Numbers 16:30

make a new thing.Heb. create a creature; {wëim beriah yivra Yehowah,} "And if Jehovah should create a creation," i.e., do such a thing as was never done before.

Job 31:3; Isa 28:21; 43:19; 45:7,12; Jer 31:22

and they.

33; Ps 55:15

Numbers 16:33

into the.

Ps 9:15; 55:23; 69:15; 143:7; Isa 14:9,15; Eze 32:18,30

they perished.

Jude 1:11

Psalms 28:1

1 David prays earnestly against his enemies;

6 and for the people.


3:4; 5:2; 22:2; 77:1; 142:1


18:2; 42:9; Isa 26:4; *marg:


35:22; 83:1

to. Heb. from. I become.

30:9; 69:15; 88:4-6; 143:7; Job 33:28; Pr 1:12; Isa 38:18; Re 20:3

Isaiah 14:11-19


21:4,5; 22:2; Job 21:11-15; Eze 26:13; 32:19,20; Da 5:1-4,25-30

Am 6:3-7; Re 18:11-19

the worm.

66:24; Job 17:13,14; 24:19,20; Mr 9:43-48

How art thou fallen.

13:10; 34:4; Eze 28:13-17; Lu 10:18; 2Pe 2:4; Re 12:7-10

Lucifer. or, day-star.

2Pe 1:19; Re 2:28; 22:16


4-6; Jer 50:23; 51:20-24


47:7-10; Eze 27:3; 28:2; 29:3; Da 4:30,31; Zep 2:15; Re 18:7,8

I will ascend.

Eze 28:9,12-16; Da 8:10-12

the mount.

2:2; Ps 48:2



I will be.

47:8; Ge 3:5; 2Th 2:4


3-11; Eze 28:8,9; Mt 11:23; Ac 12:22,23; Re 19:20

to the.

Eze 32:23

shall narrowly.

Ps 58:10,11; 64:9

Is this.

4,5; Ps 52:7; Jer 50:23; 51:20-23


13:19-22; 64:10; Eze 6:14; Joe 2:3; Zep 2:13,14

opened not the house of his prisoners. or, did not let hisprisoners loose homewards.

45:13; 58:6; 2Ch 28:8-15; Ezr 1:2-4

all of.

22:16; 2Ch 24:16,25; Ec 6:3; Eze 32:18-32


Job 30:23; Ec 12:5

thou.The prophet having briefly set forth, in the beginning of this chapter, the deliverance of Judah from captivity, in consequence of the destruction of Babylon, then introduces this triumphant song, the beauties of which are excellently illustrated by Bp. Lowth.

1Ki 21:19,24; 2Ki 9:25,34-36; Jer 8:1,2; 16:6; 22:19


Jer 41:7,9; Eze 32:23

Ezekiel 32:18-32


2,16; 21:6,7; Isa 16:9; Mic 1:8; Lu 19:41; Ro 12:15

cast.That is, predict that they shall be cast down.

43:3; Jer 1:10; Ho 6:5

the daughters.The cities and colonies of the celebrated nations afterwards enumerated.

unto the.

21,24-32; 26:20; 31:14; Ps 30:9; 63:9; Isa 14:15


27:3,4; 28:12-17; 31:2,18


Isa 14:9-15


21,24,29,30; 28:10; 1Sa 17:26,36; Jer 9:25,26


23-26,29,30; 29:8-12

she is delivered to the sword. or, the sword is laid. draw.

Ps 28:3; Pr 24:11; Jer 22:19

strong.Pharaoh is here represented as descending into the regions of the dead, whither many mighty warriors and potentates had gone before him, who welcome him to their dreary mansion.

27; Isa 1:31; 14:9,10; Lu 16:23,24


19,24,25; Nu 16:30-34; Ps 9:17; 55:15; Pr 14:32

24,26,29,30; 31:3-18; Nu 24:24; Ps 83:8-10


Isa 30:33; 37:36-38; Na 1:7-12; 3:1-19

graves.The niches in the sides of the subterranean burying places.

26:20; Isa 14:15


24-27,32; 26:17,20; Isa 14:16; 51:12,13

terror. or, dismaying. the land.

26:20; Job 28:13; Ps 27:13; 116:9; 142:5; Isa 38:11; Jer 11:19


Ge 10:22; 14:1; 1Ch 1:17; Jer 25:25; 49:34-39; Da 8:2

which are.

18,21; 26:20

which caused.



25,30; 16:52,54; 34:29; 36:6,7,15; 39:26; 44:13; Jer 3:24,25

Hab 2:16

set her.

Ps 139:8; Re 2:22

a bed.A cell, or bier, in the sepulchral vault, in which the corpse was deposited.

all of them.

19,21; 44:7,9; 2Sa 1:20; 1Ch 10:4; Ac 7:51


Lu 12:4,5

Meshech.Supposed to be the Moschi, a people between Iberia and Armenia, from whom, probably the Muscovites are descended.

27:13; 38:2,3; 39:1; Ge 10:2,12; 1Ch 1:5

Tubal.Probably the Tibarenians, a people of Pontus, west of the Moschians.

all of.




shall not.

