Numbers 33:35

Ezion-gaber.Dr. Shaw places this port on the western shore of the Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea. He says it is now called Meenah el Dsahab, or the golden port, by the Arabs; because it was from this place that Solomon sent his ships to Ophir. He supposes it to be about sixty miles from Sinai; and it is probable that it was near the present Accaba, i.e., the end (of the sea).

14:25; De 2:8; 1Ki 9:26; 22:48


2Ch 20:36

1 Kings 9:26-27

made a navy.

2Ch 8:12,17,18-11:4


22:48; Nu 33:35; De 2:8


2Ki 14:22

shore. Heb. lip.

his servants.

5:6,9; 22:49; 2Ch 20:36,37

1 Kings 22:48


2Ch 20:35,36-21:1

made ships. or, had ten ships.

10:22; 2Ch 9:21; Ps 48:7; Isa 2:16; 60:9; Jon 1:3

Tharshish.Josephus and the Chaldee and Arabic paraphrasts explain this place of Tarsus in Cilicia; the LXX., Theodoret, and Jerome, understand it of Carthage; but the learned Bochart makes it Tartessus, an island in the straits of Gades. Ibn Haukal describes Tarsousa as belonging to Andalus, or Andalusia; and Festus Avienus expressly says, {Hic Gadir urbs est dicta Tartessus prius,} "the city Cadiz was formerly called Tartessus."

to Ophir.

9:28; Ps 45:9

they went not.

2Ch 20:37; 25:7


9:26; Nu 33:35,36

2 Chronicles 20:36

And he joined."At first Jehoshaphat was unwilling, 1 Ki 22:28, 49."

Tarshish."Tarsos in the great sea," says the Targumist, by which is meant a a place in the Mediterranean, called the Great Sea by the Hebrews. See on

1Ki 10:22

Tharshish. Ezion-gaber.

1Ki 9:26

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