Numbers 31:6

a thousand.Twelve thousand in all--a small number in proportion to all Israel, or to the forces which they had to encounter. As they were under the conduct of captains of thousands and hundreds, they probably had no general; for Phinehas seems to have accompanied them simply to take charge of "the holy instruments;" probably the ark and silver trumpets.



the holy instruments.

14:44; 33:20-22; Ex 25:9; Jos 6:4-6,13-15; 1Sa 4:4,5,17; 14:18

1Sa 23:9; 2Sa 11:11

to blow.

10:8,9; 2Ch 13:12-15

Joshua 6:4-16

trumpets of rams'.The words {shopheroth hyyovelim,} should rather be rendered jubilee, trumpets, i.e., such as were used on the jubilee, which were probably made of horn or silver: for the entrance of the Israelites into Canaan was indeed a jubilee to them (See Note on Le 25:11): instead of the dreadful trumpet of war, they were ordered to sound the trumpet of joy, as already conquerors.

Le 25:9; Nu 10:1-10; Jud 7:7,8,15-22; 2Ch 13:12; 20:17,19,21

Isa 27:13; Zec 4:6

seven times.

Ge 2:3; 7:2,3; Le 4:6; 14:16; 25:8; Nu 23:1; 1Ki 18:43; 2Ki 5:10

Job 42:8; Zec 4:2; Re 1:4,20; 5:1,6; 8:2,6; 10:3; 15:1,7; 16:1

make a long.

16,20; Ex 19:19; 2Ch 20:21,22

the people.

Jud 7:20-22; 1Sa 4:5; 17:20,52; 2Ch 13:14,15; Jer 50:15

and the wall.The words {wenaphelah chomath hair tachteyha,} are literally, "and the wall of the city shall fall down under itself;" which appears simply to mean, that the wall shall fall down from its very foundation; which was probably the case in every part, though large breaches in different places might have been amply sufficient first to admit the armed men, after whom the host might enter to destroy the city. There is no ground for the supposition that the walls sunk into the earth.

Isa 25:12; 30:25; 2Co 10:4,5; Heb 11:30

flat. Heb. under it.

Take up the ark.

8,13; 3:3,6; Ex 25:14; De 20:2-4; Ac 9:1

that is armed.

3; 1:14; 4:13

before the Lord.

3,4; Nu 32:20

and the rereward. Heb. gathering. host.

13; Nu 10:25; Isa 52:11; 58:8

any noise with your voice. Heb. your voice to be heard.

Isa 42:2; Mt 12:19

until the day.

2Sa 5:23,24; Isa 28:16; Lu 24:49; Ac 1:7


Joshua rose.

3:1; Ge 22:3

the priests.

6-8; De 31:25; Joh 2:5-8; 6:10,11; 9:6,7; Heb 11:7,8

went on.

1Ch 15:26; Mt 24:13; Ga 6:9


about the dawning.

Ps 119:147; Mt 28:1; 2Pe 1:19

only on that day.



5; Jud 7:20-22; 2Ch 13:15; 20:22,23

1 Chronicles 15:24

the priest.

16:6; Nu 10:8; 2Ch 5:12,13; Ps 81:13; Joe 2:1,15



1 Chronicles 16:6

with trumpets.

Nu 10:8; 2Ch 5:12,13; 13:12; 29:26-28

2 Chronicles 13:12-15


Nu 23:21; 1Sa 4:5-7; Isa 8:10; Zec 10:5; Ro 8:31

for our captain.

De 20:4; Jos 5:13-15; Ps 20:7; Heb 2:10

his priests.

Nu 10:8,9; 31:6; Jos 6:13-20

fight ye.

Job 15:25,26; 40:9; Isa 45:9; Jer 50:24; Ac 5:39; 9:4,5

ye shall not.

24:20; Nu 14:41; De 28:29; Job 9:4; Isa 54:17; Jer 2:37; Eze 17:9

an ambushment.

20:22; Jos 8:4; Pr 21:30; Jer 4:22

looked back.

Ex 14:10; Jos 8:20; Jud 20:33-43; 2Sa 10:8-14


14:11; 18:31; Ps 50:15; 91:5

the priests.


as the men.

20:21; Jos 6:16,20; Jud 7:18-22; Ps 47:1,5

God smote.

14:12; Nu 32:4; Jos 11:8; Jud 4:15; 2Ki 5:1; Ps 118:4-7; Isa 37:36
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