21; Job 3:13-15; Isa 14:18,19

to hell.That is, to the grave; and are buried in their armour, with their weapons lying by their sides, as was a very ancient practice in various nations.

their weapons of war. Heb. weapons of their war.

Isa 54:17; 2Co 10:4


18:20; Job 20:11; Ps 49:14; 92:7,9; 109:18; Pr 14:32; Joh 8:24

Da 2:34,35


25:1-17; 35:1-15; Ge 25:30; 36:1-19; Isa 34:1-17; 63:1-6

Jer 49:7-22; Am 1:11,12; Ob 1:1,2-9; Mal 1:3,4

laid. Heb. given, or put.

the princes.The kings of Media, Armenia, and other nations north of Chaldea, or of the Syrians and others north of Judah, with "all the Zidonians," kings of Zidon, Tyre, and other cities of Phoenicia.

38:6,15; 39:2, Jer 25:22

and bear.


Pharaoh shall.Pharaoh, who said he was a god, shall be found among the dead.

shall be.Shall console himself, when he sees all these mighty nations and proud conquerors in the same condition as himself.

14:22; 31:16; La 2:13

27; Ge 35:5; Job 31:23; Jer 25:15-38; Zep 3:6-8; 2Co 5:11

Heb 10:31; Re 6:15-17

Ezekiel 34

1 A reproof of the shepherds.

7 God's judgment against them.

11 His providence over his flock.

20 The kingdom of Christ.


the shepherds.The shepherds of Israel, signify their kings and princes, priests and prophets; the flock, the whole of the people; the fat and wool, the tithes and offerings, taxes and imposts: these they exacted with great rigour, and even oppressed and destroyed the people to enrich themselves; but they bestowed no pains to provide for the welfare of the state, or for the souls of those entrusted to them. They knew nothing about their flock: it might be diseased, infirm, bruised, maimed, strayed, or lost, for they watched not over them.

33:24; Jer 2:8; 3:15; 10:21; 12:10; Joh 10:1,2,12


8-10; 13:19; Jer 23:1; Mic 3:1-3,11,12; Zep 3:3,4; Zec 11:17

Mt 24:48-51; Lu 12:42-46; 20:46,47; Ro 16:18; 2Pe 2:3


2Sa 5:2; Ps 78:71,72; Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15-17; Ac 20:26,29

1Pe 5:2-4


Isa 56:11,12; Zec 11:5,16

ye kill.

19:3,6; 22:25-28; 33:25,26; 1Ki 21:13-16; 2Ki 21:16; Isa 1:10,15

Jer 2:30; 22:17; La 4:13; Mic 3:1-3; Zep 3:3


16; Isa 56:10; Jer 8:22; Zec 11:15,16; Mt 9:36; Heb 12:12


Mt 10:6; 18:12,13; Lu 15:4-6

but with.

Ex 1:13,14; Jer 22:13; Mt 21:35; 24:49; 2Co 1:24; Jas 5:1-6

1Pe 5:2,3; Re 13:14-17; 17:5,6

they were.

6; 33:21,28; 1Ki 22:17; 2Ch 18:16; Jer 23:2; 50:6,17; Zec 13:7

Mt 9:36

because there is no shepherd. or, without a shepherd, and sover.


Zec 10:2,3

and they became.

8; Isa 56:9; Jer 12:9-12; Joh 10:2; Ac 20:29-31


7:16; Jer 13:16; 40:11,12; Heb 11:37,38; 1Pe 2:25

my flock.

Joh 10:16

and none.

Ps 142:4; Jer 5:1

9; Ps 82:1-7; Isa 1:10; Jer 13:13,18; 22:2,3; Mic 3:8,9; Mal 2:1

Mt 23:13-36; Lu 11:39-54



the shepherds.

2,3,10,18; Ac 20:33; 1Co 9:15; 2Pe 2:13; Jude 1:12


I am.

5:8; 13:8; 21:3; 35:3; Jer 21:13; 50:31; Na 2:13; Zec 10:3; 1Pe 3:12

and I will.

3:18,20; 33:6-8; Jer 13:18-20; Heb 13:17

and cause.

1Sa 2:29-36; Jer 39:6; 52:9-11,24-27

neither shall.


for I will.

22; Ps 23:5; 72:12-14; 102:19,20


5:8; 6:3; Ge 6:17; Le 26:28; De 32:39; Isa 45:12; 48:15; 51:12

Ho 5:14


Ps 23:1-3; 80:1; 119:176; Isa 40:10,11; 56:8; Jer 23:3; 31:8

Mt 13:11,12; Lu 19:10; Joh 10:16

As a shepherd seeketh out. Heb. According to the shepherd'sseeking of, etc.

1Sa 17:34,35; Lu 15:4-6; Joh 10:11,12

in the cloudy.

30:3; Isa 50:10; Jer 13:16; Joe 2:1-3; Am 5:18-20; Zep 1:15

Ac 2:19-21

I will bring.

11:17; 20:41; 28:25,26; 36:24; 37:21,22; 38:8; 39:27; Ps 106:47

Isa 11:11-16; 65:9,10; 66:19,20; Jer 23:3,4,8; 30:3,18; 31:8; 32:37

Am 9:14; Zep 3:19,20

and feed.

