ki 8:56; Ps 77:8; 105:42; Jer 18:9,10; La 3:31-33; Heb 4:1

breach of promise. or, altering of my purpose.{Tenooathi,} rather, my failure, or disannulling, from {noo,} to fail, disannul; for as they had broken their engagements, God was no longer held by his covenant.

De 31:16,17; 1Sa 2:30; Zec 11:10

Joshua 5:6


Nu 14:32-34; De 1:3; 2:7,14; 8:4; Ps 95:10,11; Jer 2:2

sware that.

Nu 14:23; Heb 3:11

a land.

Ex 3:8,17; Eze 20:6,15; Joe 3:18

Nehemiah 9:12-21

thou leddest.

19; Ex 13:21,22; 14:19,20; Ps 78:14; 105:39

in the way.

Ps 107:7; 143:8


Ex 19:11,16-20; De 33:2; Isa 64:1,3; Hab 3:3


Ex 20:1,22; De 4:10-13,33; 5:4,22-26; Heb 12:18-26


De 4:8; 10:12,13; Ps 19:7-11; 119:127,128; Eze 20:11-13

Ro 7:12-14,16

true laws. Heb. laws of truth.

Ps 119:160


Ge 2:3; Ex 16:29; 20:8-11; Eze 20:12,20


Ex 21:1-23:33; Le 27:34; De 4:5,45; 5:31


1:8; Joh 1:17


Ex 16:4,14,15; De 8:3,16; Ps 78:24,25; 105:40; Joh 6:31-35

1Co 10:3


20; Ex 17:6; Nu 20:7-11; De 8:15; Ps 77:15-20; 105:41; 114:8

1Co 10:4


De 1:8; Jos 1:2-4

sworn. Heb. lift up thine hand.

Ge 14:22; Nu 14:30; Eze 20:15


10,29; Ex 32:9; De 9:6,13,23,24,27; 32:15; Ps 78:8-72; 106:6

Isa 63:10; Jer 2:31; Ac 7:51


De 31:27; 2Ki 17:14; 2Ch 30:8; 36:13; Ps 95:8-10; Pr 29:1; Isa 48:4

Jer 19:15; Ro 2:5; Heb 3:13,15


Ex 15:26; De 5:29; Ps 81:8,11-14; Isa 48:18There were two things to which the Israelites did not duly give heed, else they had not done as they did. The word of God they heard, but they gave no heed to God's commandments: and the works of God they saw, but were not mindful of his wonders. Had they really considered them as miracles, they would have obeyed from a principle of faith and holy fear: had they duly considered them as mercies, they would have obeyed from a principle of gratitude and holy love.


Nu 14:3,4,11,41; 16:14; Ps 106:24,25; Pr 1:24; Heb 12:25


Ps 78:11,42,43; 86:5,15; 106:7,13; Mt 16:9-11; 2Pe 1:12-15

in their rebellion.Instead of {bemiryam,} "in their rebellion," seven MSS., one edition, and the LXX., have {bemitzrayim,} "in Egypt:" "appointed a captain to return to their bondage in Egypt."


Nu 14:4; Ac 7:39

a God.

Nu 14:18,19; Ps 86:5,15; 130:4; Mic 7:18,19

ready to pardon. Heb. of pardons. gracious.

Ex 34:6,7; Ps 78:38; 103:8-18; 145:8,9; Isa 55:7-9; Joe 2:13

Ro 9:15; Eph 1:6,7


1Ki 6:13; 8:57; Ps 106:43-46

Ex 32:4-8,31,32; De 9:12-16; Ps 106:19-23; Eze 20:7-44

in thy.

27; 1Sa 12:22; Ps 106:7,8,45; Isa 44:21; La 3:22; Eze 20:14,22

Da 9:9,18; Mal 3:6

the pillar.

12; Ex 13:21,22; 40:38; Nu 9:15-22; 14:14; Isa 4:5,6; 1Co 10:1,2


30; Nu 11:17,25-29; Isa 63:11-14


Ps 143:10; Ro 15:30; Ga 5:22,23; Eph 5:9; 2Pe 1:21


Ex 16:15,35; Jos 5:12


Ex 17:6; Ps 105:41; Isa 41:17,18; 48:21; 49:10; Joh 4:10,14

Joh 7:37-39


Ex 16:35; Nu 14:33,34; De 2:7; 8:2; Am 5:25; Ac 13:18


De 8:4; 29:5; Ps 34:10

Psalms 95:9-10


78:17,18,40,41,56; 1Co 10:9


Nu 14:22; Mt 11:20-22; Joh 15:24


Nu 14:33,34; 32:13; De 1:3; 2:14-16; Heb 3:9,10,17


Ge 6:6; Eph 4:30


Isa 63:17; Heb 3:10,17

and they.

Pr 1:7,22-29; Jer 9:6; Joh 3:19-21; Ro 1:28

Acts 13:17-18


7:2-53; Ge 12:1-3; 17:7,8; De 4:37; 7:6-8; 9:5; 14:2; Ne 9:7,8

Ps 105:6-12,42,43; 135:4; Isa 41:8,9; 44:1; Jer 33:24-26; 1Pe 2:9

and exalted.

7:17; Ex 1:7-9; De 10:22; Ps 105:23,24

and with.

7:36; Ex 6:1-14:31; 15:1-21; 18:11; De 4:20,34; 7:19; 1Sa 4:8

Ne 9:9-12; Ps 77:13-20; 78:12,13,42-53; 105:26-39; 106:7-11

Ps 114:1-8; 135:8-10; 136:10-15; Isa 63:9-14; Jer 32:20,21; Am 2:10

Mic 6:4; 7:15,16


7:36,39-43; Ex 16:2,35; Nu 14:22,33,34; De 9:7,21-24; Ne 9:16-21

Ps 78:17-42; 95:8-11; 106:13-29; Eze 20:10-17; Am 5:25,26

1Co 10:1-10; Heb 3:7-10,16-19

suffered."Gr. [tropophoreo ,] perhaps for [trophophoreo,] bore, or fed them as a nurse beareth or feedeth her child, De 1:31; according to the LXX., and so Chrysostom."

Hebrews 3:17

with him.


was it.

Nu 26:64,65; 1Co 10:1-13


Nu 14:22,29,32,33; De 2:15,16; Jer 9:22; Jude 1:5
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