18-25; Mic 7:14,15

feed them.

27; Ps 23:1,2; 31:8-10; Isa 25:6; 30:23,24; 40:11; Jer 31:12-14,25

Joh 10:9; Re 7:16

there shall.

Jer 33:12,13

Ps 23:2; So 1:7,8; Isa 11:6,7; 27:10; 65:9,10; Jer 3:15; Ho 2:18

Zep 3:13; Joh 21:15

seek that.

4,11; Isa 40:11; 61:1-3; Mic 4:6,7; Mt 15:24; 18:11-14; Mr 2:17

Lu 5:31,32; 15:4-7; 19:10

but I.

39:18; De 32:15; Isa 5:17; 10:16; Jer 50:11; Am 4:1-3

I will feed.

Isa 49:26; Jer 9:15; 10:24; 23:15; Mic 7:14

I judge.

20-22; 20:37,38; Zec 10:3; Mt 25:32,33

cattle and cattle. Heb. small cattle of lambs and kids. hegoats. Heb. great he goats.

a small.

16:20,47; Ge 30:15; Nu 16:9,13; 2Sa 7:19; Isa 7:13

to have.

2,3; Mic 2:2


32:2; Mt 15:6-9; 23:13; Lu 11:52



10,17; Ps 22:12-16; Mt 25:31-46

ye have.

3-5; Da 8:3-10; Zec 11:5,16,17


Lu 13:14-16

will I.

10; Ps 72:12-14; Jer 23:2,3; Zec 11:7-9

and I.


I will.

Ec 12:11; Isa 40:11; Jer 23:4-6; Mic 5:2-5; Zec 13:7; Joh 10:11

Heb 13:20; 1Pe 2:25; 5:4

my servant.David king of Israel had been dead upwards of 400 years; and from that time till now there never has been a ruler of any kind in the Jewish nation of the name of David. By David, then, we must understand the Messiah, as the Jews themselves acknowledge, so called because descended from him, and also as being the well beloved, [o agapetos,] Son of the Father, as the name imports, and in whom all the promises made to David were fulfilled. See the references.

37:24,25; Isa 11:1; 55:3,4; Jer 30:9; Ho 3:5; Re 22:16

I the Lord will.

30,31; 36:28; 37:23,27; 39:22; Ex 29:45,46; Isa 43:2,3; Jer 31:1,33

Jer 32:38; Zec 13:9; Re 21:3

a prince.

Jos 5:13-15; Ps 2:6; Isa 9:6,7; Jer 23:5,6; 33:15-17; Mic 5:2

Mt 28:18; Lu 1:31-33; Ac 5:31; 1Co 15:25; Eph 1:21,22; Php 2:9-11

Heb 2:9,10; Re 19:13-16

I will make.

37:26; Isa 55:3; Jer 31:31-33; Zec 6:13; Heb 13:20

and will.

Le 26:6; Job 5:22; Isa 11:6-9; 35:9; Ho 2:18-23

and they.

28; Ps 4:8; Jer 23:6; 33:16

make them.

Ge 12:2; Isa 19:24; Zec 8:13,23

my hill.

20:40; Ps 2:6; 68:16; 132:14-16; 133:3; Isa 2:2-4; 56:7; Mic 4:1,2

I will cause.

Le 26:4


De 28:12; Ps 68:9; Isa 32:15,20; 44:3; Mal 3:10

the tree.

47:12; Le 26:4; Ps 85:12; 92:12-14; Isa 4:2; 35:1,2; 61:3

Joh 15:5-8

know that.

33:29; 39:28

when I.

10; Le 26:13; Isa 9:4; 10:27; 14:2,3; 52:2,3; Jer 2:20; 30:8


Jer 25:14; 27:7

they shall.It is evident that this prophecy could at most have only a typical accomplishment in the return from captivity under Zerubbabel, and in their consequent prosperity; but the restoration of the Jews from their present captivity, and the consequent peace and prosperity of the church and world, fully answer to this energetic language.

8; 36:4,15


25,29; Jer 30:10; 46:27

I will.

Isa 4:2; 11:1-6; 53:2; Jer 23:5; 33:15; Zec 3:8; 6:12

of renown. or, for renown.

Ps 72:17; Isa 9:6

consumed. Heb. taken away.

26,27; 36:29; Isa 49:9,10; Re 7:16



24; 16:62; 37:27; Ps 46:7,11; Isa 8:9,10; Mt 1:23; 28:20

ye my.

36:38; Ps 78:52; 80:1; 95:7; 100:3; Isa 40:11; Mic 7:14; Lu 12:32

Joh 10:11,16,26-30; 20:15-17; Ac 20:28; 1Pe 5:2,3



Luke 10:15


7:1,2; Mt 4:13


Ge 11:4; De 1:28; Isa 14:13-15; Jer 51:53; Eze 28:12-14; Am 9:2,3

Ob 1:4; Mt 11:23


13:28; Isa 5:14; 14:15; Eze 26:20; 31:18; 32:18,20,27; Mt 10:28

2Pe 2:4
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